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Your experience with School nurses.


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So recently i had to go to the nurse for Jabbing scissors into my hand on accident, 

i was like oh alright, lets let the nurse help me right, so i go walking to the nurse with a bloody hand and once i arrive i ask if they have ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO HELP ME. 

Me holding my fucken hand with Towels putting pressure on cut ask if they have Hydrogen Pioxide so i dont get a fucken infection, i ask if they had a wrap so i can stop sqeezing my hand so hard, she replys nope

my last option was water, So i wash off the fucken cut and stings like a bitch. She says all we have is Soap and water so she insisted me to go home but my mom had to fucken bring the shit i needed to the school to help me.  I went home and i was like wtf.


This was my experience with my Nurse, she basicly said theres water and soap to help me and she could call my mom or the police if needed like BITCH YOUR JOB IS TO HELP PEOPLE NOT SEND PEOPLE HOME.


So how is your Experience with School nurses?

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earlier this year i had an encounter in the bathroom in which no drugs were involved at all and walking back to class i fainted in the hallway. i wasn’t out for long only a few seconds, but i still fainted none the less. 


i decide to go to the nurse and tell her that i just fainted and landed on my head. bitch has the audacity to tell me she’s on break, and that i need a pass anyway. i was really ablut to pimp slap her

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Well in Malaysia, the country where I'm from, the school mostly don't deal with your shit or any sort of sickness. You just call your parents telling them that you are sick, sign a leave form, and you are off to a clinic. The clinics in schools are only there to either fake your sickness so you could lie down in bed and doze off for the rest of school, or provide vaccine shots, which they would do every year or so.


But one of the high schools I attended, there was this awesome Indian doctor in the school clinic, who also teaches Science and Math, and it would operate like an actual fucking clinic, which was amazing for the school. He was also well respected.


In short, replace every fucking school clinics with actual doctors with working experience.

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I was in third grade, and accidentally cut off the tip of my thumb with some fucking safety scissors. (not bone, just the skin). I get to the nurse, and it's the same experience. Bitch tried to hand me a band-aid while I'm leaking blood down the entire hallway. Had no antibiotics, no gauze, no ace bandages. Just soap, water, and that useless ass band-aid that wouldn't cover the wound anyway. My mother had to leave work to come get me, while I have one of those scratchy brown paper towels pressed against my hand. Seven stitches and a sling later, I was back in that shithole. I have more medical supplies in my car that there were in that entire school.

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my school nurse was awesome she would send you home for anything

(and it is actually her job to do so since you cannot excuse yourself from school)


Same lmao. My school nurse was chill, but when I was in 8th grade, I lied about having the cold to go home and I got caught lying by her. She called my dad and I got an ass whooping and couldn't play on my Xbox 360 for a week.

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So recently i had to go to the nurse for Jabbing scissors into my hand on accident, 

i was like oh alright, lets let the nurse help me right, so i go walking to the nurse with a bloody hand and once i arrive i ask if they have ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO HELP ME. 

Me holding my fucken hand with Towels putting pressure on cut ask if they have Hydrogen Pioxide so i dont get a fucken infection, i ask if they had a wrap so i can stop sqeezing my hand so hard, she replys nope

my last option was water, So i wash off the fucken cut and stings like a bitch. She says all we have is Soap and water so she insisted me to go home but my mom had to fucken bring the shit i needed to the school to help me.  I went home and i was like wtf.


This was my experience with my Nurse, she basicly said theres water and soap to help me and she could call my mom or the police if needed like BITCH YOUR JOB IS TO HELP PEOPLE NOT SEND PEOPLE HOME.


So how is your Experience with School nurses?


I only go to the nurse and pretend to be sick so i can sleep. Topshelf kekage.

Damn i don't go to a wealthy school, but yall must have dirt floors in those schools lmao, jk <3

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my school nurse was awesome she would send you home for anything

(and it is actually her job to do so since you cannot excuse yourself from school)


Same lmao. My school nurse was chill, but when I was in 8th grade, I lied about having the cold to go home and I got caught lying by her. She called my dad and I got an ass whooping and couldn't play on my Xbox 360 for a week.



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