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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Karmahunter

  1. I took this picture at MEPS! I'm amazed you have a 3 year old picture of my foot.
  2. Didn't want to have to reply on this but seeing as he's not going to write exactly what and why he was warned I will. Situation 1 is correct enough, I did warn him for situation 2 aswell, revolt had ended and he continued to shoot at and kill a cop. He wouldn't have got this warning due to it literally being 16 seconds after revolt ended but he piped up and started to say some stuff about "I don't care about what a t mod has to say blah blah blah" so the disrespect was what pushed the warning to happen otherwise it would've been a verbal. Let's not forget the two times he attempted to rdm me and I let him off the hook because I could tell he was heated and didn't want to provoke it anymore.
  3. Get out of here booper. You resigned 10 times.
  4. Welcome to the server, idiot. Fuck you.
  5. You realize this is highly immature and I would normally yell at players for any Nazi/Racist propaganda like this. Think twice about this gang name.
  6. I'll appreciate sugar when he fixes my cc :ANGERY:
  7. Leave. Get out while you still can.
  8. Karmahunter, I'll also send dick pics for sweps.
  9. Can you bust a warn on this guy for shitpost?
  10. I'm like 1/3 of the way to $1000 wheres my headadmin
  11. We can ask you anything? can you unban me from discord or nah?
  12. Honestly, the only issue with one-ways is crouch bases. You can't even place a C4 to get in without getting wrecked.
  13. I'm calling the police. See you when you get back boi
  14. ^ This, You have no idea how many people run into PD, turn into a chair and then when you go to throw them out they just run back in and go back into the chair.
  15. Reload while shooting it. Thing shoots faster than your ripper.
  16. Maybe he needs to check the damage again, Pigsalot literally slaughtered us with it. And there is no way he would allow that fire rate.
  17. Bug Description: If you reload with the MW3 Striker while shooting it shoots like a machine gun, I know this is already known but this gun is a whole new level of broken. How to reproduce: Reloading while shooting, it shoots super fast. Priority: Medium/maybe high is they abuse it
  18. As the title says, I need someone competent to do a small playermodel job for me. There will be money involved of course, not a lot since i'm a broke student. But like $5 or you can do whatever you want with the 14$ on my steam wallet. Basically the job would include making this image, into a player model. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/487233249014345730/d1cWbmYD.jpeg Do it you fools. Also, here's some more pictures for reference on his body type, etc. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/strike-the-blood/images/d/d9/Kojou_Akatsuki_F.png/revision/latest?cb=20150530123835 https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0c/8f/ea/0c8feabb8e5d85f70d309cfd50750f31.jpg Good luck. (also prices are negotiable. i'm not that broke but don't want to pay a fortune for a mostly simple job. I don't want it to look shitty, so payment is adjustable.)
  19. Pull out your toolgun, go to buddies and then hold C and from that small little menu it gives you, you should be able to click a little switch to enable buddy
  20. why are you helping two people break into your safe is this not some kind of FailRP? You're job is solely to keep their money safe.
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