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Vote kick/ban

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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Quality of Life



We need the vote ban/vote kick system to pass on a 50% vote not a 70% or 80% vote. Every single night when all the staff get off its basically purge, everyone prop blocks spawn, everyone mass rdms, everyone mass rdas. And as much as I am down for reporting it on the forums and having them banned in the morning. They also need to leave the server right away. It lowers the player count at night because no one wants to deal with the mass rule breakers and half the time you can not even leave spawn. It also effects almost everyones RP.


How to reproduce:

Be on the the server anytime after 3am

Get fucked.


Priority: High (Only because it happens EVERY NIGHT)

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I don't really trust too much power with vips as it is so easy to become one. I believe that rather than giving vips more power, we should instead start giving more people the Respected rank (can kick and ban up to an hour).


Maybe there should be some sort of application process?

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I don't really trust too much power with vips as it is so easy to become one. I believe that rather than giving vips more power, we should instead start giving more people the Respected rank (can kick and ban up to an hour).


Maybe there should be some sort of application process?


Or maybe once players reach a certain amount of hours they earn the respected rank? Like 200 hours or something

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The problem with respected right now is there is less respected then staff. 


If anyone with 200+ hours can get respected and then they can ban people it would start a lot more rouges. 

90% of the vips do not even know they can vote ban/kick to start with.


Plus even if they all learn its still a vote, the average amount of people on at night is 10-20,

that means that we need 5-10 of those people to agree with the person making the vote that that person is breaking the rules. 

If vote ban/kick is not fixed then we need something done about the night.

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