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[Official] Saturday Meetings Agenda


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Suggestion: make a CC forum thread/area where people can post their additions or issues with a format including their steam-id to possibly make cc issues easier to access/quicker so sugar can do cc stuff when he wants to do cc stuff and give all the information sugar needs in one area? Could be a bad idea or a great idea, depending on how it's executed and if other people can see others post.

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Dedicated call for sit guidelines, mainly for new staff so they know what sit's to take and which ones to ignore. Also for the users so they know what is and is not a legitimate reason to call for staff.


I know this is touched on in the motd, but I feel it needs to be expanded upon and given it's own thread.

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@ monoxide, when in the admin call menu it tells you to be descriptive and stuff 


also, i think we need to talk about mayors assassin, everytime one gets on mayor goes "SHOW ME UR CUFFS" seems like meta gaming but then again not really sure...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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There will be a server meeting next Saturday at 6:30 PM EST (all are welcome), with a short staff-only debrief right after. If you have any suggestions please post them here and they will be added to our agenda. Please make your suggestions conversation-worthy, not a simple one liner like, "Give thieves a weapon on spawn", as that belongs in our suggestions thread (https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175).


See you all there!

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There will be a server meeting next Saturday at 6:30 PM EST (all are welcome), with a short staff-only debrief right after. If you have any suggestions please post them here and they will be added to our agenda. Please make your suggestions conversation-worthy, not a simple one liner like, "Give thieves a weapon on spawn", as that belongs in our suggestions thread (https://www.titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175).


See you all there!




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  • Remove the lockpick the CP get when they are kidnapped. Many players complain and I feel as if they only need to wait it out or hopefully have another cop save them. This will prevent some complaints of players saying: "OH THAT'S NOT FAIR" and they call an admin. I get why, but I do not think it is needed.

  • Possibly have a sit count for Moderator. (Yes, I know the auto-promote thing, but there definitely needs to be a sit goal since so many T-Mods are getting Moderator very quickly.) They need to learn more to have a better understand on how to staff. EX) 300 sits = Moderator (In 2 weeks or less) 

  • Possibly discuss about making players immune to non-lethal abuse in spawn. Everyday I see players getting non-lethal'd in spawn. Including myself. With this, we could stop a lot of the minges.


Pros and Cons of my suggestions.


#1: Pro: It would make it easier and make it fair for everyone else.

#1: Con: It would definitely make players mad, but who likes getting kidnapped? (Still fair for everyone else)


#2: Pro: This will provide help to T-Mods. For an example, Rias became a Moderator in 2 days. (From what he said) Now, he is a good Moderator, but I personally don't think they should get promoted that quick.


#2: Con: I can see a bunch of T-Mods about to get on my case and whoop my ass. But they should learn to wait. Being patient is crucial to being staff. This will help them out. 


#3: Pro: Isn't it obvious?

#3: Con: N/A


(I ran out of ideas sadly. I'll try to think of more. Go ahead and judge them and give me feedback on my suggestions please)

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