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The Server Needs Change...


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Let me just start off my acknowledging what I know most of the comments will be. I know that it isn’t my place to tell Sugar how to run his server, especially since he uses his own money, barely (if even) making a profit from donations. Anyway, the topics I would like to address involve the server rules, and the staff management and conduct (or misconduct). I would also like to mention that these are not purely my ideas, a majority of them have been gathered from the community who feel the same on these topics.  I am also going to keep the people referenced anonymous, and I would like to state that this is not targeting any 1 person individually, but the entirety of the staff force in general. Enough with the introduction, I’ll get into what I really want to talk about.


I guess the first thing to talk about would be the server rules. Don’t get me wrong, the server rules do an ok job at allowing the community to enjoy the server, but they could be a LOT better. We’ll start off with the main issue, which is gray area. A lot of the rules are too vague and allow for players to avoid punishment after breaking them. Examples of this are rules that involve raiding and NLR. If a player dies during a raid, he is not to return to the base until after the raid is finished. Seems simple enough…. Except not really. Who knows what defines a raid, what counts as a raid, what counts as a raid being over besides the raider dying or adverting that the raid is over. My personal definition of a raid is when a player aggressively or surreptitiously acts against another player with intent to cause the downfall of the targeted player (or group of players in many cases). Examples of this would be attacking or killing the targeted player / group INSIDE their base (we’ll talk more about why its only inside later), using items or weapons that are used for malicious intent near the targeted base such as grenades, shooting at the door, using bludgeons when the player is near the base (loose description), lock picking / door charging etc. Examples of what a raid SHOULDN’T be defined as, are throwing smoke grenades near the base, loitering around the base, killing a player unrelated to the ‘targeted’ player or group, etc. Again these are all lose interpretations seeing as how half the server owns custom weapons. Now, how do we define a raid being over. If a raider leaves the raided base, the raid should be considered over, no matter for what reason. There should be no reason for a raider to leave the base besides ending the raid, simple. Another thing, raids against people who don’t have anything (i.e. any form of prop or entity such as printers / bitminers / drugs) should not be raidable (this is actually vaguely mentioned in the rules where it says not to disturb the players that just want to chill).


Anyway, this is just one example of the rules that show the lack of explanation or depth, and this is a BIG problem because the server relies on the staff to correctly serve the community. If one staff member interprets the rules one way, and another staff member interprets the same rule another way, the result is catastrophic. I personally had to deal with this a few days ago with an admin. I was told by another staff member that raidzones were a real thing on the server (Basically a KOS area within an UNDEFINED radius around the base being raided), but then when I killed the admin claiming he was in this alleged raidzone, I was informed that no such thing existed and was given a warning. Now let’s say this happens in a situation for mass rdm. If I kill the entire server because they did something a staff member told me allowed for me to kill them, obviously I could have been banned by another staff member who had a different interpretation of the rules. Anyway, what I’m saying is that all the staff need to be on the same page for explicitly defined rules.


This leads me to my next point, staff conduct and management. This is where I have no information on anything as to how staff are managed outside of the actual server (i.e. skype groups or whatever) so ill touch on it very lightly. In my very honest opinion, there are some very underqualified staff that don’t deserve it, and I have no idea how they got their rank. Some staff are completely biased to a group of players, and some just plain don’t care about anything. You crossfire kill 1 guy? That’s unfortunate, here is a 7-day ban for MassRDM. It’s not actually this extreme, but you get the point. Another thing is how punishments are calculated. I have seen countless times, someone who has LTAP’d, MassRDMed, and Broken NLR, being given the same punishment as someone who has only MassRDMed. I think the punishment system should be made public (if it hasn’t already been). 


My next point is staff conduct, which I do have quite a bit of experience with. I’ve received 15+ warns and let’s be honest, I’ve evaded countless more through the loopholes of the rules (I’m not saying I want a ban, pls don’t ban me). But anyway, what I’m actually talking about is staff ‘sits’. Firstly, some staff who are fully paying attention to in-game, don’t claim sits. There could be 7-10 people on the server, they’re chatting it up in OOC, and they don’t claim the sits. Why? Because they have to defend their base from raiders. But let’s move on to when staff actually do claim sits, which I would say is actually more than 50% of the time when I am on. 


