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[Official] Map Creation Ideas / Suggestions


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It would probably be best to keep things in a reasonable scope for a first draft of a custom map, not making it much bigger or more ambitious than the current version of downtown we use. Letting ideas run a bit too wild can lead to the creation of the map becoming chaotic, and likely land it in development heck.


My main suggestion would be one to remedy an issue we're currently facing - monopolization of map-based resources (mostly chem barrels, but we'll get to drug crops in a bit).


Personally, I think the monopolization of these resources, as arguably the best money-making methods on the server currently (in the case of barrels), is great for RP and creates an environment for competition/raiding beyond the ol' bases/printers situation. However, it's a bit too limited.


If possible, it would be best if the number of chem pipes/crop fields on the map scale to how populated the server is - rather than 3 chem pipes at 5 players or 70 players, perhaps 3 pipes at 1-15 players, 4 at 15-25, 5 at 25-35, etc. etc. (increments are purely speculative, nothing to 100% commit to). This goes the same for the drug fields. I'm not sure if this is possible (as I have no experience in map-making at all), but it'd allow for these money-making options to be utilized by more people, even if the jobs particular to those money making operations are all taken up. It'll allow for more accessibility, therefore a better experience overall.


Now, I've never done any drug growing or anything on the server, but perhaps if that had a similar system to the qualities of weapon modding, it may be seen as more worthwhile for players to partake in. Perhaps utilizing a crop quality system similar to Stardew Valley would work - normal crops, silver star crops, gold star crops, and purple star crops, each ranking selling for more than the previous. That way, it'd be a better way of making money and therefore more utilized by the player base. Rarely do you see more than one crop plot taken up at a time on the server - such a change in the profits of the product would surely affect this.


A bit unrelated, but the rulings on whether people are allowed to build on chem pipes as non-hobos should be strengthened as well - different staff members have had conflicting opinions on the matter, whether non-hobos should be able to block off pipes or not, and it'd be nice to get an official ruling. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the map change idea I would like to suggest downtown altered. I really want a map change and I believe this map would do a great job as the new map. It still has most of the current map's buildings and it only extends the map. so its kinda like a DLC in a way. It also updates a few building to make them cooler and it adds a few buildings too. So not too many loyal players should leave. also I see many potential jobs being created for the map too, i'll make an ideas list if we DO switch to downtown altered. If we don't, my only other suggestion would be an updated version of towntown so we have something similar. So no evo_city  or evilmelon cause those are too different. anyways this has prob been suggested already but I was too lazy to read the posts before me soo if this was already said, then I guess ill just give it a +1 soo yea.



Ok so I just read the 1st page so I've made my own Ideas list if your still going to make your own map.


1. For the lake/pond you want to put in, you can add a lockness monster job maybe? or like make the lake big enough to use boats and hunt lake monster maybe?

2. Tall apartment building with bridges between them, so like snipers can move from building to building at a high altitude so they don't need to walk to the street, + more ways to escape cops and stuff. Kinda like the city 18 map. with skybridges, idk how else to explain it but the map divinity roleplay uses is the one I'm talking about, maybe log in or something to check it out.

3. maybe a secret government base with monsters as prisoners (basically ccp but in dark rp.). So like we could make a few monster jobs, human test subject job, and scientist job. and maybe a head experiment director job?

4. A Real bank. one that the banker could use, kinda like the one on evilmelon.

5. Maybe a little hospital for an official place for medics to work.

6. Maybe a terrorist bunker?

7. More complex appartments for hiding from cops or something.

8. Bigger Pd and mayor safe room.

9. maybe a pvp arena where you type !pvp and get teleported there.

10. this isn't a big one but maybe a designated area for sits that is outside the map.

11. A designated boxing arena inside a warehouse or something. that way the fight club owner and fighters have a designated area.

12. This prob wont happen but its just an idea, for the military idea how about 2 cities that have their own mayor or maybe a small seperate city for the king job and he gets his own appointed military and the mayor gets a military and they can declare war on each other.

13. A church for the preacher job.

14. Maybe a casino building and a casino manager job? It could have slots  /roll and the extreme gambler.


that's it for the 10 minutes I had to think of these, I might have more in the future.

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Are you making it yourself?


No, I will pay a very reputable mapper at some point to work on it. First we need a blueprint and for everyone to agree on it, once that happens then I can proceed. I know that no one here actually cares about what the map should look like, they only really care of what will be in it and how it will perform compared to map we are playing on now which is hindering the stages of getting this off since I have 0 creative bones in my body to make some kind of sketch of a top down view


It's going to stay true to downtown, it will be bigger but EvoCity big. No matter what, there will be an underground, bigger PD, forest area but that is all that is 100% required. (Plus it must run like a god fps wise)

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I think I have an idea which can be interesting for rp as in fun. Maybe you can add a circus or amusement park. There can be a ferries wheel and jobs like clowns and weird circus characters. It wouldn't be for the actual rp and more for the lols. What's the most lol addon you want to add to the map?

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I think I have an idea which can be interesting for rp as in fun. Maybe you can add a circus or amusement park. There can be a ferries wheel and jobs like clowns and weird circus characters. It wouldn't be for the actual rp and more for the lols. What's the most lol addon you want to add to the map?

i would love this although i saw it somewhere b4. (on sandbox, but still)

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