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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by chud

  1. I would not enjoy having 100k randomly yoinked from my inventory. Taxes are bad enough as is.
  2. That's just something that gmod does when loading in. If you wait a few seconds the message will go away and you'll be able to play.
  3. Happy birthday, Spartan, I hope your birthday was very good
  4. chud

    Gang CC help.

    Yeah, Rubik will help you with that. Don't worry, he won't bite that much.
  5. Hi, This is stupid. I have 900 mil and i'm not losing it to some idiot mugger. Complete -1 and I am in support of banning sexnuts from the forums indefinitely.
  6. Sounds like a cool gang, best of luck!
  7. I would prefer the last option. Don't forget to highlight the false ban of a community member recently.
  8. nice faked evidence

  9. Honestly man, Defend the bank event definitely makes playing cp a lot better. If you don't want to participate in the event then just stay out of pd or switch jobs.
  10. why is there a paper plate in your trashcan and why the fuck are you eating in your bathroom
  11. You can already put images/gifs in your posts, so just find a png of the emote you want to use.
  12. Correct me if i'm wrong but couldn't you just use logs to find out which bird shit on you? If not, there's not usually too many birds around, it should be pretty easy to figure out who took a shit on you lol
  13. Same here, if this is a spot that was missed when setting up spawn protection it should probably be fixed lol. +1
  14. I just use it because its funny to do the robot while fucking someone up
  15. huge +1 to fix, this is broken.
  16. Actually, you know what, moving changes where your hitbox is, so lets make moving not allowed either
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