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hecko I have a few suggestions id like feedback on:


Make it so you can add X amount of items in a trade instead of trying to split the amount (I believe booper suggested this too to be able to drop, same concept)


Make bounty hunters get more money for killing their targets. Im getting 500$ or 1k sometimes, not really even worth it. (Also show the bounty target like a hit at the bottom right or something for newer players who don't pay attention to chat)


Bring back amphetamines like the good old days. It was pretty fun to keep that process going and it generated a bit of income while you waited for other things like printers and processors. 



Add a spoon to jailed criminals (Maybe a dumb idea because they'll spoon fight and break out of the vent to escape jail but it would be pretty neat if not abused too much)


Add minigames like minesweeper, roulette, and other gambling games for people who like to kinda idle and gamble a bit (Rewards don't have to be too crazy just something else to do)


Make scratch offs scratch 2x the amount of cubes off instead of 1 line. I tried this out yesterday for a while and after i got the method down it was okay but the process of scratching it off kinda sucks. (I wanted to see how much the 3x numbers gave, lost paitence though.)


Be able to view offline warns for users? 


Can there be a better way to add food shipments directly to the stove for restaurant owner? I found two seperate occasions now where people are taking the food shipments and spamming the SHIT out of them which causes massive lag to get the leaderboard up..


Also can we buy seeds in bulk? Maybe thats too greedy but even binding a key to buy 30 seeds is slow..and painful


The ability to take an enchanted item and for a price (maybe 25k or so) attempt to unenchant it for another try. This would have to come with a 50% chance of the item turning to dust however! So that its not heavily abused to try and get legendaries all day.


Also could we have an option to pay for more inventory space? Or just up it a but, or the bank even. I have lots of stuff that I don't really have a use for, never will probly but its nice to keep it just to say Yeah I have landlord keys, can't use them but I have them!

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Make it so you can add X amount of items in a trade instead of trying to split the amount (I believe booper suggested this too to be able to drop, same concept)


Jawson said something about the trade with the drop suggestion I had. +1 to this regardless



Bring back amphetamines like the good old days. It was pretty fun to keep that process going and it generated a bit of income while you waited for other things like printers and processors. 


+1, amphetamine was a good addition to the game. My personal favorite from back then. (Even though I hated the pressure part of it..And how you got wanted for "Cooking Amphetamine" or something when you sold it but it's okay)



Be able to view offline warns for users? 


This is actually a thing for the warning system. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/629/awarn2-warning-module


+1  http://prntscr.com/jtez0q


All of your suggestions aren't bad.

From my knowledge, you can config the Offline mode just like normally with making Admins+ being able to remove warnings or so. It's really helpful for players who got unbanned and were given a warn instead.

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Make bounty hunters get more money for killing their targets. Im getting 500$ or 1k sometimes, not really even worth it. (Also show the bounty target like a hit at the bottom right or something for newer players who don't pay attention to chat)


+1 to this as well, this would be helpful. 


Such as


Bounty Target: Booper Scooper

Bounty Earnings: $5000


Also, with the bounty, perhaps add a tutorial or something upon going into the job so the bounty doesn't just look at the bounty board and just start killing players without getting a bounty list from a cop.


Another thing for the bounty, maybe make it where a talent or something to see who has a bounty list (that's a cp). [if it isn't a thing already lol]


Such as


Officer  Player has a bounty list, retrieve that using (bounty pickupper) to get a target!

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The spoon cannot actually break things like vents and windows and that sounds like a good idea imo, like a makeshift shank made from a spoon.


For minigames we need chess and checkers back!


Seeds change is huge qol for drugs but I think its kinda the point that it takes some time to plant a bunch of drugs


I think there is alot of potential with enchanting and thats a good idea, I think there could also be an option to for materials and money reroll all stats including special or just the special to try and get that perfect weapon for a price

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Splitting direct amounts should be in for tomorrow


Bounty hunters get like.. 10% of the bounty that the target has since the bounty system can be abused but that can kinda be circumvented


Meth caused some lag, I have a few ideas on other ways to make money but I need to think about it more


Minesweeper might be okay, I can probably think of a way to do that. The other roulette systems which are on the gmodstore are dummy dumb unoptimized


I will make scratch offs slightly better


Offline warn viewing is something I can do although for a web based view the data would have to be transferred


Yes food shipments will be changed for tomorrow


I think buying seeds in bulk just makes it too easy


The enchanting idea is fine


In a later update you will be able to buy bank slots & inventory slots


Also when you become the bounty hunter it tells you "You're now a Bounty Hunter. Get your next target by pickpocketing the bounty list from the police!" it also tells you how to play the job in the F4 menu


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