The way the sits are conducted is so mediocre that its laughable. Staff messing up commands, bringing 3 or 4 people at once when they only mean to bring 1. It’s ridiculous. In the actual sit (and I have seen this), some staff are so careless with what they do. I was on earlier when a player was being unbanned (mind you I wasn’t even part of the sit, yet I was able to witness it. So much for confidentiality), and the staff member was like “Oh, I think that’s his steam ID, idk though.” Next thing you see, SteamID_2345498539435984398543 is unbanned or whatever the message was. WHO KNOWS WHO THIS STAFF MEMBER JUST UNBANNED. Maybe it was a prop spammer, a MassRDMer/rdar, who knows? This is rare, it happens, but it is rare. 


1 thing I propose to begin with a defined area for sits. An area where I can’t prop climb (which people do) or master sword / swep to. As for staff, I will try not to sound too demanding, as again, I won’t tell sugar how to run his server. Firstly, the staff needs to be re-evaluated, and that’s all I’ll say about that. Secondly, there needs to be more active staff that know the explicitly defined rules, if such a list is ever created. It doesn’t look like Sugar really minds inactivity that much as long as they aren’t t-mod, and neither do I... except when it comes to the owner of the server. Now, I know (or at least I’d like to think that I know) that sugar is very busy, and he doesn’t have time to play with the community as much as he wants to, but unfortunately this inactivity is passed onto his head admins, and then his admins, and then the moderators, and then the t-mods, then respected, then then onto the community who look up to or strive to be a staff member. One drop really ruins the whole pool, and I’m not saying that Sugar does this purposefully or that he is a bad server owner, but a bit more activeness with the community could help. (Again as I said before I’m not sure what happens outside of the server regarding Sugar with his staff, so I don’t know if he talks to them or not). 


~~ Sorry for the lengthy post, but this had to be addressed. The important main topics are in bold.

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On the matter of reckless staff, i would like to say if what im expecting to happen, there's going to be some changes, for the better. (if it's horrendously bad PLEASE make a staff report)

Now, moving on to the whole punishment times being public, people would not need to know this if they do in fact follow the rules, i think it'd make sits a lot more complicated as the verdicts often times try their best to debunk and shame any decision made to get out of trouble.

As for the rest, i'll say more later, i'm currently on my phone & it's slow

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I agree Shard, except I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If people dislike for that, as a handful already do, so be it.


The TitsRP staff team has to be one of the most unorganized staff teams I've ever seen. We have no clear "chain of command" on who has a final say. Yea, we have sugar. But sugar is one person, and we are working him half to death. Whenever he is on, he is spammed by everybody. This is a major problem. We need a clear "second highest up". When we don't have a clear second highest up, we have trial mods bicker internally, ask mods, they bicker, ask admins they might bicker, and then everybody spams sugar for an answer. We need a clear idea of who is in charge of who.


This is how I currently see it:


Sugar (Highest ranking staff)



Trial Mods


This means that whenever there is a disagreement for lets say, the admins, which is rare, then they all spam sugar for help. On top of that, I've only ever seen one admin on, which is Fantasma. He (no offense fanta) is only semi active, so he can't handle much. We are left with mods and trial mods, all interpreting rules in their own way, and spamming sugar if they can't agree. 


The rules are in shambles. We have SO many gray areas. Whenever I say "hey, we should all sit down and define the rules better," all I get is excuses, moaning, and bitching. Either that, or people tell me to stop bitching. What is the point of having a staff team if the rules can be so easily abused, loopholed, and misinterpreted. One example is the warn system. (Not the staff !warn, but the warns in chat) As of now, warns, like the old counters, can be used to mass rdm under certain circumstances. People can, within 2 seconds, verbally say "warn 1 warn 2 warn 3" *BAM* shotgun to the face. I've had people, STAFF, warn me to go away, and then FOLLOW ME as I walk down the road, so they can continue to spout warns and shoot me. I've seen people mass rdm and say "oh they were following me, i verbally warned them." These grey areas cause absolutely chaos.


Another problem is that even with the rules that are very clearly defined, the staff can't properly enforce them! How many rdms qualifies as mass rdm? Is "kos +5" a kos sign or a loitering sign? What is NLR? None of these things are enforced the same way by more than one or two staff. I've had some staff tell me nlr doesn't exist at all, that it only exists during raids, and that interfering with rp that caused you to die is nlr. Which one is it? No clear chain of command, plus an owner who is doing in real life things and can't sit down for four hours and fill in every grey area, means we have mods doing their own damn thing. 


