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Admin response


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Hi There


I hate to bring this up but it's gotten to a point that i've actively been testing to see if i'm correct and so far I haven't gotten anything. What I'm talking about is the response time when trying to speak with an admin using admin chat or just reporting in game something happening to you in that moment. It could be rdm, rda, prop blocking, in the last 2 weeks all 3 have happened to me some more then others to a total of at least 15 different situations I would need an admin's help. Sometimes it's to see if you can pull a player aside because this is the 2nd time he arrested me when i've barely left spawn after the last time. Both for no reason as I tried to ask him both times and the cop gave me no answer.. After trying to reach an admin using @ with a few messages and some time. Nothing the cop doesn't care and moves on and I lose my time. Fine it happens I moved on and tried to forget but sadly I have literally only been able to talk to an admin on 2 seperate occasions, none of which were the ones listed above.


They are: 


1. I was new to the server and was building a base and I abused the fading door to stop a raid by coming in through the door without using the keypad. I understood my mistake apologized, the admin was the one raiding and called me out when I killed him and then he left never to be seen again. 


2. I was a swat medic and witnessed a murder of a man outside another man's house. I tried to talk to him he went back inside of his home and as he tried to lock the door I opened it, wanted him and arrested him.  A few seconds later I get tped to an admin sit where the one I arrested had complained I had random arrested him. I explained what happened the admin listened and agreed I was ok to arrest. Returned.




Am I just not someone who needs help? I  understand sometimes they are busy or don't see the chat but this isn't a one time, two time, 5 time, 8 time thing. This has happened enough to where I had to make a post on the forum addressing it. I'm not trying to be mean or rude or even negative. I'm just wondering if there is anyway this can be fixed. I like the dark rp server a decent amount and what sparked this is I had tried to sell some vapes I had gotten and as I finished setting up my shop. I get what i think is a customer. I open the fading door of my shop to show him the vape and he kills me and leaves, not a raid or anything just a drive by murder. I try to talk to an admin of which at the least I had seen a trial mod on. But after some messages, some more time waiting, and even another message or two when things died down. Nothing.


I just have never once been able to talk to, report in game, or even really do anything with an admin unless it had to do with their agenda, at least seemingly. It dissapoints me sadly and I will continue to come on the server because I do have fun. But If I can't get in contact with anyone  the next time few times something like this happens, and I assure you there is always a next time, i'm sorry to say I'll probably stop connecting to it. 


To be fair the 2 times I have spoken to an admin they were polite, collected, and fair with their judgements. But the lack of response makes me feel like I can lose anything I work for at any moment and although that's part of the fun. The fact that if I get rdmed or if I get prop blocked into my house or I get rda repeatedely as I leave spawn and I can't even get in contact with the staff online but the the one time i've made a mistake and the other when I was accused of a rda I was immediately tped and brought to an admin sit,  I can't help but want to stop playing. If I had at least some success I wouldn't be here but i'm batting an average 0 right now. Really hope next few times I get in a mess I can reach an admin. Thanks for reading and sorry if I came off like a tw*t but I am pretty tired this.

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Are you reporting a staff member?


Are you trying to tell us as a whole about the staff team?


How many staff member are on during the time?




On a whole...  Yes the staff team is not perfect.  That is why we always are in a need to accept new staff. There is 2 types of staff members.  


  • There are the staff members that just apply for the rank and care a little bit about the server.  These staff members only take sits that involve there friends either getting trouble or they're having a problem with someone.  They also take sits that they are involved in.  Overall they role-play more than they staff on the server. If you do see that a particular staff member is role-playing more than staffing, then please report them.  
  • Then there is staff members that go beyond the expectations.  These are the staff members that you mainly see in sits and are answering questions in OOC.   They usually have a really high sit count and are mainly responding to reports/ban appeals.  They also treat everyone equally and have a unbias opinion.  These are the staff members that you want on the server.

If there are a few staff members online (1-3) on a pack server, try not to expect a sit right away.  If you don't get a respond after a good 5 minutes, make another sit.  This is because the sit eventually goes away.  If after 5 sits becomes a problem, then report them either the staff member that is not claiming sits or report the player that is breaking the rules.

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Are you reporting a staff member?


Are you trying to tell us as a whole about the staff team?


How many staff member are on during the time?




On a whole...  Yes the staff team is not perfect.  That is why we always are in a need to accept new staff. There is 2 types of staff members.  


  • There are the staff members that just apply for the rank and care a little bit about the server.  These staff members only take sits that involve there friends either getting trouble or they're having a problem with someone.  They also take sits that they are involved in.  Overall they role-play more than they staff on the server. If you do see that a particular staff member is role-playing more than staffing, then please report them.  
  • Then there is staff members that go beyond the expectations.  These are the staff members that you mainly see in sits and are answering questions in OOC.   They usually have a really high sit count and are mainly responding to reports/ban appeals.  They also treat everyone equally and have a unbias opinion.  These are the staff members that you want on the server.

