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Knifu Waifu


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Knifu Waifu

  1. Topic of Suggestion: Dispatcher Reason For Suggestion: So Very recently I have been starting to Rp as a CP again, issuing warrants, getting rid of bounties and what not, guarding Mayor, etc... When a thought came to my mind. I started releasing APB's and BOLO's ( All-Point Bulletin ) which is basically for the CP team to know WHO they are looking for and giving that extra layer of CP. What I want to have happen with the Dispatcher class is something like the CP Commander, but ACTUAL RP. I would like the Dispatcher to have a custom CP Menu which is exclusively making warrants, giving APB's on people and issuing Warrants for arrests. The Dispatcher wouldnt have access to any weapons. ONLY a stun stick, and handcuffs. Mayor's Assassin WOULDN'T/CANT disguise or be able to look like the Dispatcher. The Dispatchers office would be placed in the one room in the PD not being used, the storage closet. It would be redesigned to look like a computer or "HUB" For the CP team. [attachment=1080][attachment=1081]
  2. I dont really use Micheal that much but a buff to a legacy job doesnt seem like it would be a bad idea, especially the one you are pitching. +1 Micheal Suggestion. To the Custom Class market idea I wouldnt really care to be honest, It seems fine but it could help newer people find what they are looking for instead of asking specific people "What sweps do you have"
  3. I also agree to a certain point, smaller models shouldn't be able to kidnap as the hitboxes are smaller then the normal ones. Can't raid as a smaller model so why can you kidnap?
  4. Oh absolutely. Races could be one, possibly around a made trade in Staff Land or on the streets? Murderer? (Basically Just like the G-mod version. One person has a knife, the other a revolver or desert eagle) Get Crafty. But most certainly like the idea of more events
  5. Possibly make it so CP's could arrest or fine hobo's who "dumpster dive" Cool Idea
  6. There should be a device that either makes it so you dont drown ( The easiest and laziest route to doing this suggestion ) in the water so people can make underwater areas, basically I want to make a underwater chill place thats surrounded by water and sharks and what not. Bye bye. My laziest suggestion
  7. That makes sense as for one, it only has one slot for the class. And it also like a elite gun dealer. They should also be able to sell CSGO knives
  8. So basically we should have another plant within the game that could benefit rp situations as well as add more crafting materials that can add to the amount of time getting certain items such as C4 or a Mat. Bomb a tad bit harder to obtain. We should have Sugar Cane that are able to be planted by another farmer around the sandiness of the newly added islands that litter the now beautiful water.
  9. I completely agree with this post. Staff members who are online should be concerned for the well being of the players. I am not saying that Staff members should be on the clock 24/7 and open to taking sits. But sits should't be ignored completely by active staff members that are on the server. The player's happiness is our happiness. Make sure they're happy.
  10. Just a FYI. The radio operator wouldn't have access to anything other then the new item "RADIO" which is placed and can be heard when near it. Not all comments need to be said :p
  11. Well i want my suggestions to be added to rp. But thankie
  12. It wouldnt be one that takes pictures, It'd be a live footage
  13. Topic Of Suggestion: Newer Player Base There is a room in spawn thats doors are un-ownable. You know the one. [attachment=1066] [attachment=1067] [attachment=1068] Anyways my suggestion is as follows. The players in general are what makes the staff team the staff team. Because with no players there would be no reason to have the staff team. So what My suggestion is, is that we use this building as a little... Information Center. One with NPC's as well as a willing staff member to stay in there the majority of the time they're online. The NPC's would be there to inform players on certain classes. These classes would include "Gun Dealer", "Civil Protection", "Theifs and Raiding Classes", "Chef", yada yada. The NPC's would present links to the forums (Someone would need to make a small 1 minute guide on all of the classes Sugar plans on putting in) and then the Staff member, OR volunteers from the community who are experienced with classes could contribute to make sure that newer players are being led on a happy path, one in which they know how to perform the actions of each class and not just aimlessly running around with no clue what to do. Note: Newer players DONT have to come to this room and learn, but those who want to should know where it is and the Rooms door should have a nice colorful sign to draw the attention of said players. Okay Bye Bye
  14. Topic Of Suggestion: New Job Radio man Its basically just a person who stands infront of a new entity "Radio Mic" and "radios" can be bought and you can listen to what is said in the proximity of the mic. ez pz bye bye
  15. Topic Of Suggestion: News Station In Discord (maybe possible job) So I just want a channel in discord to be added that basically, in its pure and true form, tell the news of the server. Who's been banned, Any interesting things (Like Yoshi's family+ driving on a car) Other from the discord suggestion. A Literal "News Reporter" job should be added in. This job would include 2 new jobs, each job only having 1 slot. The first job Idea is the camera man. They basically just follow around the news reporter. And the news reporter would basically just walk around and do skits or role play. Hint: The broadcast could be seen on specially bought Tv's.
  16. Make A Class To Combat The Sharks And Crabs And Protect The Citizens Of Tits Rp. And make it a scuba diving class with some cool underwater gun or something. A harpoon gun? Maybe
  17. I hope this isn't it. You were and have been a extremely good friend to me whether I was listening to what you said or not when you talked to me. Please reconsider
  18. The Tits Rp Staff team will work together to find a reliable way to make sure that in the future this doesn't happen and players don't lose valuable items or entities from those who wish to not abide by the rules laid out by said Staff Team. 10/10 Suggestion
  19. I just wanted to check up on anyone WhoJustSoHappens to be on the forums and looking. How are you?
  20. Because if we can stop people from using ONE way of rdming or minging people why not do it?
  21. This isn’t going to be a tremendously long post, but. CP classes should be locked behind a certain time window, so people can’t get on and immediately have access to a class that has a gun as well as full armor. Bye bye
  22. Topic of Reinforcement Suggestion: Craft-able Weapons So basically this is going to be a real short suggestion. BASICALLY its just weapon parts in which you can collect [ Through whatever means you want ] And then create Legendary, Epic, Rare weapons with them. Now with how you make these weapons you can take two paths. Path 1: You could just make it so theres only one craft-able thing called "Weapon Parts" and Legendaries need more to create, epics in the middle and rares like 1-3 Path 2: You could make it so Legendary weapon parts are low drop rates, epics are medium and rares are common. Side Note: You could also make it so if you combine enough rare parts you can make epics, and epics to legendaries. Okay Bye Bye
  23. Topic Of Suggestion: Books You heard me Ladies, Gentlemen, Fishies, And the sort. Books. Now this suggestion can be summed up into a few things. One: In order to craft certain things you will need a book ( That once you "read" aka clicked e on it you'd permanently have that "Knowledge" ) in order to craft things. Example: Say you want to craft a makeshift time bomb. IN ORDER to craft it you would not only need the materials and crafting table. But you'd also need a book for explosives and technology (?) Thats basically it for the suggestion. A husk of one anyways with a starter on what could happen. Okay bye bye
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