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A timer and cooldown for lockdown

Mr Happykins

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So basically today we got a couple of mayors would would make laws that lockdown would be up indefinetely and they would run 20 min long lockdowns and I think there should be a limit to that. Maybe 5 minutes? As well as maybe a 10 minute cooldown. What do you all think?

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THIS IS THE BIGGEST +1 I COULD GIVE FOR ANYTHING EVER. I think there also needs to be a set of rules of what is allowed for a lockdown, like most of the time it is just "increased crime" and the lockdown stays for half an hour while CP are AOSing everyone outside. I have had so many sits where I have had to argue for this and make it RP legit, but there comes a time when the lockdown has gone on for 30 minutes and is still for "increased crime" it is a little ridiculous. 


EDIT: I also thinks cops need to give people a chance to get inside after the lockdown has been called. Many cops just AOS right after the lockdown starting and that gives players no chance to get inside. 

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Suicide that won't help when he has an overwhelming police force who vote no, or immediately revote him in when he gets assassinated or killed in revolt. Fact is that it kills the experience when mayors do that. Yesterday I think that shit persisted for like 2 hours.

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It goes a bit beyond RP when you literally have outside AOS for 2 hours. At that point you aren't able to get back to your house without having to fight off a bunch of trigger-happy cops.

You need a valid reason for a lockdown and coming up with random bullshit falls into the realm of failRP, as well as allowing it to go on for way too long. A system needs to be in place, but these unwritten rules should be added to the MOTD first so staff can administrate these actions.

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Ab!zaga" timestamp="1576729878"]

As well as maybe a 10 minute cooldown. What do you all think?


So, as people know, when I am in a revolt, I like to press the lockdown button to lock the doors and prevent C4 from coming through during revolts.

A change like this would be good as it is nerfing possible outcomes (for example the revolt leader dying to C4).


The cool-down I am a bit neutral for, as it already has a mini cool-down in between, it's like nothing though.

Ab!zaga" timestamp="1576729878"]

I think there should be a limit to that. Maybe 5 minutes?

This I am for sure +1 for, to stop mayors from ear raping us with lockdown noises.

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