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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Crabroll

  1. it doesnt hurt my eyes
  2. First thing i got on my cc was technically a custom model + molotovs :3. Some people just wanna watch the world burn.
  3. See even sugar gets it. You GOTTA kiss your homies goodnight. Otherwise you mind as well send em to satan.
  4. [align=center]Do you guys kiss your homies goodnight or no Why or Why not?[/align]
  5. +1 deadass was just asking succ and mads about color blind people
  6. Keep lockdowns for pd raids, or terrorist attacks. This is darkrp wtf is increased crime. Its all based on crime anyways
  7. Just set up an obs and set up a video cam behind urself to make sure ur catching everything then mail the tape to plutori
  8. Its how it is, people can fuck with you as long as they wait for the right cooldowns and stay within the rules. You really need to be on your guard and record everything against these fucking gmod lawyers. But honestly, all you can do is feel sorry for these people cuz they probably were raised up in some fucked up scenario causing them to act like this.
  9. demote jack Your gang might be dead, there are other gangs that are alive and do things together
  10. For arrest/fining maybe u can just pick from a list of like : Law 1, law 2.... other than that +1 gayass ideas
  11. If any of u mofos are still holding on to sbc cannons, sell em to me. Im trying to buy as many as there are. For reasons
  12. oh why didnt anyone tell me that rubik ur the best :kisyface:
  13. as if people play hobo now omegalul besides from the fact that it forces people who want to micspam to be on it hobo even now is pretty shit for what u can do with it, it needs more direction and bone suck my dick
  14. Hm? see idc if ur fucking with ur own shit, im protecting my customers so dont drag my model into your bs
  15. WHy did we changing something good cuz a couple stinky heads cried and dont know how to use mute :| or go to another part of the map
  16. [align=center]Bring back Micspamming for CC's :( I want to play my weeb music using my weeb models dancing my sexi weeb dances :( If im a hobo i dont get to play weeb music, i resort to earrape :([/align]
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