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Nerfing C4/Timebombs? Making server more noob friendly?


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I know that this is a terrible suggestion. And yes I enjoy how strong they are... But from a noobs perspective I could easily understand why they would join, spend like 30 min of printer farming, and rage quit afterwards.


Noobs don't really have access to C4s and Timebombs like rich people do.


Nor do they actually understand what they do when they first join. (I didn't)


Personally I think this is necessary to point out because that means Noobs don't really have an efficient way to make money.


This also makes me wanna point out that Gun dealer/Black market dealer are technically useless jobs at this point because rich people don't really need those. (this is a blank assumption because I don't really know) But I honestly haven't actually seen someone buy guns from a gun dealer. And personally I haven't either... Therefore that's getting rid of another efficient way that noobs would normally get ez money on other servers.


I just feel like Gun dealer/Black market dealer should be more rewarding instead of having each and everyone just plop a Kiosk down in the middle of the street.


Basically all I'm saying is the server isn't really noob friendly at this point in time. And I feel that there's ways to fix that.


Edit after post: Although I just realized how hard it may be to raid another skilled players. IE: Tass v (OOC) Idk ...

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Personally I think C4's and timebombs are fine. Anyone can craft timebombs, and raiding really good bases can be hard without C4 *cough* Bunziix *cough*. If a player gets raided by someone with C4, then I think it would compell them to build better bases and learn how to play on the server and the best way to make money and build. Timebombs can also be used by new players and if they ragequit over one raid, then playing on the server will be quite difficult because you get raided every 10 seconds no matter who you are. Also I almost never need to use C4/Timebombs on new players bases because they are too easy to raid anyway.

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There's an efficient way to make cash on this server, yet most people don't want to do it cause it might seem 'boring' Chopping wood/mining ore is a straightforward way to earn some good cash. Each piece of wood/ore goes for $315 at the General buyer, meaning you can make a good profit over ther tools required to mine and chop costing $250.


That doesn't 100% pretain to the balance of c4 and timebombs.


Imo nerfing tiembombs and c4 will basically only help the big bases more than they help new players, having a base that is already hard to raid for most people and then these tools getting nerfed would make the rich richer so to speak. If you think about it getting into raiding doesn't require that much time invested for a few timebombs and guns, what sewer lord said that if people are going to spend 150k+ on raiding a new playerrs base with a printer inside they could go and farm some other way to get money and start raiding.

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Damn i guess you must be new cause at one time  it was almost impossible to raid a decent made base before without using  5-6 c4 since their radius was much smaller and the only other alternatve was either keypad craker or a blowtourch. I doubt sugar will revert it back to the old days since he usually trys to nerf money making ways or makes it list compelling to do.

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He has a point, but just build a better base, but at the same time you have people who will spam nothing but mat nades/bombs with c4 and stuff, but it just isnt juan person and even the best bases have a hard time with the spam and you have some people who will after a raid sit outside the base and wait for the dupe to be removed and replaced or constantly raid the same base over and over again. Improving and getting closer, but at the same time I can sit in my cinema base all day and defend it easily with my dupe. It all comes down to who is going to spam that shit and or who is doing the raiding. Maybe instead of raiding forcing a cool down time on using said materials like 5 minutes for using juan c4 or mat nade, instead of nerfing it

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I agree with piklas... Nerfing c4/timebombs only helps the big boy bases. The more well known players and older players that know what they're doing. If you wanna make it more "noob" friendly... Basing rules are gonna have to be edited.

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