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Let's talk about the removal of CCs

Umbak Klak

Do you support the removal of CCs?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the removal of CCs?

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I am a poor player. Since I joined TitsRP I learned that having a CC meant you were rich. It is the end goal. For example, beating the ender dragon in MC. It is what everyone shoots for. Taking that away means you have no strive to play on the server. That is just my opinion.

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I'd like to see them removed or reworked.





So, here's an idea for a change/rework.



Make it cost money to switch items on the CC.


Restrict CC to only having certain weapons. (Primary weapon - think m16,  awp, etc.) (Side arm - pistol) (Melee item - allows for lightsabers, masterswords, etc). (Misc Item - Any other item).


A four item limitation would make CC's much more fair. Alternatively, remove CC's all together and do this...



Move CC's to normal classes. You can buy a weapon slot on the thief job, when you spawn as a thief, you get said slot. Etc.


Agreed. With people like freaking piklas if you get raided its basically impossible not just because his inventory but all the items he can use without any risk.

I do believe the enforced RP would help, or a rework on cc's which would actually make nolifers like piklas actually go around and talk and play. Not sit in a base for the duration of the day to grind for their cc's

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I'm starting this thread because Sugar has stated a few times now (on the forums) that CC's were "a mistake". (Snippet from recent reply on suggestions thread: "but CCs in general aren't / shouldn't even be a thing." )


What are your thoughts on CCs?

My thoughts are that CCs are one of the main reasons so many people stay and keep playing, since it's a very long-term goal to grind towards. On the other side of the coin, CCs give players a *massive* advantage over new or poor players, and make many classes obselete.


I'm going to write a few pros and cons of removing CCs I  thought of;



- Forces players to utilize the normal classes, which generates roleplay

- Advantages come in the form of VIP/Voted in classes, rather than everyone having a CC that's a little different

- "Balancing" the server becomes much easier, since classes can be restricted and only serve certain roles

- Classes would be more recognizable by their model, instead of anyone having any model

- The server wouldn't be nearly as hectic/confusing to new players (There's a lot of spam/troll items)



- Real life money was spent on CCs, lots of hours were spent grinding CCs, much of the economy is fueled by CCs

- One of the reasons people play on the server is to grind for a CC

- There are a ton of interesting, fun, powerful items on CCs classes that make the server unique. Examples of this are the movement sweps everyone has, seeing people fly around with x item is a bit of a spectacle and something I've come to enjoy on this server

- Allowing nearly any item/model to be added allows players to play the game however they want, to roleplay in whatever way they choose. Most people use CCs to raid, but I have met a few who have roleplay CCs (Example: a friend of mine stalks people and has sweps that play scary noises, and has a spooky model). The removal of CCs would mean very specific roleplay styles like this might not be possible.



I believe the community would overwhelmingly disagree on removing them, so just to test this I'm making a poll on this thread. These are just my thoughts, would like to hear yours.

shut the fuck up u just got here in 2018 nigga youve only been here for a month

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Even if you took away CC's which alot of people paid into you would have to return what they paid for cause alot of them paid real money and having a cc is literally showing you worked hard for it or showing off literally taking what sugar tits said oh so long ago to heart is just wow, who hurt you seriously let it go cc's is probably either the one of the main incomes of the server or second.

Yeah but where can I get my daily dose of Anime playermodel if sugar removes them?



All of your cc models has nice tits

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how about just limiting the amount of perms a cc can have, forcing people to buy more cc's. and how about certain items going with certain items ex. if you first choose a lockpick for your cc you can only equip raid items such as breaching chargers and what not, but not allowing them to equip a medkit or a healing grenade, you can easily find a partner to do a raid with you that has these healing equipment.


In my eyes this makes sense you don't see normal class items crossing over with other normal class items. cc's should be the same.

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shut the fuck up u just got here in 2018 nigga youve only been here for a month




I was waiting for a comment like this lmao like I said most of the community will hate this thread.

I played on the server in 2017 but never joined forums.

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shut the fuck up u just got here in 2018 nigga youve only been here for a month




I was waiting for a comment like this lmao like I said most of the community will hate this thread.

I played on the server in 2017 but never joined forums.

I mean like if you have a problem with CC's on the server just because you are broke and got no money don't mean u gotta ask if it should be REMOVED it is the MAIN income source of the SERVER. Plus the points you've proven are right gives new players unadvantage but it doesn't mean they should be REMOVED, letting CC's get REMOVED should be the last thing Sugar should do. Besides just do some minor stuff.

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Ok loook, if you have a CC as Yoooooitsabear said, you are considered rich. But why is that a bad thing. The people that have been here a while have learned through trial and error and have gotten all of that money themselves. Why is it fair to take all of their grinding away? Like for example if you put a cap on CC things people would hit that cap in a day. If it is only  4 then thats 45 mill. Easy. Mabey 2 weekends of grinding.  But thats because i know how to play the server. Most people here dont know how to. But why should the people that have been here a while suffer because of that. im 100% sure, half the people we consider "poor" on this server have less than 20h loged. Thats because they havnt learned what to do and like what bases to use, what guns to use, and what ways are best for money. I suggest putting like a like to a good guide that explains it for everyone. SO as i stated before. DONT TOUCH THE CC'S REEEEEEEEEE

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shut the fuck up u just got here in 2018 nigga youve only been here for a month




I was waiting for a comment like this lmao like I said most of the community will hate this thread.

I played on the server in 2017 but never joined forums.

I mean like if you have a problem with CC's on the server just because you are broke and got no money don't mean u gotta ask if it should be REMOVED it is the MAIN income source of the SERVER. Plus the points you've proven are right gives new players unadvantage but it doesn't mean they should be REMOVED, letting CC's get REMOVED should be the last thing Sugar should do. Besides just do some minor stuff.


he is literally asking for opinions, not saying it should be removed. Maybe you should read better next time rather then make a stupid comment

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