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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/22 in Posts

  1. After speaking with several community members about this in the discord, I noticed it's a pretty unanimously recognized problem, the bank is toast. I've heard members even say that they've afked the bank for days just to go to bed and see it at $0 the next morning. I've made this post twice before but I didn't bring any solutions to the table but this time I will, so lets cut the shit and get down to brass tacks. The Problem is that the Bank is always at $0 and players have little power to fix the issue themselves, as a community we have tried and failed, the reason being is that five defenders working together for two or three days can have their entire progress reset by one raid in 10 minutes. My proposed solution: Removing or significantly raising the cap on how much money can be invested and increasing the interest rates by a bit. Afterall, this is how banks work in real life, the more money in the bank the more interest you build over time, however of course you have a chance of losing money to a bank raid this is where part two of my proposed solution comes into play, Incentivizing bank guards for their effort. What is the best incentive for getting players to play a job, well we don't have to look far to figure that out; just look at the single most played job on the server, I have seen up to 9 players on shipwreck diver at once despite it being capped at 2, the reason being obvious, exp. Incentivize bank guards and managers by giving them copious amounts of exp, it should give more exp than even diver, after all you would literally be responsible for the whole servers money, give additional incentive for doing a good job, and punish/reduce the exp and rewards for guards doing a bad job, on top of that defending a raid should have huge exp/money payouts itself. Chesmond also made a good point when it comes to how you could just raid the bank again 20 minutes after your first raid until the entire thing is empty, and we both agreed it would be much healthier if you were completely unable to rob the bank when it is below a certain threshold, for example 5 mil, if the bank is below 5 mil you cannot raid it at all, this way it will always have enough money in it to start to recover, and secondly only allowing 1 successful raid per player per day like force drop. All around bringing incentives higher for raiders, defenders and investors alike. tl;dr - Raise investment cap to 10,000,000 - 100,000,000 from 75,000 per player or no cap at all - Reward Bank Managers and Guards with a significant amount of exp - Reduce raids per day from ∞ to 1 - Do not allow raids to reduce the vault to $0 As always, feel free to leave comments on this, if you have any other ideas that might help the development team fix our giant empty room with a vault door I may edit them into this post.
    3 points
  2. Staff Tips: Go easy on new players. Education over punishment. Don't punish multiple times for multiple rule breaks in one act, punish once, and the user should learn from it. If they don't, punish them again. Only Verbal Warnings or !warns should be given when it was an accident. If X is done three or more times it is considered "mass X". Keep your ban reasons professional. No personal comments from yourself or quotes from the banned player is allowed. Any context surrounding the ban is fine. Good example of a ban message: "MNLR | FailRP | Kept interfering in raids as sewer lord". Bad example of a ban message: "ARDM, learn how to aim shitter" Requesting a ban to be extended is easy. Add your name to the ban reason and how long you would like the extension to be. Example: "Extend to [TIME] for [YOUR NAME] | Ban Reason" Do not kick/ban/warn/continue a sit on a user when they are AFK. You must either keep them in sit land or return them to the main land and watch them. If they are fake AFKing it will be obvious, and you may punish once it is obvious they are doing so to avoid punishment. If a user has been banned previously within less than a month ago for the same punishment their ban should be increased to a longer length, there can be exceptions for serious cases. The chain of punishment is as follows: Verbal Warning --> Warning/Gag/Mute --> Kick/Jail --> Ban --> Perm Ban Ban times are reasons are at the discretion of the banning staff. This is only a guide for reference. (RDM) Falsely killing someone (NLR) New Life Rule (RDA) Falsely Arresting/Wanting someone Stun-gun Abuse / Job Abuse (Harassment) Disrespecting / Threatening (FailRP) Not role-playing properly or as chosen job Exploiting/Hacking (FDA) Fading Door Abuse (Spamming) Chat (Prop Abuse) General Prop Abuse FailBasing Repeat Offence in short time span (Continue After Warned) (LTAP) Leaving to avoid punishment (Crashing Server) Attempting to lag or crash the server Player Toxicity Personal Info Leaking NSFW Alting Anti-Semitic Propaganda / Nazi Dupes Abuse of voteban / votekick
    1 point
  3. There is a tool in the Q menu called "Shadow Remover". Try that!
    1 point
  4. nigga you all are just shit at defending bases stop complaining that shit is op you're just bad.
    1 point
  5. Though it be a small victory, I want the community to remember this. In our day and age a vast portion of people have begun to slip into a delusional acceptance of sexuality as the forefront of their identity. If your idea of who you are as a person is solely associated to your sexual orientation or fetishes you are one of many severely misguided by internet culture. It is not quirky or unique to get in everyone's face about your sexual exploits, nobody wants to hear or see it and it is rude to assume that they do. Sexual preferences are to be shared with sexual partners, not flaunted as 'personality traits'. If you find yourself being called out by this post I am literally begging you, do more with yourself, be an actual person, make an impact in the world, do something, be someone that isn't completely centered around your sexual desires. I wholeheartedly believe it to be possible for anyone of any background or sexuality to be a successful and upstanding individual given that you do not allow these things to rule you. There is a time and place for everything, virtue is dictated not by what you do but in which moment you choose to do it. And to the people in our community who remain humble, courteous and self respecting, to those among you who lead a life that isn't completely centered in your own selfish needs, thank you. You are the people who in decency, being exactly as you are make this world a more livable place, never allowing primal excuses for human beings to outshine your virtue. Thank you, for the goodness that shows forth in you. - Love Minge Man
    1 point
  6. Easy solution for everyone who finds this post relevant to them: don’t be a cringe PD player or even worse, a PD main this way, there is no reason to cry and get upset
    1 point
  7. I dont think insulting people is adding very much to the discussion. It's only a suggestion. If you don't like the suggestion just say why instead of getting ur panties in a twist. DBAA
    -1 points
  8. Something that would be helpful is maybe an interface for the things where you buy fishing poles, and in that interface is a slider or something where you enter how many fishing poles you wanna buy My main reason for this is basically, you buy one-try to holster it-"weapon was just created" cooldown, you inventory it, rinse and repeat, it takes an excessive amount of time to buy fishing poles in bulk might seem pointless but with all the recent interface stuff happening and also little features, a slider to buy fishing poles in bulk wouldnt do any harm (especially with that ability to turn off anime models and furry models being added, that basically means anything pointless can be added)
    -1 points
  9. People be saying "Just buy a base dupe". How about the new players who can't afford it and can't get the money because they are being raided with C4s. The problem is that nobody new joins and stays because the people on top raid and bully the newbies. And then the newbies never return. (C4 abusers celebrating after ruining a level 1's base)
    -1 points
  10. It seems like C4 is overpowered beyod all hell. One C4 destroys the entire defense of a base with no ability for the desytroyed base to be repaired. Either the blast radius of a C4 should be reduced or the C4 needs to become more expensive. The ability to completely destroy someone's base shouldn't be 100k. I had an interaction yesterday that basically cemented this idea. I was building a base (with the building sign) and some asshole decides to raid me and uses C4 and destroyed the base I had spent about 30 minutes trying to get right. Did the programmers play test the C4? It's like it was put into the server to bully low level farmers and people who are building. (The people who C4 bases with building signs pictured above)
    -1 points
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