Let me continue my bitching. Some of the staff are biased, OH so biased. Let me give you an example:


>be me

>gets base raided

>goes back to general area

>gets shot for "breaking nlr"

>goes back to ask why I was shot

>gets shot again

>goes to notify killer I'm getting admin

>tries shooting me again, does not kill

>shoots person in self defense

I'll stop with the 4chan crap, but anyway, I'm brought to a sit. I go to explain what happened, when I'm told it isn't my sit request that was answered, but the person who just died's sit request. I'm accused of breaking nlr, even though I never interacted with the raider (mind you, my base was entirely open and gutted, with no entities left. This person was raiding just to prevent me from going back to base, even far after the 5 minute time limit? Or is it 10 minutes? Another grey area) Anyway, I am accused of breaking nlr. I explain I was simply waiting for the raid to end, got shot at, and defended myself. Admin then pulls up logs showing my death, then me killing my shooter. I explain this was 6 minutes apart, and in self defense as I was waiting for raid to end/explaining to killer  I filed a report for rdm/breaking raid timer. I'm told if I continue to lie, that I will be banned for 3 days. I ask how I am lying, as my story matches up perfectly with the logs. "Oh, you are lying because the reporter said you lied". Wut. The moderator then starts bringing witnesses, who are all friends of the person who made the report. During this time, people begin climbing into the sit and calling me a nigger, faggot, etc. I'm then verbally told to "stop bitching" about the people who are in the sit, but are just intruding. I think maybe the mod doesn't understand me or something, so I ask if he can hear me and if his first language is english (not to be offensive to but to if there was a language barrier.) The mod then says the dumbest thing ever, "Are you being RACIST"???!?! 20 minutes of the mod insulting me, people propclimbing into sit and getting away with it, and told I'm going to be banned. Then I just get warned for nlr and get returned. Like nothing happened.


I'm not telling anybody how to run the server, just heavily suggesting they should take some of the steps I've described. 


1) Re evaluate staff team. Demote if they cannot pass simple mock scenarios/are not being good staff

2) Clear up grey areas on the rules. All of them

3) Get all of the staff on the same page

4) Construct a chain of command for the staff (Owner, admins, etc) so we don't have trial mods going DIRECTLY to sugar for every little thing.

Google Chrome was lagging  because the post I wrote was so big. Let me explain what I said more in depth.


1) Re evaluate the staff. Some of the staff are, bluntly, shit at what they do. They either do not care, do not understand, or are intentionally doing certain actions. I WILL be naming names, and listing them off. Time to sit back, buckle up, and watch the hate pour in


Yellow Guy verbally insulting me in sit, calling me an autistic fucking faggot instead of actually handling the issue at hand


Race (not staff, respected) being a complete dick to anybody and everybody besides his inner circle of friends/anybody who does any negative roleplay or ooc action towards him. His sickening disrespect promotes people on the server to accept an attitude of "its ok to insult people because if they don't like it or report it, they are whiny bitches" (I'll bet him or one of his friends replies some hate post against me, claiming I'm a salty whiny bitch who needs to be banned)


Spawn of heck SCREAMING at the top of his lungs in sits, to the point where it sounds like he is having an anneurism


Harley taking sits involving him and his friends, even ones involving direct reports against him, and being extremely biased. He will take anything you give him and twist it to suit him or his friends. For example, he begins warning me to walk away "Warn 1, warn 2". I am walking, sprinting, away from him. He follows me as I run down the road away from him and guns me down because he "Warned me to leave." I ask for a sit, he answers it. The entire sit is conducted on the road in industrial, where he easily ignores his friends screaming "FAGGOT, DUMBASS" at me in the middle of a sit.


Tyrant refusing to take a sit unless I made a forum report on two people, who were rdming as he was ONLINE. He said I needed to make a report and list what happened on the forums (which i did and later deleted) or he wouldn't handle the problem. I made the report and he still never helped. Instead he ran around the server, the only staff at the time, not taking sits and joking around WITH the mass rdmers.


Side note: I get it, some of these staff have been here for awhile. However, seniority doesn't mean they are good staff. Hitler was in power for over a decade, but Kennedy was in power for only a few years. Who was a better leader?


Every single admin besides fantasma being massively server inactive, and only occasionally on the forums. I know Sugar does not mind if admins are inactive, but how does an inactive staff team enforce the rules?


Lack of admins or anybody higher than moderators besides sugar, who is only on a few hours a day, leads to moderators interpreting the rules in a different way for themselves. This causes extreme chaos, as what one staff promotes and does themselves, another staff would ban 24 hours for. See how bad that is? It isn't entirely the mods' faults, either. There are so many grey areas in the rules that some staff outright enforce rules that do not exist, but that THEY think should exist. An example of this would be some staff enforcing the new counter rule and others not enforcing it. Some won't even take sits involving it. 


