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Well that sucks lol


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Computer tech monoxide is on the case.


Okay DO NOT follow other suggestions and put your computer in rice, it WILL fuck the internals hard core. I'm talking the possibility of total meltdown here.

What you should do is go to Wal-Mart and get a couple cans of compressed air, do not attempt to turn the computer on, an electrical current will more than likely short your motherboard. Open the bottom of the computer  (or side if it's a desktop) and begin to blow the compressed air into the areas that got wet. If that doesn't dry fast enough get a hair dryer that has a COOL setting on it. Do not use heat in any form. Worst case scenario you may have to buy a couple new components for your computer but you can usually get them pretty cheap if you buy wholesale.

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Computer tech monoxide is on the case.


Okay DO NOT follow other suggestions and put your computer in rice, it WILL fuck the internals hard core. I'm talking the possibility of total meltdown here.

What you should do is go to Wal-Mart and get a couple cans of compressed air, do not attempt to turn the computer on, an electrical current will more than likely short your motherboard. Open the bottom of the computer  (or side if it's a desktop) and begin to blow the compressed air into the areas that got wet. If that doesn't dry fast enough get a hair dryer that has a COOL setting on it. Do not use heat in any form. Worst case scenario you may have to buy a couple new components for your computer but you can usually get them pretty cheap if you buy wholesale.


Couple, if i turn it on and it’s not dried my motherboard is donezo. I don’t think they’re cheap lol

on the plus side, it’s old. It’s not the best either, i was planning on getting a new one but i don’t have the money right now. I have literally $120 to my name rn so until i can cough up some $ i think imma just leave it

if i get annoyed i may do that and turn it on anyway, i’d rather test my luck at this point

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