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Scuba Diver job


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sike im playin with u.


It would make sense for that job to be implemented but eventually the job would be useless. Unless theres always sharks, but that job will eventually die like the crabs.

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The divers could be faster than sharks but weaker since size difference.


I feel like the Shark should be somewhat faster due to the fact the ocean is the shark's territory. They have more adaptation to the water than a Scuba Diver. Sure a scuba can have something that boosts them, but only for certain moments. Not all the time. And perhaps have a air-pack that only lasts for a # amount of time in the water (they'd obviously have to go up out of the water to be able to breathe and not die). But the spears idea is amazing along with the "treasure hunter".



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Soooo, like a treasure hunter but it's only for water? That's pretty cool and I think would get played a good bit. I don't think they should have unlimited air but they for sure should have longer than normal.



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More hp to sharks and speed maybe they get gunned down instantly and their bite doesn’t really do much damage either but a scuba diver would be good cause treasure hunters can’t really go down there for long cause of breathing

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