Now, due to a lack of anybody besides equally powered moderators, large grey areas, and some staff just being dicks, we have the staff team divided into like 5 sub groups. X player is friends with y moderator, but not v moderator. They will follow what y says but not what v says. If v confronts y about this, then y defends friend. Internal staff bickering. Nobody to go to in the sense of a head mod, admin, co owner, only sugar. Sugar then gets spammed with twenty messages. x player may then become staff, because of good recommendation from his friend y. Y then teaches x his version of the rules. People become friends with x as he is more prominent and well known. X teaches the rules the way y did, but may change things slightly because of how he thinks things should be. The cycle continues until there are such big divides in the rules and how the are enforced that it fractures the staff team to the point of hidden staff drama.


2) Clear up the grey areas

If we have no undefined areas of the rules, then they cannot be loosely understood. If the rules  say "Nlr is when a player returns to their deathzone to interact with the rp situation that led to their death" is nlr, then no other staff can argue "no, this is what nlr means." This means staff all enforce the same rules, punishments are the same, no idiotic versions of rules that don't exist.


3) Get all the staff on same page

Would be an effect of clearing up grey areas. No misunderstood rules, no grey areas, all staff are on the same page.


4) Construct a chain of command for the staff

We do need this. Imo it should be something like:


Owner (Sugar)

Head Admin (Speaks to sugar about things, solves bickering between admins without having to go to sugar)

Admin (Admin team that are actually active

Moderator (Just mods...yea)

Trial mods (Trial mods...people learning to be staff)


This way the staff team can function properly without having to bitch to sugar about every little issue. 


The end result of all of this would be:


In depth rules enforced by organized staff team all enforcing the same understanding of the rules.


Note: I have nothing against the staff I named, they just did these certain things as staff. Except race. He needs to be made a user/vip so people stop listening to him. He is more toxic than the water in Flint, Michigan.

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I agree Shard, except I'm not afraid to speak my mind. If people dislike for that, as a handful already do, so be it.


The TitsRP staff team has to be one of the most unorganized staff teams I've ever seen. We have no clear "chain of command" on who has a final say. Yea, we have sugar. But sugar is one person, and we are working him half to death. Whenever he is on, he is spammed by everybody. This is a major problem. We need a clear "second highest up". When we don't have a clear second highest up, we have trial mods bicker internally, ask mods, they bicker, ask admins they might bicker, and then everybody spams sugar for an answer. We need a clear idea of who is in charge of who.


This is how I currently see it:


Sugar (Highest ranking staff)



Trial Mods


This means that whenever there is a disagreement for lets say, the admins, which is rare, then they all spam sugar for help. On top of that, I've only ever seen one admin on, which is Fantasma. He (no offense fanta) is only semi active, so he can't handle much. We are left with mods and trial mods, all interpreting rules in their own way, and spamming sugar if they can't agree. 


The rules are in shambles. We have SO many gray areas. Whenever I say "hey, we should all sit down and define the rules better," all I get is excuses, moaning, and bitching. Either that, or people tell me to stop bitching. What is the point of having a staff team if the rules can be so easily abused, loopholed, and misinterpreted. One example is the warn system. (Not the staff !warn, but the warns in chat) As of now, warns, like the old counters, can be used to mass rdm under certain circumstances. People can, within 2 seconds, verbally say "warn 1 warn 2 warn 3" *BAM* shotgun to the face. I've had people, STAFF, warn me to go away, and then FOLLOW ME as I walk down the road, so they can continue to spout warns and shoot me. I've seen people mass rdm and say "oh they were following me, i verbally warned them." These grey areas cause absolutely chaos.


Another problem is that even with the rules that are very clearly defined, the staff can't properly enforce them! How many rdms qualifies as mass rdm? Is "kos +5" a kos sign or a loitering sign? What is NLR? None of these things are enforced the same way by more than one or two staff. I've had some staff tell me nlr doesn't exist at all, that it only exists during raids, and that interfering with rp that caused you to die is nlr. Which one is it? No clear chain of command, plus an owner who is doing in real life things and can't sit down for four hours and fill in every grey area, means we have mods doing their own damn thing. 


