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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/24 in Posts

  1. • removed FTC = Failure to Comply
    1 point
  2. Staff can view things that people equip, so if someone is back to back equipping flash grenades and they're getting reports of someone spamming them, they can be told to stop. Don't forget that birds also have a perk to shit nades so if it's triple xp time for birds and they ALL have the perk... yeah you're going to get flashbanged. The item suggestion for sunglasses is pretty nifty though. Perhaps a future Battlepass item...?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. [Satan]: Hello, I am the Lord of Fire but here is $25,000 cash.
    0 points
  5. My name is stubio aka name aka explosion aka bio aka idk a lot of shit. Terrry is an awful player, an awful staff member and an awful human being in general. He has single-handedly ruined the player experience for me and a countless amount of others. My inventory will be given out to the public including my ghost pet, dragon pet, enderman pet, etc in 2 weeks once my false-ban is over. Thank you for the fun times, but it is not worth it anymore.
    -1 points
  6. Trial Mod Training Sheet Give this to the TMod so they can follow along! NOTE: Make sure to explain that they need to be active on forums and discord. If they have a ban appeal/report on them then they are usually notified in discord. Make sure they are aware of all of the moderator guidelines found HERE and make sure they are familiar with the Punishment Guidelines found HERE. There is also the sit guidelines which is found HERE. Tell them that it is recommended they go through this in their own time, it will only help them in their brand new staff position. Let the TMod know to check pinned staff announcements for any context to rule changes and various other important things. Have them set up all the binds listed below and test them with you: bind [key] "ulx menu" bind [key] "slogs" bind [key] "ulx return @" bind f8 "unbind v" bind f9 "bind v noclip" [*]Go over all the different terminologies with the trainee and when/how they should be using them RDM = Random death match RDA = Random arrest NITRP = No intention to role play LTAP = Leaving to avoid punishment FDA = Fading door abuse CNTAP = Changing name to avoid punishment Prefixes: I = Intentional A = Attempted R = Revenge M = Mass [*]Talk in admin chat by doing @ (message) Explain to them that this chat can be used to ask questions regarding staff situations, rules, punishment, or to just shoot the shit. It's an OOC for staff. [*]Show them their new fancy admin tools If they don’t have them, forcerespawn them, and they should have them. If they still don’t have them, get them to relog. The Admin Stick Teach them about the various operating modes they can access by right-clicking. Put the fear of god into them about the “force remove ent” option on their stick. It will remove literally everything, including NPCs and entities like the PD screen, doors, or portals. Make sure they are careful. If they do remove an entity, make sure they know to contact an Admin immediately. The Admin Keypad Checker Spawn a fading door and spawn down a couple keypads with the same activation key as the fading door. Get them to first click on the fading door to draw the lines to the keypads. Get them to right click to clear the tool, then get them to click on the keypad to show how long it is open for and which fading door(s) it controls. Give them an example of when they would use the Keypad Checker. [*]Go over the ULX menu and commands If there is another TMod on, ask them to tp to you, if there is not one online, ask for a volunteer in ooc. Have the Trial Mod you are training test out most of these commands on the other Trial Mod/Volunteer. Have them find their name in tab menu and copy their SteamID. Obviously do not have them test warn, addnote, ban, or kick on the volunteer. (Make sure to include scenarios on when to use commands as you go through them) Have them test these commands out on the other TMod/Volunteer !sit - This command will bring the staff member into the Sit Land. !jailtp - This command is a combination of the !bring and !jail command, it will bring them to you and jail them simultaneously !jail / !unjail - This command is used to put people inside of a prop jail, it will set their spawnpoint to inside the jail as well. !bring - Used to bring players to your current location. !goto - Used to teleport to someone. !return - Used to return a player to their original location if they were brought. !gigamute / !ungigamute - This command stops a player from being able to send text messages and use voice chat !spectate - This command allows you to spectate a player and hear all voice chat as if you were the player you are spectating !shownlr - Use this command to show the position of death for the victim and the position of the killer. !freeze / !unfreeze - This command is used to Freeze a player where they stand. !noclip - This command will put you into noclip mode !stopvote / !endvote - Use this command to stop a voteban or votekick started by a community member. !slogs - When doing this command, a menu will appear that will have multiple tabs. !menu - This command will bring up the ulx menu. !strip - This command will strip players of all of their weapons/sweps !forcerespawn - Use this command to force respawn a player Do not have them test these commands! The volunteer should have been forcerespawned by now so they can go back to roleplaying. !nolag - This command will freeze all props on the server. !refreshrevolt - This command will reset the timer on the !startrevolt command for players !forceskip - Use this command to skip a video playing in the theater !cpban - This command will ban a player from being any cop job *Explain for gigamute and cpban that they can put a number after the steamID, this will gigamute/cpban them for that many minutes.