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A timer and cooldown for lockdown

Mr Happykins

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Lockdowns are a key component of DarkRP that are never executed properly. The idea of banning "AOS during lockdown" is stupid as this is literally the basis of having lockdowns in the first place. In classic DarkRP, by default, lockdowns are AOS after police give a grace period for people to get into their homes.


That said, endless lockdowns are pointless. There should always be a legitimate RP reason for a lockdown (and not some bullshit like "a threat to the mayor's life") and should end by default after 10 minutes. If the CPs cannot quell the reason for a lockdown after 10 minutes, that's on them.


Why? Because we shouldn't be ruining the experience of ~80 other players because 10 cops can't do their jobs correctly. Sitting around inside waiting for a lockdown to end is stupid and pointless if there's no reason for the lockdown in the first place. Also, what do you do if your home is across the map but you just got released from jail? Either you camp in spawn or fight off dozens of trigger-happy cops on the way to your home. If the cops can't fix the problem after 10 minutes, that's their problem, not the majority of the server.


Also, remember that unfun almost never works. I think part of this is because the box is so small that many newer players don't even see it pop up, then factor in that a good majority of people don't even know how to switch to cursor mode - you only get an average of 8-12 yes votes. That's a problem for its own thread, though.


Revolting has a cooldown, and what do you do when some genius starts a revolt as a citizen with no weapons, runs right into the PD screaming "ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" and dies instantly? You can't unfun - because people like that don't even know how to vote yes, and you can't revolt again for another 10 minutes.


Endless lockdowns were fun at some point, because it started an RDM fest between raiders and CPs, and who doesn't love a little RDM fest once in a while? It comes down to an old saying - "give people an inch, they'll take a mile," and as a result, every single consecutive mayor will start a lockdown for no apparent reason because they think it's funny, and leave it running until they either die, change jobs, or leave. It was, and it still can be, but not when it's the only thing happening 24/7.


In short, 10 minute max length with a 20 minute cooldown.

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just stop the endless lockdowns quick do something I dont like it just played for 3hrs and it said lockdown on my screen the whole time made me get off and led me here. This will drive new players away if there just getting arrested on sight for walking out of spawn or being at fountain or just simply walking to there house.


A time limit to the lockdowns would be great and a cooldown

adding to the motd bad reason for a lockdown and good reasons for a lockdown

add to the motd clarifying this topic so mods can enforce it

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Lockdowns are a key component of DarkRP that are never executed properly. The idea of banning "AOS during lockdown" is stupid as this is literally the basis of having lockdowns in the first place. In classic DarkRP, by default, lockdowns are AOS after police give a grace period for people to get into their homes.


That said, endless lockdowns are pointless. There should always be a legitimate RP reason for a lockdown (and not some bullshit like "a threat to the mayor's life") and should end by default after 10 minutes. If the CPs cannot quell the reason for a lockdown after 10 minutes, that's on them.


Why? Because we shouldn't be ruining the experience of ~80 other players because 10 cops can't do their jobs correctly. Sitting around inside waiting for a lockdown to end is stupid and pointless if there's no reason for the lockdown in the first place. Also, what do you do if your home is across the map but you just got released from jail? Either you camp in spawn or fight off dozens of trigger-happy cops on the way to your home. If the cops can't fix the problem after 10 minutes, that's their problem, not the majority of the server.


Also, remember that unfun almost never works. I think part of this is because the box is so small that many newer players don't even see it pop up, then factor in that a good majority of people don't even know how to switch to cursor mode - you only get an average of 8-12 yes votes. That's a problem for its own thread, though.


Revolting has a cooldown, and what do you do when some genius starts a revolt as a citizen with no weapons, runs right into the PD screaming "ONE OF US! ONE OF US!" and dies instantly? You can't unfun - because people like that don't even know how to vote yes, and you can't revolt again for another 10 minutes.


Endless lockdowns were fun at some point, because it started an RDM fest between raiders and CPs, and who doesn't love a little RDM fest once in a while? It comes down to an old saying - "give people an inch, they'll take a mile," and as a result, every single consecutive mayor will start a lockdown for no apparent reason because they think it's funny, and leave it running until they either die, change jobs, or leave. It was, and it still can be, but not when it's the only thing happening 24/7.


In short, 10 minute max length with a 20 minute cooldown.


It also is kind of a problem that usually in that situation, most of the players who will vote are cops who will almost ALWAYS vote no for demoting a shitty cop. I completely agree with this. 10 min timer, 20 min cooldown.

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I'm going to try and be as unbiased as humanly possible with this.


Honestly the player in me says anyone who does this is only doing it to minge.


BUT in the MOTD it shows that making laws that cause players to leave the server aren't allowed. I believe we as staff need to look at it for what it is. If they put that law up then give a bullshit reason as crime is up and civilians have too many guns; take it for what it is and tell them to either remove the lockdown or to remove the law. It's somewhere in that category of legal minging but as this is server wide and basically makes like half the server want to leave I think it already isn't allowed and would just be another example of minging/FailRP in my honest opinion as a staff member

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Just unfun or revolt the mayor lmao. If there was a lockdown for “3 hours” as b money said surely you could just unfun or revolt them. And if they do vote him back in just do it again after grace period. Yes, it is tedious and annoying having to wait throughout the lockdown for the mans grace to be up, but if it’s some autismos just mayors assassin or pd raid his ass, if that fails revolt then unfun after that. I’ve never had this happen to me to be honest so I don’t know if it’s shit or if you can tolerate it but if it’s a shit mayor and no one likes him do something about it, if he has a shit ton of people on the server who dislike him unfun or revolt then elect yourself or get one of your friends to elect. If they truly disliked the mayor they wouldn’t vote for him. The cops probably would but it would at least make the mayor rewrite a shit ton of laws. Only thing I can see working here is just don’t allow shitty lockdown reasons. If they don’t add that rule do what I said to do before :)

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Just unfun or revolt the mayor lmao. If there was a lockdown for “3 hours” as b money said surely you could just unfun or revolt them. And if they do vote him back in just do it again after grace period. Yes, it is tedious and annoying having to wait throughout the lockdown for the mans grace to be up, but if it’s some autismos just mayors assassin or pd raid his ass, if that fails revolt then unfun after that. I’ve never had this happen to me to be honest so I don’t know if it’s shit or if you can tolerate it but if it’s a shit mayor and no one likes him do something about it, if he has a shit ton of people on the server who dislike him unfun or revolt then elect yourself or get one of your friends to elect. If they truly disliked the mayor they wouldn’t vote for him. The cops probably would but it would at least make the mayor rewrite a shit ton of laws. Only thing I can see working here is just don’t allow shitty lockdown reasons. If they don’t add that rule do what I said to do before :)


Except a huge chunk of the players on with a mayor like that will be cops, and they will almost ALWAYS vote no, or revote him in immediately which renders both those things useless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today, Minop the Mayor put like a 30 minute lockdown with no reason and half the playerbase keeps getting arrested for walking out of spawn.


It clogs up sits, it actually wastes staff's time, and half the playerbase is unhappy.


TIMER for lockdown please.

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