Let me continue my bitching. Some of the staff are biased, OH so biased. Let me give you an example:


>be me

>gets base raided

>goes back to general area

>gets shot for "breaking nlr"

>goes back to ask why I was shot

>gets shot again

>goes to notify killer I'm getting admin

>tries shooting me again, does not kill

>shoots person in self defense

I'll stop with the 4chan crap, but anyway, I'm brought to a sit. I go to explain what happened, when I'm told it isn't my sit request that was answered, but the person who just died's sit request. I'm accused of breaking nlr, even though I never interacted with the raider (mind you, my base was entirely open and gutted, with no entities left. This person was raiding just to prevent me from going back to base, even far after the 5 minute time limit? Or is it 10 minutes? Another grey area) Anyway, I am accused of breaking nlr. I explain I was simply waiting for the raid to end, got shot at, and defended myself. Admin then pulls up logs showing my death, then me killing my shooter. I explain this was 6 minutes apart, and in self defense as I was waiting for raid to end/explaining to killer  I filed a report for rdm/breaking raid timer. I'm told if I continue to lie, that I will be banned for 3 days. I ask how I am lying, as my story matches up perfectly with the logs. "Oh, you are lying because the reporter said you lied". Wut. The moderator then starts bringing witnesses, who are all friends of the person who made the report. During this time, people begin climbing into the sit and calling me a nigger, faggot, etc. I'm then verbally told to "stop bitching" about the people who are in the sit, but are just intruding. I think maybe the mod doesn't understand me or something, so I ask if he can hear me and if his first language is english (not to be offensive to but to if there was a language barrier.) The mod then says the dumbest thing ever, "Are you being RACIST"???!?! 20 minutes of the mod insulting me, people propclimbing into sit and getting away with it, and told I'm going to be banned. Then I just get warned for nlr and get returned. Like nothing happened.


I'm not telling anybody how to run the server, just heavily suggesting they should take some of the steps I've described. 


1) Re evaluate staff team. Demote if they cannot pass simple mock scenarios/are not being good staff

2) Clear up grey areas on the rules. All of them

3) Get all of the staff on the same page

4) Construct a chain of command for the staff (Owner, admins, etc) so we don't have trial mods going DIRECTLY to sugar for every little thing.

Note: ive only read a portion of this and will only be responding to the portions the said portion. I will //probably// get to more later as I should be sleeping.

First off, if theres only mods on, there absolutely should not be an argument or discussion which ones right or not. We have clear guidelines and rules to follow that I have tabbed almost 24/7 for certain situations. I do know some mods need help, I am usually the go to for the mods who have questions, which is totally fine if they message me on Skype to get on and help out or text me or even ask me to goto them in game and inform them and help out with whatever.

I'd like to quickly say, Fantasma is soon to be leaving for 2 years. He is going to Job Corps and wont be able to have a computer. His recent activity is appreciated, even if it is low.

The way the ranks are set up are as follows:

  • Sugar (superadmin)
  • Head Admins
  • Admins
  • Moderators
  • T-mods

Generally, the Admins have final say in situations where theres question between mods. (Kind of obvious, but you seemed generally confused.)

Now, on the warn thing, alls im going to say is

A: Rules have been updated on warns, you can no longer warn for acts such as sitting on a sidewalk or minding your own business (although this fell under the common sense category, Sugar did take quick note to address this)

B: If you see staff doing this, make a report immediately (start recording) they will without a doubt be warned to stop or even demoted.

Now, let me get to the loitering part. There are no KOS signs as, obviously, being in someones base without permission IS in fact KOS, there may be 5 second plus LOITERING signs, as stated in the rules, idk where you got that from. Now, NLR is ONLY in raids, as stated IN THE RULES. Simply going back to a hitman that killed you bc he had a hit and killing him is considered Revenge RDM, should be pretty obvious.

(this about where I quit reading)

it clearly says don't go back to your base until theyre done. No, they shouldn't kill you for standing there, they should call an admin. But, just don't go back and youll avoid this situation as a whole.

(the max raid time is 10 minutes, not 5 like you said)

Also: the mod who let people interfere with your sit, along with letting them harass you needs a talking to, I'll give you that one.

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See? Tunnel, thank you for perfectly proving what I mean so far. You state the rules, yet other moderators, the same rank as you, have vastly different opinions and views on the rules. It is so bad that some of the MODS don't even know the rules, of course 3/4 of the playerbase is misinformed.


You also say admins have final say. No offense to the staff, but...what admins? (Besides sugar)

I know blacnova, cullen, and mr president are admin, but all three are inactive besides forums. Fanta will be leaving soon, which means we could possibly have no admins, unless we did promotions (which is the last thing we need right now)


You also say "the mod who let people interfere with the sit". Which one? It has happened to me twice. Harley was one incident, in the industrial on the road. The other was yellow guy. The difference between them is Harley did not join in on the harassment. Harley never called me a "fucking autistic faggot". I guess that is a good thing?

