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  • Birthday 08/13/1873


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    Las Vegas


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  1. https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/5CA4/ not even staff just wanted to try it ig
  2. IGN: Fish Discord: ŦƗΜΜ¥#6969 (have to copy and paste) Favorite Candy: Kitkat
  3. Funny how you get on, talk shit to staff, then cry when your sit doesn’t get taken. Man is mad because he got demoted a second time so he has to take his anger out on someone that told him he should apply again. (While I was still VIP)
  4. Big Boi +1 Makes sense and I understand what your saying
  5. Cute Fish suggestions: Laws: 1.I have a couple of suggestions regarding Laws. I have been in a lot of sits because I thought someone was RDAing and then it turns out that it was a stupid law that I didn't know about. I think that you should make it so the laws show up in the top right or left or wherever you decide to put it because people usually don't decide to do !laws and check out the laws. They usually (Like me) are in there base not paying attention or they go and RP and don't know what the laws are and they get arrested and get mad and call a sit which waste staffs time to handle sits, RPing, etc. This would be a huge help because I see a lot of people including me calling sits because they didn't know what the laws are. Partys. 1.ve a suggestion for the Party's. I feel like maybe you should be able to move the Party Hud somewhere else (Ex: They click on the party Hud on the middle left of the screen and are able to drag it across to a different area). I feel like this should be added because I don't like where it is and sometimes it gets in the way and distracts me when I am playing. 2. I think you should make the party limit 8-10 maximum players because a lot of the time I see people making party's for clans, friends, events, etc. And even me and my friends when we play there's a lot of us on the same team/discord and we want to be in a party together so we can protects each other etc and we don't have enough room for all of us to be in the same party and it gets confusing because sometimes we can't protect each other (Counter the other people that aren't in the party) and it gets really complicated because if they are in your party and you see them get killed you are allowed to protect them but if the party is full you can't. 3. I think that you should either remove the circle (Mark when you click on the player in your party it shows that circle) or add a Dot to indicate that they are on your party. A lot of the time when you are looking at the player in your party from a distance it is hard to see the ring/circle underneath them. It makes it easier to tell where that party member is. A example would be if you are a Bounty Hunter and you can see the dot through the walls/on the person. It would be like this except it would be above their heads. Bounty Hunter job (Concern/Suggestion) 1.'s either a glitch or something went wrong with the Bounty hunter job when I look at a different player that's a bounty hunter job when I am playing it shows that the Job color is white. There isn't really anything wrong with it except sometimes I get confused when looking at it. 2. (Main Concern) When I am a bounty hunter job and I try to find my target it sometimes doesn't show the target (Dot) and I can't find them. This causes the job to be hard because if you don't get the bounty you have to wait for a while until it is a new bounty. This can mess players up when trying to go for the leaderboard status and try to get the rewards. Thanks!
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