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Sky Bases

CuddlyKraken @Twitch

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Yesterday and today I encountered a new type of sky base I had not seen before. So naturally I tried to raid it.


To my finds I found it unraidable unless


1. The people in the base were afk or not paying attention.

2. You have C4, blowtorch, mastersword, or spiderman gun.

3. You have more than one person raiding with you.


The reason for this is that they have a floating sky box which is allowed as long as they are preacher, but they have one small path going from the box to a ledge on top of the hotel.

Now this would all be fine if you could walk on the ledge get to the fading door and and try to lockpick it or what ever you want to do once at the door.

But that is not the case the second you walk on the ledge the people in the base press a button and turns out that path going to the base is all fading doors and now you are falling to your death. You can not get to the base without having a mastersword or a spiderman gun to jump onto the bases floor then start lockpicking the fading door. I have talked to several staff about this and it seems no one can make up there mind if this is allowed or not. 


It clearly states in the rules that "You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building" 

Even though they have that path to the base it is basically just a laughing gag for them to drop people to there death.

You need a mastersword or a spiderman gun to get to the base which means you need a special tool which is clearly breaking that basing rule. 


A simple fix for this would be to make it so that the path can not be a fading door.

I feel if it is allowed but as long as they do not use it while people are raiding this will become abuse and we will start hearing people say "I did not know he was raiding since we do not have to call raid on this server."





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This base is basically unraidable, you walk and the player inside instantly pressed the button and you fall to your death unless you have special weapons as stated before. As edition the player added another door to the base in the middle of the walkway there is a door which u have to lockpick/keypad crack and u have to hope he doesnt press the button and makes you fall

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This is the only reply I will make on this post I would like everyone to get there opinion in. 


Even though this base technically does not break any rules, I believe it to be breaking the common sense rule.


1. You need friends to raid this base. You can not raid this base solo. 

2. You need him to be afk, or away from base to be able to get to the base. 

3. You need special tools to raid it if he is in the base. This one breaks a real rule i mentioned above. 


For this base to be allowed you should either,


1. Make it so that preachers can not have anyway of making money in there base so there is no personal gain from this base. (Idea from Blacnova)

2. Make it so that the path to the base can not be faded.

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I remember dealing with this kinda base.

I told them that fading a door to stop someone from lock picking is the classic definition of fading door abuse and to knock it off.

Also, he would keep the floor faded and make you search for the hidden button. Not cool.


No more fading floors in sky bases, please.

Or, yeah, make it so the preacher can't make money.

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Preachers and churches are just ways to make money IRL.


Anyway.. Leaving the fading door bridge faded is not allowed.


Here's a simple breakdown that I will slowly add to so stay tuned.


A Skybridge that is always faded after the occupants are inside NOT ALLOWED


A Skybridge that has no way to make it walkable NOT ALLOWED


Now, a bridge on a button and or keypad is completely fine in my eyes due to the definition of FDA that is used on this server. That being said the player(s) in the base must use the said button or keypad. If they use a keyboard input (key bind) then it is FDA by definition.


Basing Rules

  • Fading door limit is 3
  • Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds
  • One way props are allowed
  • You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building
  • You cannot have a skybase
  • You cannot have a crouch base that exploits a head glitch
  • Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entites or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense
  • KoS signs are not allowed but you may have Loitering signs. Minimum time for a loiterer to be killed is 5 seconds
  • Trespassing makes you KoS
  • Your goods must be accessible in some way or form. You cannot just prop block them
  • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door
  • You cannot have a blackout base / super dark base


  • The preacher can skybase


Misc Rules


Rules that generally don't have to be said but are here for the people who need to see them

  • Dont weld props on the back of your go karts
  • Don't fading door abuse
  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.



Everything in THIS COLOR applies to this issue.



As long as the skybasers have a walkable bridge, I deem them ok. If the bridge is a Fading Door, there must be a button/keypad that controls it on both sides of the bridge. The bridge that is a fading door also counts as such. So, if a player has 3 pieces to their "fading bridge" they now cannot have any fading doors in the actual base.


Also, only players playing as a preacher may be part of the skybase. Since they are THE ONLY job permitted to utilize such base.

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I just ran into this problem...You guys actually think this is or should be allowed? Having a long pathway to a base in the sky that has a fading door... You can literally press a button and have them fall anytime they are using a lockpick/keypad cracker.


"I don't understand the issue of requiring two people to raid a base. It's a good idea and from what I know it doesn't break any rules you could always just start raiding in a group."


I don't think you understand how this works... Even having 5 people won't help you raid this base. Let me try and explain this in a very simple way.


You walk onto a bridge

That bridge has a fading door

They have a button in their base

They press the button

You fall before you can even get to the keypad and even if you did make it to the keypad they would still press the button while you were cracking...


The only way that this is raidable is if he is afk or c4/blowtorch.


"but do not do it when you're getting raided."

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Maybe even as simple as a rule stating that there must be a non fading door bridge to skybase. 




That a fading bridge may not connect the actual base to any part of the map. Nor can a Fading bridge attach to said base, but may be in the middle of said bridge.


This would allow a section of the bridge (middle) to be a fading bridge giving the basing party atleast a small chance of stopping a raid. But when the raiders make it past the middle of the bridge, there is a solid visible surface to stand on.

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