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tooooo much


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Hi everyone. I’m sure by know you know who I am. I am kinda a meme on this server (o0f). 


As you may have seen, I am not as active as I used to be. I usually come on ever other day for like 20 mins and give somebody my cc then bail. 


It seems to be happening to a lot of people but I really have lost most of my drive to play on this server


I have finals coming up and I can’t deal with all of this petty drama anymore. 


I am not putting blame to anyone because it is mostly my fault. I have a tendency to come on really strong. 


Maybe in the summer I might become active again but for now I don’t think I can handle this server.


Anyway, I’ll prob be giving away my cc for awhileeeee when I get on tonight. 


I know everyone who left has said this, but this is really a goodbye. It is mostly just a “I’m tired as fuckk and I’m not tryna deal w u hoes anymore.” 


Regardless, I’m not gonna put no list of the people I liked because u know who u r. 


Well I mean I’ll see u guys l8tr.




P.S: If we have had the slightest beef w each other lets just put it past us god damn it’s a game.






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