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Money Pot exploit


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Description: Players continuously spawn a moneypot in front of money launderer. 


My suggestion would be to improve the moneypots to completely disappear when you log off & disable materials on them


Is this FAILRP because you have to be hacker to "fix" this exploit & changing class during RP would be failrp(selfsupply)? 

Also if there is no hacker online (or 2 inactive hackers), the heist jobs are rendered useless. 

This is exploiting IMO because the player is taking advantage of a NPC for their personal financial gain. 


the money pot can be made invisible through materials tool


How to reproduce: See photo below



Priority:  Very High






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Conveniently ignored me in the sit when I told him about the post i made in mods/admins only which i said multiple times. Rubik in this case was ignoring my side of the story saying this: http://prntscr.com/hrekhd

It is a raidable entity and in my forum post in mods/admins only sugar stated that he would fix this specific issue by making hacker able to hack the money pot, now that that is possible his should be allowed. Rubik also before the reset removed my money pot without bringing me to a sit and saying in ooc that its not allowed, then ignoring me when i brought up the same points i did in the sit after reset. So basically I had no say in the sit and rubik now made a report when I provided him with means to show why I am not wrong and argued why it is allowed in rp. 


  • DO listen to both sides of an admin sit and use logs to your advantage

in this case logs would be the evidence i provided which was accessible to him


  • DO be respectful and relatively professional during sits and RPing, no one likes an immature moderator / admin
    In this case blatantly saying he would ignore my side "Who TF wants to go to your forums post" which is easy and shouldn't take more than a few minutes is extremely inprofessional in my opinion
    As for the report itself I don't understand how this is failrp in any way unless I for example am the bank manager taking stolen money, its not self supply in any way and I think rubik is using it as a buzzword. The only thing that this can potentially be is an exploit as my first forums post about this specific issue (before gang update and revamped hackers) was posted, I explained in the sit that people can hire hackers easily even if they are bank heisters as rp, protecting the money while your hired hacker for example blows it up or maybe taking out money slowly while protecting said hacker. Being a lazy rper doesn't make this failrp it just makes you lazy."I also want to note Piklas is ALSO bank manager majority of the time." Is a lie and even if it were relevant I never have a money pot up there while a bank manager (in fact all my bank dupes include a money pot spot) talking away from the potential failrp in placing the money pot there to cut lossesAlso I talked to Doc Mcstubbins about this yesterday and he actually looked at my forum post and my side and came to the conclusion that it was ok but an asshole move

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Your response to failrp and exploiting was "go read my forum post" in the private staff forums while there are 5 or 6 people standing around wondering where their money is gone or pissed off because they've been warned or banned for this same thing. (that is the context of what I said)


note: I'm not trying to attack piklas or say hes a bad player but my issue here is I personally have warned and banned for this and his claim that sugar said it's okay is obviously conflicting my actions as staff. 

Also I think a post in a private forum is not a sufficient method for amending the rules. All I'm asking is either action be taken or permission is granted to remove all bans and warns for this same thing & make a public change to the MOTD regarding this.

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Your response to failrp and exploiting was "go read my forum post" in the private staff forums while there are 5 or 6 people standing around wondering where their money is gone (that is the context of what I said) and pissed because they've been warned or banned for this same thing


It's a little upsetting to see someone think they can just make up the rules but we will see what the community decides.


You have the !sit command for a reason, Also like I just stated finding a post and reading the few responses there are since its the mods/admins only section shouldn't take long and you still ignored every single thing I had to add to my case just repeating this is not allowed people have been banned for it before

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