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  1. Today
  2. i would like to join the giveaway. THANK YOU chuddy buddy!
  3. Give me it thank you
  4. okay you won't be entered into the giveaway
  5. i am removing you from the pool due to your recent behavior (joke btw)
  6. the money is not yours, donate it to israel. glory to israel
  7. June 15th Changelog Fixed an issue causing the job menu's search function to be unusable for some players Fixed a bug where trying to remove certain weapons from a gun shelf would only give you one of that item Improved Snowboard penguin effect to be more accurate with calculating distance Changing your bounty hunter HUD color should update in real time Fixed a bug where if you paid your own bounty via the PD screen as a bounty hunter, it would reset your target Made it so AdvDupe2 saves Shadow Remover Tool preferences (only works on new/updated dupes) Fixed a bug where being kidnapped with cuffs on would give you that item when waking up Made it so Mr. Bone's voice menu position will persist on relog Added a warning message when you try to drop a lootbox but you do not have inventory space for the loot Fixed a bug where you would be able to equip other weapons during the C4 deploy timer/animation Fixed a bug where curing someone with bleach may not give you quest progress Reduced the cooldown on curing the same person twice with bleach Improved error message when trying to spawn something in a bad location so it makes more sense what happened Fixed a bug with the dragon dagger that allowed the holder to clip through walls
  8. I can't really fix this 100% but I made it so you cannot drop a lootbox with a full inventory since you won't have enough slots to pickup the loot.
  9. Yesterday
  10. The issue with this area and the reason it was made into a no-build zone is because people would build dupes which allowed them to shoot the feet of the raider while it being virtually impossible for the raider to hit them due to the nature of the area having a large downward slope.
  11. @WantedNearbyi know i already thanked you in dms but thanks again for loaning me $30
  12. wanted is such a jew gracious young man!
  13. @WantedNearbyomgomgomg tysm
  14. @WantedNearbyomg tyyyy
  15. Giveaway brought to you by @WantedNearbyjust @ him with a msg to join! Giveaway ends Sunday night at some point
  16. Thanks @Emberfor this giveaway
  17. is this how you enter it lol?
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