September 12th Changelog
Added Auction House
Added New Item Hovering
Added 100+ Item Descriptions
Added Item Categories
Added Item stats when buying guns from a gun dealer / black market dealer
Improved inventory item swapping, directly place an item on another item to swap it
Improved inventory item "Convert to Stack", items will now be converted to their actual entity if available
Improved inventory item placement so it looks slightly cleaner
Improved inventory item models when they were an error or potentially invisible
Improved inventory item rarities when in shipments or stacked items
Improved inventory item merging, an indicator shows which slots they can merge with
Improved inventory item drag look
Improved inventory item coloring, you can now reset the item color
Improved some trading functionality
Improved kill icons for some guns
Changed perk "This Better Be Worth It" bank vault is opened for 15 minutes instead of 10
Changed "Custom Weapon Slots" Suga shop item to include a warning when buying it
Changed default raid time for the Bank C4 from 3 minutes -> 10 minutes
Changed Shadow Knife in game name from Knife -> Shadow Knife
Fixed an issue where some items wouldn't merge with each other when they should have
Fixed an issue where Clip Size enchantments didn't display bullet count properly
Fixed Goon Juice potion not having a name
Fixed an issue where some text wasn't fitted properly
Upgraded SQL Wrapper
Possibly fixed an issue where the server wouldn't start very rarely