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General Map Change Questions


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So uh, I have some questions/suggestion about the new map change, so here I am posting a thread about it.



If you are any sort of question, feel free to post them, one day or another sugar should reply to them (if he wants)


Alright here I go





1.When the update should kick in?

2.Will everything change drastically?

3.What number of feature do you have/gonna give to the update?

4.Will you add the fishing addon I read somewhere?(I swear I remember something like that posted on the forums)

5.Will you change rules accordingly for this map? Like the megabasing rule so people dont glob an entire town (unless they are like 10???)?

6.Are you gonna change spawn point? and where will it be, will we have spawn protection?

7.What collection of cars will we have? since the map is HUGE we will need better traveling methods.

8.How does level works? Do we gain EXP by doing stuff or by playtime? 

9.From the video, we get access to new stuff by leveling up, like robbing the titsmart. Will we have new command except that to gain from leveling up? If so, what type of stuff do we get?

10.What would be the LvL limit?



1.We need fast traveling NPC'S, for average people buying a car is enough but for some lazy/new people, going from place to place is gonna be hard (Idk if you can, but if you could everyone would appreciate).

2.Dont sell armor pack, makes gun dealer NOT useful due to him making money out of it. AND makes armor WAY TOO EASY to get.Armor on spawn for everyone (not on spawn,but close to) means: Either you have armor or your dead.

3.A shit load of new car, and maybe some other stuff like a motorcycle??? (would be cool)

4.Have low $$$ car,medium $$$ car, and high $$$ car, so people can show off how rich they are.


6.Maybe make some easter egg stuff. Not giving out any sort of hint, but you could hide some cool stuff for us to find out.





That is all Im gonna ask for now.


1) I am a single man working on this. I am doing everything from making GUI's, NPC's, Entities, Optimization, a lot and lot of fixing for everything I am making and also making sure everything is working the way its supposed to. I am not trying to rush this update because this is seriously a turning point in how people perceive the server. I am also at school from 8 AM - 9 PM on Monday's so I can't work on anything then. Then from Tuesday - Thursdays I am usually slowly working on it becuase of other IRL stuff I must do. After that, I have been working on this update from 6 - 8 hours a day so far. I can't give you an accurate time frame since it really depends if I hit more roadblocks. I am going to say 1 - 2 weeks from this post.


2) Yes, like I said, this is seriously a turning point for the server. The way you get jobs, earn money and do everything around the city is going to be relatively more different that how it is now. 


3) I have no clue what you're asking


4) Yes, fishing will be in the server


5) A lot of rules are being rewritten right now. I have a changelog for everything that is being done to the rules so be sure to check there when the update hits.


6) Spawns are set on the map. There is no spawn protection since the map is too big. I don't think anyone is going to just spawn kill you.


7) There will probably be double the amount of cars we have now. I don't want too much since they are huge in file size and I don't want make them look ugly.


8) Levels currently works by doing tasks and activities. Cops earn XP for killing / arresting players. Players gain XP for fishing, harvesting, robbing, ect. Leveling is super barebones in how it works right now so I don't have too much info to give.


9) Leveling to rob the TitsMart guy is just an example. I don't think I want to restrict levels to being able to do tasks like that. I may rely it on RNG. Kinda like Fallout Style. For example if you're level is less than 10, you would have a 20% chance to successfully rob him. If you fail, he calls you on your bluff and you get wanted. If it's higher than 10 then you have a 50% chance, higher than 20, 70% chance and ect.


10) I don't know yet.



1) Yes, thats planned

2) Gun Dealers are not selling guns anymore like they used to. They make guns / armor now (which they can sell to players). I can make the market guy dynamically change so don't worry too much.

3) I don't think there are motorcycles in gmod except for Scars which we don't use

4) Yes

5) Yes

6) Sure

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I seriously think, if possible, we get a tractor trailer mod and make use of the various loading bays around v33x. It would be interesting to see players attempting to hijack these trucks in an attempt to make more cash.


Also I want an excuse to drive a big ass truck into town and annoy people with the horn.

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I seriously think, if possible, we get a tractor trailer mod and make use of the various loading bays around v33x. It would be interesting to see players attempting to hijack these trucks in an attempt to make more cash.


Also I want an excuse to drive a big ass truck into town and annoy people with the horn.


Yes, that is planned


Maybe we could get a custom loading screen that showcases different parts of the map. I saw it on a server once and it was cool

Yea, I did that already

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I seriously think, if possible, we get a tractor trailer mod and make use of the various loading bays around v33x. It would be interesting to see players attempting to hijack these trucks in an attempt to make more cash.


Also I want an excuse to drive a big ass truck into town and annoy people with the horn.


Yes, that is planned


Maybe we could get a custom loading screen that showcases different parts of the map. I saw it on a server once and it was cool

Yea, I did that already


Beautiful, I can't wait! :D

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After making the harvesting system, I decided to do some more work on a F1 Menu GUI. I'm curious, does this seem helpful? I want to go for a minimal hud look so having an information screen with a press of a button seems helpful to me. I am looking for some kind of design concept since I don't know how I can make this looks visually appealing. As of right now, it looks like this




Still early but the icons, font, positioning is not final. Also the best thing, it doesn't impact FPS!

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After making the harvesting system, I decided to do some more work on a F1 Menu GUI. I'm curious, does this seem helpful? I want to go for a minimal hud look so having an information screen with a press of a button seems helpful to me. I am looking for some kind of design concept since I don't know how I can make this looks visually appealing. As of right now, it looks like this




Still early but the icons, font, positioning is not final. Also the best thing, it doesn't impact FPS!

this looks amazing! i think the "minimal hud" idea is great too. i also love the drivers licens thing and the gun license i think those 2 implements will make the police job way more desirable  :)

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Back when SovietRP was still active, the cops there had a radio system that allowed them to communicate with each other from far away. With 33x being a larger map than the modified 1942RP map that Soviet used, I think one of these systems could benefit people who need to talk quickly without chat.

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