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Where tf did accuracy go with this new crosshair update? I'll be  crouching and not moving, shoot, and the fucking bullet goes literally 2 meters left.

I was having fun in rdm arena when, I SHOT 30 BULLETS AND NOT ONE HIT????

pls fix accuracy and make it good again.




Also make alex burns take more sits.

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It depends what guns you're using. Aiming down sights will always be 100% accurate unless its a shotgun


ADS = Aiming Down Sights


Snipers will have an aimcone no matter what unless you ADS. This is to prevent people from noscoping 24/7 as you could just insta kill someone 10 feet away by just pointing it at them. This does not change if you're crouched


Shotguns will have an aimcone no matter what regardless if you ADS or not this is prevent across the map sniping. This may change where you get a small decrease in your aimcone if ADS. This does not change if you're crouched


All other weapons will have an aimcone if you're not ADS. Crouching will decrease your aimcone significantly if you're not ADS. ADSing with any gun besides a shotgun makes it 100% accurate

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Unrelated I think the dynamic crosshairs can be dialed down, rn they move so much its distracting imo and you can't really tell where you're shooting.


You can disable crosshairs by typing cl_enablecsscrosshair 0 in your console


The crosshair is now dynamic because your aimcone is also dynamic. If the crosshair was just a center point at the screen like it was before then people would be complaining "Why aren't my shots hitting when the crosshair is ON the person's head"

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Also make alex burns take more sits.


The fuck you on about. I have ~400 sits last I checked


You only stop votes when im on

It depends what guns you're using. Aiming down sights will always be 100% accurate unless its a shotgun


ADS = Aiming Down Sights


Snipers will have an aimcone no matter what unless you ADS. This is to prevent people from noscoping 24/7 as you could just insta kill someone 10 feet away by just pointing it at them. This does not change if you're crouched


Shotguns will have an aimcone no matter what regardless if you ADS or not this is prevent across the map sniping. This may change where you get a small decrease in your aimcone if ADS. This does not change if you're crouched


All other weapons will have an aimcone if you're not ADS. Crouching will decrease your aimcone significantly if you're not ADS. ADSing with any gun besides a shotgun makes it 100% accurate


Hey tits can you fix my daily rewards? its broken

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