* !addnote - Use this command to add a note to a players !warn profile. This is also used to document gigamutes or cpbans. !warn - Use this command to warn a player if the punishment guidelines/situation calls for it. !kick - This command is used to forcefully disconnect a player from the server. !xban - This command pops up a ban menu, you can then fill it out and ban a player. (For Training Staff member: Explain to them how to fill it out, and how to ask for an extend if the ban is more than one day) [*]Teach them about the different ways to ban someone and let them decide which way they prefer. Through ULX menu Console: “ulx ban” & “ulx banid” Chat “!banid” & “!ban” !xban - they should be using this as its the most accurate banning tool. [*]Unbanning: In order to unban someone as TMod you must contact a Mod+ to try and get them unbanned. If you do not get a response within 10-20 minutes and you accidentally banned the wrong person, you may ban the person for 1 minute for the reason “Accidental Ban/Unban'' then make sure to contact an Admin to get the bans removed from their record. The reason we want you to try to get a hold of a mod+ first is because they have access to unban any user that has been banned, it also does not add another ban on their record. If you banned someone for the wrong time it is not as much of an issue, you can be more patient with waiting for a response from a mod+. You should only be unbanning a player if you either accidentally banned them, or you are requested to unban a SteamID by a Senior Moderator+. [*]How-to NOT mess something up: How to not mess up and make half the server noclip or jailed: Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names instead of SteamID’s for a punitive command, i.e: bans, warns, jail, etc… If you are going to type out their name, after the first three letters you can press tab and it will autofill with their name. Only use names for non-punitive commands! I.e: bring, goto, spectate, shownlr, etc… Make sure no one is faking their name similar to another player (E.G. Coconut Overflow vs Coconut Overfiow) This would be CNTAP. [*]Kicking/banning themselves/Misuse of staff tools NO STAFF MEMBERS SHOULD BE RANDOMLY KICKING, BANNING, ETC. THEMSELVES Do not use staff tools for non-staff purposes. (Example: freezing people in spawn for no reason or phys gunning your friend for a joke in public) Do not abuse any of your staff tools, especially noclip. Noclip abuse will result in a swift demotion, it’s ok if you make a mistake and accidentally hit your bind, however, just press your f8 key to disable noclip when you are not in a staff situation. If you need to use noclip for the purpose of assisting a sit, such as helping a player get unstuck, or grabbing stuck objects in hard-to-reach areas, that is allowed. If you are taking a sit in mainland, while it is not necessary try to be on the Staff on Duty job. It is located right above the custom class section at the very bottom of the f4 menu. If you do not see the job, it will be there after you relog. Always try to use noclip very sparingly while in mainland. In most scenarios, you will be able to !spectate and then press r to teleport where you need to go. The only time you should physgun a player in mainland is if they are stuck. Do not use any staff commands/tools in mainland besides the aforementioned ones. Nine times out of ten, you can just take the sit to sitland. You are allowed to have fun in sitland, but you have to be smart about it. You can physgun abuse your friends, but you need permission from them. You can build in sitland, goof around in sitland and do stupid fun things, but you need to make sure it won’t have any chance of interfering with sits, or messing with staff members who do not consent. The big thing here is consent; you want permission from people to mess around, as long as they are ok with it, and it doesn't spam anything in ooc like jailtps or other chat commands, then it’s fine. Just be smart about it, don't interfere with staff or sits without their permission, and don't let people run around in sit land unattended. Anyone you bring to sit land, you are completely responsible for. They can be left by themselves, however, if they do something like spawn in ents, or disrupt sits, it will fall back on you. [*]The Tab Menu: Discuss all the different things a staff member can do by clicking a name in the tab menu. By this time they should know every command that is in there, so explain to them this is the best way to check for past warns/bans before deciding on a punishment in a sit. [*]Logging System: Make sure they realize there is a search bar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Teach them about the “Export Logs” function. Go over right-click options in logs, i.e. if someone changes their name they can right click>bring, or copy SteamID, it will also show if they have disconnected when clicking on their name. The export logs file path is located at: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\titsrp-bans SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\titrsrp-warns SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\data\slogs-saved-logs Make them aware that they can view the location of almost any log. If they select the log and hover over player/killer/victim there is a “spectate log position” option. This will teleport their camera to the exact position where that log entry happened. Give some examples to show how useful this command is, i.e; Someone adverted PD Raid, you can spectate the chat log position to see if they started the raid while in the PD or not. Someone killed the mayor as mayor’s assassin, you can spectate the job change log to see if they changed to assassin inside the PD. Etc… [*]The Sit Menu: Set up a fake/test sit request so the new staff member can see the sit menu and explain all the different buttons on it. In order to do this, you can call a sit using the F4 menu under help. Make sure to put something like “DO NOT CLAIM UNLESS YOU ARE ____, THIS IS A TEST SIT FOR TRAINING” Explain what each of the different buttons do on the sit menu. After explaining all of the buttons[Goto, Bring, Refund, Claim, Close, Ignore, Options], have them click the options button. Then recommend them to change the popup timer to 180. This will have tickets stay on their screen for 3 minutes. After explaining the buttons, have them click on the reported players name and explain what each of those selections does. Once you have completely explained everything about the ticket system, have them ignore your sit with the custom reason “Be more specific, include who killed you or attempt to reach out to them in ooc before contacting staff”. Once they have done that explain scenarios where you can accept low quality sits vs scenarios where you should deny them. [*]Punishment Guideline Take this time to go over the Punishment Guidelines with the new TMod. Make sure to explain that for Pedo Accusation bans or Player Toxicity bans, they will always ban for the reason of Player Toxicity, then !addnote the actual reason. You do not have to read every punishment, but get them familiarized with the document. Go over Repeat Offenses with them, explain that if they have been unbanned and are being rebanned for the same exact thing, it would be doubled for Repeat Offense. Throw them a couple of questions/scenarios to see if they can navigate through the guidelines, i.e. How long would you ban for attempting to crash the server? What is the punishment for IRL threats? Etc… [*]How sits work Use any and all resources available to you at your own discretion. This means if you want to you can type !rules or !motd in chat during a sit to refresh on specific or niche rules. It is also recommended to keep the punishment guidelines up on a separate tab so you can quickly reference them. Confidence is key, as soon as a staff member loses control of a sit, it becomes the ultimate cluster fuck. Don’t be afraid to show that you aren’t fucking around by muting or gagging another player involved in a sit. Remember that we are here to educate players about the rules. Education > Punishment. If you can resolve a situation without punishment, that is the way to go. If a sit maker works it out with the offender, you shouldn't punish the offender if it wasn’t a major server rule break or didn’t affect anyone else. This is a game and we want to encourage everyone to have fun, we don't want to ban unless we have to. Always be respectful - Sits usually tend to end well for all parties involved when the staff member in charge of them isn’t arrogant and egotistical. Try to keep somewhat of a “Customer Service” mentality in mind. You don't have to be a boot licker, but you should always hold a level of maturity and decency to your sits. Newer staff tend to take longer in sits than older staff, which is perfectly normal. Always make sure you are valuing how thorough you are and don't worry about the speed of your sits because it will improve over time. Quality > quantity. Don’t let players rush you, always take your time. Staff should not make sits when there isn't a sit made. Unless you see major rule breaks, waiting for a report or sit is best. If you are affected by a rule break you may initiate a sit but make sure you can be unbiased in the situation, otherwise, you need to get other staff involved. Make sure not to let people piss you off, in the end, this is a volunteer job, if someone is causing you grief, don't be afraid to tell them if they can't help the sit get handled properly then you will return them, and return them if they continue, don't let people walk on you. Only return the player if they are the one who initiated the report, do not return the reported player because he is being difficult. Don't be afraid to lay the law of the land, just keep a good level of patience with that as well, you don't want to come off as tempered. [*]Hierarchy of our staff system and of sits If another staff member has a player in a sit, you cannot just take that player out of that sit if you need them for your own sit. You need to ask the staff member in the sit if you could join them or if you could take the player out of their sit. Whoever claims the sit, owns the sit. You should not just be teleporting the victim/reporter to you without claiming the sit. T-Mods can only ban for at most 24 hours, so for bans that require a higher punishment time add “Extend to [time] for [name]” to the beginning of the ban reason then add a separator such as a “\” or “-” and include your ban reason afterwards once done a higher-up will make the ban time longer. Make sure to keep ban reasons clean and neat (Extend to 7d