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See? Tunnel, thank you for perfectly proving what I mean so far. You state the rules, yet other moderators, the same rank as you, have vastly different opinions and views on the rules. It is so bad that some of the MODS don't even know the rules, of course 3/4 of the playerbase is misinformed.


You also say admins have final say. No offense to the staff, but...what admins? (Besides sugar)

I know blacnova, cullen, and mr president are admin, but all three are inactive besides forums. Fanta will be leaving soon, which means we could possibly have no admins, unless we did promotions (which is the last thing we need right now)


You also say "the mod who let people interfere with the sit". Which one? It has happened to me twice. Harley was one incident, in the industrial on the road. The other was yellow guy. The difference between them is Harley did not join in on the harassment. Harley never called me a "fucking autistic faggot". I guess that is a good thing?


i'm still learning but i promise to help to the best of my abilities ! usually i go afk because i have to go to my moms but i'll help a sit much as i can if i see something going on

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Uwu, I'd say you are one of the moderators who actually cares about what they do. I've never seen you disrespect anybody ever, not even in the slightest bit. 


Also, I found out something interesting...

We have 69 forum accounts registered under moderator

Yet the only active moderators are:


Tunnel Snake








Water Damaged Textbook

That is nine people who are active mods/trial mods that I can think of, and uwu doesn't even have a forum account that has moderator rank. That means we have SIXTY people on the server/forums who have moderator abilities. Some have not logged in for 5, 6 months. One has literally not logged in for 15 months. Yet they have the staff rank. What if one of these people remembered they had staff and decided to ban or abuse massively since they no longer cared? It has happened on the server before.


Second off, what is "The Crt Group." One of them, Juan Ogre Fist, has not logged in for 15 months. 

Admin Musical_Prodigy has not been on since late march. Mickey Moose abandon the server in july.

We have, including everybody who is officially staff that are active:

10 Mods

3 Admins, soon to be 2

1 "Crt" named The Great Gazooks

1 Sugar Tits

15, soon to be 14 staff. 


This drives my points listed about out of the ballpark. The staff team is so disorganised we have moderators who have not been on (At least on the forums) in FIFTEEN MONTHS. There is a difference between two week inactivity and July of 2015.

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  • If you have a problem with staff, please make a staff report about it.
  • Juan Ogre Fist = Great Gazooks
  • Head admin are doing better things with there life rather than baby sit us.
  • I am not an admin -> I am a moderator.
  • I do agree that we should organize the staff team, but Sugar is one person and he is in college.
  • Also, this happens a lot on the server, kinda like a circle?
  • This is all I am going to say about this topic.

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Cullen, this isn't a campaign of hate against the staff. We are just trying to genuinely improve the server. 

If we had a demotion policy then organization would be easier.

If somebody has not been on in 15 months, they need demoted. Juan is just a single example...there are literally 60 some odd accounts that have not been on ranging from 1 month to literally july 2015. These people will likely never come back. If they ever did, they would be demoted. I know sugar is busy but how hard is it to look at the staff team listed on the forum and go, for example:


Moderator 1337 last logged in 7-7-16

Even if this player returned they would not know the updated rules.

1337 has been demoted.




Moderator Aura last logged in 4-9-16

Even if this player returned they would not know the updated rules.

Aura has been demoted


heck, if you want, I'LL sit down and do it FOR YOU. It literally would take 15 minutes. If any mistakes are made the user can be re-promoted. 


You say "Head admins have better things to do than babysit us"

When did I ever imply this? In fact, staff team organization and re-evaluation would mean they wouldn't have to babysit us


"Happens on the server, kinda like a circle"

You took words from my mouth, Cullen, and I fully agree. Disorganization leads to the scenario I made

>player x is mod, tells player y incorrect rules/own interpretation of rules

>player y thinks these are correct rules, applies for staff

>player x +1 because it fits with how he sees the rules

>player y gets promoted

>player y spreads incorrect rules

Rinse and repeat.


side note: Thought you were admin? If not you need to be, you are like head mod in a sense <3

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It's actually REALLY hard to get admin. Getting Mod is a piece of cake, but getting admin requires more than just being active, trust me, I've been trying for 11 months with no success. If anyone, Kaboing was the closest to becoming admin until he fucked it up and ran off with Bzerk Keller.

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