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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/23 in Posts

  1. Real. Like I said earlier, if you can't take the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen
    1 point
  2. March 29th Changelog Fixed a bug where if you tried to create all food w/ a full inventory it would only drop 1 Fixed some unexpected behavior with certain bludgeon reskins Fixed a bug where staff couldn't interact with the hit menu if a staff sit was up Improved Mr. Bones TTS filter to prevent ear rape Increased Yacht health by 200% Fixed a bug where legacy jobs would disappear from the F4 menu if favorited
    1 point
  3. We can add something that perma blocks it. The amount of people who have dmed me and said "I accidently did this because I wanted to see what happened" is remarkable. Clearly, there is a lack of self control if you have to go out sniffing for the command to enable coin flips again If coinflips feeds a gambling addiction, they need to seek help. Be a little self aware and do yourself a favor because if you cant help yourself, no one can help you. I ain't removing coinflips
    1 point
  4. Sorry, didn't know I was supposed to be okay with people telling me to die over being trans or that I'm somehow a broken human being and that the servers rule state that harassment isn't okay. Good to know that even senior moderators don't care about these things that are put in place so that all players can have decent playing experience.
    1 point
  5. I don't think I should elaborate on this one. It's creates nothing but drama, and this community endorses gambling! If this keeps up, I'm gonna go coinflip all of my money in real life!! It's come to a point where every time I receive money from a commission, I stare at my balance and ponder the opportunity of potentially doubling it if I just dumped it all into an online gambling site. It's all because of TitsRP's toxic gambling system! I whole-heartedly believe if we had these abilities stripped away from us, we would be regain our sanity over time. And whoever disagrees with this suggestion, has been utterly brainwashed. Please help us! Remove coinflipping!
    0 points
  6. Hello and good afternoon all fellow TitsRP players. Yesterday in the server there was a very brief but agreeable discussion about the Medic job and its role in the server. Obviously, a medic's job is to heal players, which it does and does well. They have a good couple of tools to heal people and is a very good basic class to have around, especially for newer players who don't have access to CCs and bulk healing items, and who may not be in a gang and thus needing to spend money to get health and armor at the station in PD. I see people playing as a medic all the time to make little hospitals or to complete quests, and this being said, I think that they should be getting XP for these actions. We could have a category for the healing process or for healing someone to full health, or adding armor to people. Perhaps there could be an XP delay when healing a player/ group of players (for instance, the 5 or so second delay that the meth class has when sniffing meth for xp). This way the person gaining XP isn't getting too much overpowered XP but is still getting enough to make healing worth it in an XP sense. Perhaps healing someone to full health or full armor could grant a bonus XP category with an extra 10 points. Although this may seem silly as well, but having a couple of medics running around and healing people during peak RDM hours might help save a few folks too. Another suggestion for this class aside for the XP (assuming that is isn't already a thing, I'm not online right now and cannot look at the job role/ SWEPS that is included or the F4 menu options), but perhaps the ability to sell health or armor stations as a way to make extra money, much like how the Black Market Dealer or Supplier can supply bombs and guns or such things. This is just something I thought about mid way through typing, and is more so a passing thought than a part of the actual suggestion. Anyways, let me know what you guys think about this. I'll have a short TDLR below with points going over these really quick! Any other suggestions regarding this post is always appreciated! TDLR; Medic is a very helpful class, especially for newer players or players who just don't have access to as many server amenities such as gang perks for free PD stuff or a CC with healing items. This could open up the opportunity for more XP grinding, and for a server-helpful job. This could partially help curb attempted RDM in some cases if more than one medic is running around trying to get XP by healing people. A few separate categories could be added in regards to partially healing (with an XP delay like a meth cook has when sniffing meth so you can't just spam XP), and perhaps for fully healing or fully armoring up a player. Providing the medic with the ability to potentially buy shipments of health or armor stations (along with other healing items) can help a medic make a little bit of money on the side, which could be a good way to make small amounts of cash as a newer player too.
    -1 points
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