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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Just don't be stupid.
  2. Holy crap I remember his day. Good times goooood times
  3. If you think your ban is fully wrong and like you think he is abusing the power he has and continuously false banning you you can make a report I guess but you would need evidence!!
  4. I disagree For the chess Totally didn't do this to piss you off.
  5. Was supposed to be a snake emoji up top there not a question mark.
  6. That's a nice thought but it takes a month + in most cases for mod applications to be accepted, I know mine has taken a month so far. (Not bitching or trying to get my app looked at, but in general it seems to take ages.) *However in fairness bad apps are denied quickly enough, it's accepting them that's the problem. If I'm wrong and missing something, feel free to correct me. *Addendum: I also understand that a lot of people apply for mod, so getting around to it can take time, but my point still stands The thing with mod apps is moderators can Denie a application if either they don't have enough hours or they have permission from a admin to denie a application. In accepting them only admins do so because they are the only ones that can promote them either way. Usually admins just do a giant sweep of them
  7. My slug shotgun does like 10 damage and if you get lucky it does 80.... it does both too little damage and too much
  8. Ghost

    My cc

    Custom models are 60M in game cash or about $25 irl money. I don't think you can buy player slots. Pm sugar on discord
  9. i would like to allie with you as the leader of the TP gang. we will provide help in raids, giving you first dibbs on us selling our processors and such if you are basing, protecting you when you are being raided. please take us into consideration. we ask for the same conditions in return not raiding eachother is a given.
  10. Ghost

    a break?

    Tbh I've been on everyday since I started the server for a decent amount of hours too. You can like check my game tracker
  11. Ghost

    a break?

    who are those people? You always know how to give a good kick to things man lmao it's either zesh or something else
  12. Ghost

    a break?

    You aren't someone that has changed. It's more or less the older people as to when I started playing. You are older but not to me.
  13. Ghost

    a break?

    I said a lot not all silly. You just get mad when I say you flirt with diagonal o_0 Issa joke
  14. Ghost

    a break?

    im taking a few days off the server, people just arent who they used to be anymore... i feel that a lot of people have changed on the server and i find it hard to even have fun with these people. this isn't gonna be along break but hopefully long enough. for me to be able to find the old person i had known on the server. i guess thanks to the people that haven't really changed and im still able to have fun with. piklas piixel cicada peanut butter dindu the only people i havent seen a switch from. props to you three and ill be back hopefully soon. i also feel alot of players have become toxic but thats none of my buisness *sips tea*
  15. mhmmmm "DIDNT KNOW" mhmmmm keep it up mr.president. Doing real good keeping the server clean of mass rdmers. (JK Love you) No like I'm serious even tho u said jk at the end I actually didn't know they do shit like that. Someone had explained after on what they actually do so now I know it was a minor incident in the past
  16. I DIDNT KNOW GMOD UTUBER JUST MASS RDM HAVE MERCY I don't watch gmod YouTube videos. I see it as a waste of time. I've watched one before and they did like a series on the server of them like grinding and shit I helped in the banning of him anyways
  17. hecko! I'm fairly new. I've Been around the community here for a couple months now. Welcome back. (No i am not the original mr president. My ign is TP Ghost)
  18. I already gave you rep papaa Dictator ghost
  19. I'm reporting you for impersonating a officer of the law sir. Checkmate.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5CW31ZtFL8
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