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ODA Envy

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Sike bitches get click baited

*hits blunt*

but for real though... like yo sugar, remember those house props we used to have? Well... those were kinda big, i found these other ones but what if we permproped them in open area we don't use, it would be lit bro. Just like *hits blunt* spawn them in, move them into place, make sure you precision tool them straight. weld it so chump mods dont accidently move it, maybe make them c4 and blowtorch proof or some shit like that and boom it's like a whole new map but not a whole new map you feel me? also high pop you gotta build more housing broski.

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Lol believe it or not, I had a plan a long time ago when I found those house props to make a "mile high" club. Where a player could pay / be randomly chosen to spawn a portal up to maybe the skybox or something and they could base in one of the houses there but anyone who walks into the portal would be able to go up there.


I never did it because if you spawn things in the skybox everyone will hate you for 90 different reasons. A few of them being that their FPS will drop to -5 and that when they look up in the sky they will see your character, the house and anyone else up there, very zoomed in.


Then I had another plan for using the admin area as a new zone for houses but a lot of complications came through with that such as that events would have to be perma disabled, the houses as glaze said don't fit perfectly so 50% of the house would be unusable


When I made the doorbells I found out there is 56 + possibly like 5 ish other places to build on the map. If there was a way to expand maps while ingame without recompiling them, that would be sick. Unfortunately, the only other way to make more houses is to make everyone smaller and build houses on the road and in corners lol

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Lol believe it or not, I had a plan a long time ago when I found those house props to make a "mile high" club. Where a player could pay / be randomly chosen to spawn a portal up to maybe the skybox or something and they could base in one of the houses there but anyone who walks into the portal would be able to go up there.


I never did it because if you spawn things in the skybox everyone will hate you for 90 different reasons. A few of them being that their FPS will drop to -5 and that when they look up in the sky they will see your character, the house and anyone else up there, very zoomed in.


Then I had another plan for using the admin area as a new zone for houses but a lot of complications came through with that such as that events would have to be perma disabled, the houses as glaze said don't fit perfectly so 50% of the house would be unusable


When I made the doorbells I found out there is 56 + possibly like 5 ish other places to build on the map. If there was a way to expand maps while ingame without recompiling them, that would be sick. Unfortunately, the only other way to make more houses is to make everyone smaller and build houses on the road and in corners lol


Couldn't you just theoretically make a new map that's identical to downtown, but with an extra box somewhere outside of the map to house the mile high club and then name the map downtown_v4c_v2 and the 12 year olds won't notice it's a different map and we'll still keep our playerbase?


this is a bad idea but whatever, it's worth an ask.

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Lol believe it or not, I had a plan a long time ago when I found those house props to make a "mile high" club. Where a player could pay / be randomly chosen to spawn a portal up to maybe the skybox or something and they could base in one of the houses there but anyone who walks into the portal would be able to go up there.


I never did it because if you spawn things in the skybox everyone will hate you for 90 different reasons. A few of them being that their FPS will drop to -5 and that when they look up in the sky they will see your character, the house and anyone else up there, very zoomed in.


Then I had another plan for using the admin area as a new zone for houses but a lot of complications came through with that such as that events would have to be perma disabled, the houses as glaze said don't fit perfectly so 50% of the house would be unusable


When I made the doorbells I found out there is 56 + possibly like 5 ish other places to build on the map. If there was a way to expand maps while ingame without recompiling them, that would be sick. Unfortunately, the only other way to make more houses is to make everyone smaller and build houses on the road and in corners lol


Couldn't you just theoretically make a new map that's identical to downtown, but with an extra box somewhere outside of the map to house the mile high club and then name the map downtown_v4c_v2 and the 12 year olds won't notice it's a different map and we'll still keep our playerbase?


this is a bad idea but whatever, it's worth an ask.


It's not that people hate the maps, it's that they don't have the patience to really sit there and download something.


Maybe not this update but the next update, I will consider a map change since the 14th time is the charm

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YES! Sugar thank God do evil melon! I looked it over my self and it is super nice,perfect because it has building for different jobs,like a hospital for medic ans such,etc.Super cool map,please do evil melon.

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