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DarkRP Agendas

Zhong Xina

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For those who don't know, DarkRP comes with agendas by default (small permanent text boxes in the upper left corner of the screen) that different groups of jobs have.


A few ones that I think would be useful on this server:


Police Agenda (definitely this, as it would end the annoying "WHAT'S THE CODE TO PD?!?!?!" every 10 seconds)

- Edited by the mayor

- Viewable by all police


King's Agenda

- Edited by the King

- Viewable by all King's Guards


Bloods/Crips Agenda

- Edited by the Leader of each gang

- Viewable by respective members


Bank Agenda

- Edited by the Bank Manager

- Viewable by all Bank Guards


While not all of these are that necessary, I definitely think the police should have one as it's the most heavily played class and a lot of miscommunication occurs without it. Mayor would be able to tell his cops what to do and they would have no excuse of not having seen it. Also, maybe duplicate the "darkrp admintell" console command and make a "darkrp tellcop" command which targets only cops. The mayor could use this to alert his cops of something. Obviously a chat command to replicate it would be ideal.

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well zucc makes a good point I remember playing on the server with a laptop and it being just fine and on a good pc its 3m to load into the server I dont think we should add to much shit to the server and make longer loading/download times for people on lower end pc thats if this is going to make any lag or more download time but if not it sounds like a good idea but id like to see what everyone else has to say before making a choice

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people would probably do stupid and racist things in their agendas.


That would be loggable and punishable.


The issue I want to bring up is that your hud always updates in real time. IIRC Sugar wanted to find a way to work around that since it uses up a lot of processing power, and there's even an option to disable the hud in !help to boost FPS.

I feel like adding it for the police wouldn't be too much of a stretch, the rest would be nice but not as necessary as a CP Agenda since the mayor can slap all the codes in there and he already has two big fancy panels that could make the job easier.

Do remember that all of those jobs can use group chat to communicate, I feel like that's the reason he chose to not include them in the first place.



As long as it isn't being drawn on your screen, it shouldn't effect you. Add an option in !help to just disable showing the agenda at all, separate from the "hide HUD" button.

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