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Irrelevant Man Vanishes from Tits


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Hey everyone, forums ghost here. I don't think I've posted a thread in 5 months. That, and many other things, are leading me to make this explanation thread (I guess you could call it that.)


For those of you that don't know me, as I'm sure most don't, I was an active mod back in November and December. I wasn't very good, with an average of 2 sits per hour, and I believe 2-3 ban appeals/reports. But nonetheless, I did enjoy helping out the community as much as I could, regardless of the significance of me being there. Then eventually I became a little more inactive and then eventually I stopped playing for a while. The long story short is that schoolwork stacked on top of the responsibility of being a staff member was pretty hard to keep up with, so I got unmotivated at taking sits. At a certain point, I didn't want to appear like a lazy staff member, so I stopped getting on and made the plan to get on when I felt like I was in a good mood or ability to staff. Well, that didn't happen very often, and more stuff kept happening IRL, so I ended up just disappearing. 


I guess you can count this thread as my resignation/goodbye? I still plan to come on the server every once in a while, I suppose. I'm probably also going to keep forums ghosting. And heck, maybe I'll reapply if I ever become interested, maybe in the summer or so. But I'm already super inactive and so I might as well clarify.


So now I'm going to do the stereotypical "bye bye tits" thing and mention people that were really significant in my time on the server.





I still talk to you when I'm online, but it's worth saying something about you. You're a pretty good staff member and I remember the day you were promoted and I started shadowing you, to when you got promoted and started abusing me immediately. Good luck in the future and always PM me when you see my sneaky ass because I'll always talk to you.



You and jackta were both made staff in the same day, and then both promoted in the same day. I won't forget how much you loved bragging about your sit count to me, or how you took me off your CC to get a girl. But you were probably my first friend on the whole staff team, and when I was frustrated I would talk to you. It helped a lot, and I'm not sure how active you are now, but good luck in the future.

Also, ur gei.



So this is a little bit of a weird one for you I suppose. Most of the times I was active, and the time I was staff, you were inactive. But, you are very deserving of this, to me. When I first came on the server I had no idea what the fuck darkRP was, and so Tits was a bit of a clusterfuck as well. It was very far fetched and weird. However, you were one of the first few people I talked to. I think you even took the first sit I requested, even if you don't remember that. When I was a newbie, you helped me out, and I literally don't even know how much you remember about it, because that ended up being most of my staff career, and I can't remember most of those people.

But we did eventually hang out sometimes, like the Night of the Babies or whatever I called it. You were always that shining staff member when I was new and the one that I looked up to, and eventually, the reason I wanted to apply for staff. Timing ended up being really good, because like the week I was promoted you left, but hey, I wouldn't have even applied if not for you.

And hey, you're a mod again now, so I'm just waiting to see you as admin. Maybe if I come back I'll see Booper in blue.



The first staff I ever talked to. I don't know if you're still on the server, I haven't been on, but you're a super nice guy and really easy to get along with. Plus, a pretty damn good staff member.



If Bebe is reading this, Bebe will not expect this.

Bebe, we ended off on a really bad note. We both got in a huge fight when I was becoming a mod, and it didn't end well. (One of the aforementioned reports)

But I can't go on a thread without mentioning you.

Yeah, you eventually went off and got demoted for abuse. However, you were the first staff that I became close friends with. I was but a baby boy on the server, kissing the asses of every staff in hopes they'd enjoy my application, and you helped me out with everything, gave me my first vote, and then trained me.

The report wasn't fun but I'm always going to remember you as the person who first helped me out when I needed it.



I think I met you on the same night we were both reported. I shadowed 80% of your t-mod sits and they were pretty damn good. You're a cool guy and a good staff and I wish you luck in the future. (Grape told me you are a mod now, he better be right or this wouldn't make much sense)



All staff should look at Walter and say "damn, I should be more like that guy." If you aren't doing that, you're probably pretty poorly misjudged. This guy is the most knowledgeable and talented staff member I know, and eventually will replace Sugar as owner. 



You work extremely hard for the server and your work ethic is one to look up to. Love what you've done, and so does everyone reading this, I'm sure.




If I forgot anyone, it's likely because I haven't been on the server for 4 months. I'm not even sure I'm relevant enough to make this thread.

But, since I am, again, treat it as my official resignation and my official goodbye. You all as a community are pretty good, and definitely are the main reason I stuck to the server. It's probably the only DarkRP server I've ever enjoyed. Remember to like and subscribe, and I'll see you all in the next one.

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You are one of the best mods, but also a funny, kind, generous, and smart guy.... You are a really good staff member, and I'm sure the community will always welcome you back. I mean, you were the person that tried really hard to get me mod, and saw my potential, and I would like to thank you for that. Good luck with school and with life in general my friend. <3



P.S. Walter is still gay.

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Thank you for including me on your list of people you liked and the nice message you gave to me. You were one of the friendliest guys I have met in this community. I hope you come back one day to see us all again, Sammah. You were a good friend to me and much more other people. May the Baby Army shine bright in the future.

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Sammah!!! You forgot about me :/ 


Anyways, we had some good times together. iEpic stopped flirting with girls and Cicida and Bebe are gone. 


Peace out you stinky.


aeee I did forget about you I'm sorry :(

hopefully this +rep will do

peace out stinky

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I remember like one of the first days u joined, u played as a baby as blacnova was the mayor and I was a cop and you stayed in the bank area of the pd and lead the squad of babies

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