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Official Map Update Feedback & Suggestions Thread

Umbak Klak

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Only map feedback/suggestions please, any changes for the server requested go in Suggestions.


Our map maker, Gallium, will be monitoring this thread for ideas, bug fixes, suggestions and general feedback. Please leave any and all feedback you have below, if I or others think it's particularly good I'll add it to this list below.


The PD Vault Hatch is being nerfed in the next coming update to the map.


  • Board up some buildings windows in Slums & Suburbs so the bases dont have as many entrances
  • Add an alleyway or something behind Industrial factories so they don't have only one entrance
  • Possibly add more entrances or doors to bases with only one doorway
  • Expand Police Station rooms, had an idea to create a button that opens all Jail-cell doors for Raiders (and other prisoners that escape)
  • The PD Vault hatch should only be opened with a button on the opposite wall, and if it's possible, don't make it be a door, people have already figured out its a door and can easily lockpick inside.
  • Add another story to the new building across from PD

I love the new map I think its a major improvement on the previous version, what do you guys think? Any major complaints?

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Make the world LESS SHINY

Seriously I can't see anything through my one ways in some buildings unless I look through them a certain way

Just remove all the shine back to the old maps shine



He's already said he's working on fixing reflections and super shinyness

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Some of the bases have racks and they are useless and take up room that isn't needed. Maybe if you could ATLEAST fit printers on the upper shelf, okay... but it's too tall up. Also one of the sewer bases is unusable because its covered in them lol


The new building by PD(yellow building) could use one more floor. It has like a perfect amount of space for one more layer.

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Make the world LESS SHINY

Seriously I can't see anything through my one ways in some buildings unless I look through them a certain way

Just remove all the shine back to the old maps shine



He's already said he's working on fixing reflections and super shinyness


the color scheme doesnt look any different to me.

make the chill zone's location more obvious. I tried to look for it and kept asking where it is only to have everyone act like its a mystery I need to solve, pretty damn annoying.

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