If there are a few staff members online (1-3) on a pack server, try not to expect a sit right away.  If you don't get a respond after a good 5 minutes, make another sit.  This is because the sit eventually goes away.  If after 5 sits becomes a problem, then report them either the staff member that is not claiming sits or report the player that is breaking the rules.

I feel like I was reading the bible

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I just want to take the time to apolagize for this happening to you, it is never our intent to ignore sits.


It is part of being staff that we should always try to be the first ones to claim sits.

Sadly this does not happen all the time since most of the staff are more RP focused.


I have recently became a full moderator on the server and have been doing my best to be on as much as I can and be taking sits most of the time I am on.

I understand your frustration because just a month ago I was in your shoes, anytime someone broke a rule I would call for staff and nothing would happen, and the rule breaker would get away with it.


I hope you can remain on our server as you said you do enjoy it and you do have fun.

We do have a lot of staff on our server and only a small amount of that staff will stop RPing to help take sits if no one else is.


A lot of the staff on the server most of the time are new Trial Mods or freshly promoted Moderators.

I am not saying it is an excuse but that it the reality.

The intent should be that if there is staff on the server no sit should go unclaimed.

Now of course staff could get busy with multiple sits or be AFK.

What ever the reason about 90% of all sits made when staff is on should be claimed.



I hope going forward we can have a better staff to user relationship.

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I just want to take the time to apolagize for this happening to you, it is never our intent to ignore sits.


It is part of being staff that we should always try to be the first ones to claim sits.

Sadly this does not happen all the time since most of the staff are more RP focused.


I have recently became a full moderator on the server and have been doing my best to be on as much as I can and be taking sits most of the time I am on.

I understand your frustration because just a month ago I was in your shoes, anytime someone broke a rule I would call for staff and nothing would happen, and the rule breaker would get away with it.


I hope you can remain on our server as you said you do enjoy it and you do have fun.

We do have a lot of staff on our server and only a small amount of that staff will stop RPing to help take sits if no one else is.


A lot of the staff on the server most of the time are new Trial Mods or freshly promoted Moderators.

I am not saying it is an excuse but that it the reality.

The intent should be that if there is staff on the server no sit should go unclaimed.

Now of course staff could get busy with multiple sits or be AFK.

What ever the reason about 90% of all sits made when staff is on should be claimed.



I hope going forward we can have a better staff to user relationship.



Good words Cuddly.

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What they said above ^^


But also, just out of curiosity, what is your IGN?


I know how you feel btw. Before I was staff, there would be times where I would make sit requests that either wouldn't be handled or would take forever to be addressed (Recently, however, this has gotten a lot better imo). If you have made sit requests and they aren't being addressed in an appropriate amount of time, feel free to pm a staff member and politely ask if they are available to help at that moment. That tends to remind us that we have an issue to address.

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I just want to take the time to apolagize for this happening to you, it is never our intent to ignore sits.


It is part of being staff that we should always try to be the first ones to claim sits.

Sadly this does not happen all the time since most of the staff are more RP focused.


I have recently became a full moderator on the server and have been doing my best to be on as much as I can and be taking sits most of the time I am on.

I understand your frustration because just a month ago I was in your shoes, anytime someone broke a rule I would call for staff and nothing would happen, and the rule breaker would get away with it.


I hope you can remain on our server as you said you do enjoy it and you do have fun.

We do have a lot of staff on our server and only a small amount of that staff will stop RPing to help take sits if no one else is.


A lot of the staff on the server most of the time are new Trial Mods or freshly promoted Moderators.

I am not saying it is an excuse but that it the reality.

The intent should be that if there is staff on the server no sit should go unclaimed.

Now of course staff could get busy with multiple sits or be AFK.

What ever the reason about 90% of all sits made when staff is on should be claimed.



I hope going forward we can have a better staff to user relationship.



I tend to do sits more than Rp. Only when im Mayor. Otherwise, i got you man  <3 


Sometimes there are just a lot of sits and im one man, and we are all individuals who can only handle one at a time. We try our best. We try to give you guys the best experience we can :D

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Generally, when we are not answering sits, we are...


  • In another persons sit, (if this is ever the case and you are complaining in OOC about how unfair it is your sits not claimed, that's my response.)
  • Busy doing something for the server, for example, making a post on the forums or dealing with something going on out of game.
  • AFK, that one seems self explanatory.
  • Also, if the sit is not detailed, or does not follow the MOTD rules on @ chat, it may not be claimed.

      One quick thing to add: The staff are people too, we also enjoy role playing, or having fun, we don't only join the server to moderate it.

         We are not automatons created by the God-King Sugar Tits so we can fulfill his greatest conquest to feed the Great Lord Of Fire the

        enthusiastic child energy once they were done wrong. All in all, this blue text is just a Nice Meme! Reminding us the staff are only human.

         The times you might think we're lacking, we're most likely doing something for a different person other than you!


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