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Sp0oky's Apology


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In game name : Sp0oky

Reason for this Apology : I feel that I acted very immaturely towards the other players in the server and reacted very immaturely in OOC.


I want to apologize for saying "Fuck you" to the staff and to the people of the server after I had gotten mad at a staff member for giving me a -1. It was very wrong of me and it is all my fault for making everything even worse in the fact that I complained about it for a long time in OOC. I want to apologize for doing this because it has affected people's thoughts of me and their view on if I should be a tmod or not. I realize now that my decisions have caused multiple staff to lose respect for me especially when I had made a useless report on a staff member that -1'd me.  I would just like to say to all of the players and staff that I am sorry. If I had not have complained about the -1 in OOC I may have not have gotten even more -1's in my application, I realize this now, and I apologize. All of this was my fault and no one else it to blame it is entirely my fault in all. I also want to apologize for acting like a child in OOC and acting very immaturely towards staff and others. And with that I am sorry. I not just embarrassed myself I also understand that many people will no longer respect me for the reason for acting immaturely in OOC I think that I should strongly apologize for doing so. Sorry everyone. I also want to apologize to Noah, the one who I got mad at for giving me a -1, I should have controlled myself and Noah I am sorry for making report on you, it was very immature of me. Sorry. I embarrassed not just myself but also the staff and the server as a whole and I want to apologize for doing so. Also I want to apologize to the staff as a whole and the forum managers I want to strongly apologize for the way I acted, Sorry

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At least you apologized. I mean, you backpedal'd super hard and made a fool of yourself but at least you said sorry?

Seriously though making the second thread was a massive mistake.


Your behavior was unacceptable.

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Props to you for apologizing. People don't usually have the guts to write a whole paragraph and say sorry, it's really respectful of you. I'll see what other staff say if they forgive you I may change my decision and actually read your application.

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Basically what Kryptonite said. Usually no one has the guts to man up and admit they did something wrong. Usually people continue to complain and then just "hate" the server but keep playing on it everyday.

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