for Sugar - Mass RDM / NITRP) only include what the ban was for - no saying they called your mom ugly. If you ban for FailRP - include what the FailRP was (E.G. FailRP - Hiding in the sewers as a terrorist during an attack) You should not be teleporting to or bringing other staff members to you without their permission. This can end up in demotion if done repeatedly outside of understandable accidents. If you need a staff member for a sit, ask them to tp to you in admin chat. Staff members CAN take sits regarding themselves; however, they are not required to. If you are reported and know you were not in the wrong, feel free to take the sit and educate the player. If you as a staff member did break a rule, you can just warn yourself for it. Trying to bribe players if you broke a rule will result in punishment up to demotion. If you claim a sit regarding another staff member and that sit ends in the belief that the reported staff member deserves a punishment, have them punish themselves. If they are being combative or refusing to punish themselves, document it using a clipping software. If you do not have a clipping software, proceed to ask them to punish themselves in text chat, then export logs for their steamid, and yours. After doing this bring the issue up to a Senior Moderator with the evidence you have. If you believe you cannot be unbiased in your own sit, call for help. If both sides naturally come to an understanding then punishment is not necessary. [*]ShowNLR (This gets its own section here because of how important it is) ShowNLR allows a staff member to see where exactly a player has been killed, who killed them, and how long ago it occurred. In order to access it, type !shownlr SteamID. You can also click on the player’s name in the tab menu and select shownlr. You can also access shownlr through slogs using the dropdown box. When you’re eventually in the NLR tool/spectate tool explain how they can swap death locations via the arrow keys. Give them a couple of scenarios on how/when shownlr would be useful. [*]Spectate Explain how to enter spectate mode through various ways (tab menu, chat, ulx, slogs) Explain to them what Left click, Right click, and Spacebar does. Tell them that they will never need to use the “Stop spectating and teleport” command. [*]Explain what to do in the situation of prop spammers Spectate the person in question. Decide if they are trying to crash the server or just being idiotic by doing something like spamming babies in a bathtub (some people 0_o) If they are trying to crash the server, ban for “extend to 6mo for “name” Attempting to crash the server”. Afterward, they need to pass that Steam ID along to a higher up to be perma-banned 6 Month banned and remove their props using remove ent option on admin stick. If they are just spawning babies in a bathtub or other stupid shit like that, teleport to them. Warn them to stop doing it and inform them that if they continue, they will be kicked->warned>banned. Try to include multiple scenarios to show how vastly different these sits can be from one another. [*]Never be afraid to ask for help There will almost always be a higher-up on if a T-mod ever needs help during a sit. We want to make sure all these new staff members turn into amazing mods. If theres no higher-up available, you can always contact one in staff channels on the discord. If all else fails, use your best judgment with the guidance of the following available resources; the punishment guideline, admin/moderator guide, and the MOTD. [*]Teamwork makes the dream work If two staff members both have reports regarding the same player(s), combine the sits. Never be afraid to join in on another staff members sit and see how they do sits. Always make sure you have their permission to come watch the sit, if you fly into their sit without permission, or try to take over their sit, it will most likely end in a demotion. The best way to ask for permission is like this: "@ Hey Hobo Dad, can I come spectate your sit?". If you receive a yes then feel free to noclip over or teleport to them. [*]Don’t be afraid of demotion 90% of the time a player says they will report you for doing something wrong in a sit, they really wouldn’t For the other 10% of the time when they do report you, there is nothing to worry about unless you really did fuck up. If that is the case, come clean because lying or trying to cover-up your mistakes will just end badly (probably a demotion) [*]How-to NOT mess something up: This is in here twice because of how important it is. Use SteamID’s for all commands. If you are going to use names, make sure to type out the full name. Never use names instead of SteamID’s for a punitive command, i.e; bans, warns, jail, etc… If you are going to type out their name, after the first three letters you can press tab and it will autofill with their name. Only use names for non-punitive commands! I.e; bring, goto, spectate, shownlr, etc… Give them this link and recommend them to bookmark it, explain that it has every link in there that they would need, and is a good tool to use for information on niche situations. Don't comment on staff applications until you are promoted to Moderator! If you feel the need to comment on a staff app, contact a Mod+ with any information you have pertaining to the applying community member.
    -1 points
  7. just say ur broke and cant afford good guns, there is plenty of interesting guns whether it be as gun dealer/supplier or in CC items
    -1 points
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