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Unofficial Official LeBlanc Family Thread


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Ingame Name : 

  >gnome  child (2 spaces)

How did you first find LeBlanc?

  >From the point I was on this server they have been a pretty big presence, and they seem like they've been here for quite a while

Who and why do any LeBlanc members trust you?

  >Wavy LeBlanc out of any LeBlanc has the highest chance of trusting me, I based with him quite a bit before we in a way broke apart (he just based with someone else so I let him, I'm not gonna badger him)

Why are you a good fit for LeBlanc?

  >Well, the essence of LeBlanc is trust, having said that, I think having people I can rely on when I join the server, and having people that I can openly talk to and laugh with is desirable, the only thing similar to that I have on this server is my IRL friend who plays with me every once in a while, and a new friend who bases with me


Oh look, actual effort, your good I'll get you the discord link

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Application for The LeBlanc Family:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

In Game Name - Zelek                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Why I Want To Be In The LeBlanc Family: Well when I joined the server I started noticing more and more of the LeBlanc family and have wanted to join. Well when I found this I saw a chance. I've always wanted to be in a group of people who played on the same server and had a high presence. I'm well aquainted with most of the LeBlanc members and have based with them once. It would mean a lot to be accepted into the LeBlanc family.


Why I Should Be Accepted: I am a very good baser as well as a very trustworthy person. I have NEVER had any problems with any person i've based with or been with including the LeBlanc Family.

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