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Give bounty hunters a red dot.


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While being hunted by a bounty hunter the target should see him in either an outline, or a red dot similar to the ICU perk. This would clear up confusion and prevent RDM cases from mistaken identity since there can be up to four at a time. 

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i dont like this idea because it takes the actual "sneaky" part that you can do with bounty hunters, you can sit in a corner and wait for a bounty hunter to turn the corner and try to kill you then just be better. Now ive seen a clever trick which is using potions of character to hide your identity (essentially playing hitman in titsrp) giving the hunted an upper hand. Makes bounty hunter obsolete and really would only be worth to do it for quests

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i dont like this idea because it takes the actual "sneaky" part that you can do with bounty hunters, you can sit in a corner and wait for a bounty hunter to turn the corner and try to kill you then just be better. Now ive seen a clever trick which is using potions of character to hide your identity (essentially playing hitman in titsrp) giving the hunted an upper hand. Makes bounty hunter obsolete and really would only be worth to do it for quests

Perhaps a compromise to this would be having a leveling milestone, where if hunting a bounty above 5k you'd automatically be given a random job and model, similar to how the serial killer functions.

Edited by Venderson
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4 hours ago, bugman said:

not a bad idea, especially considering how you are allowed to KOS if you are being bounty hunted while only one hunter is on. 


hello you are being hunted by a bounty hunter that is enough information... if you see a bounty hunter and he is shooting at u then kill him back.. you are not hunting the bounty hunter, why would you be able to see him? this just turns bounty hunters into choosing their target and then getting hunted down by them. surely we would make this change for hitmen too as they are also hunting you....... imo this is no logic just dont rdm or just abuse the spawn trick where u run to spawn and wait for a bounty hunter to follow u, then shoot them, if it deals damage, then you can kill them and its not rdm since they are 100% ur bounty hunter, if they take no damage, just say sorry and give them armor pack

Edited by Tene
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23 hours ago, Tene said:


hello you are being hunted by a bounty hunter that is enough information... if you see a bounty hunter and he is shooting at u then kill him back.. you are not hunting the bounty hunter, why would you be able to see him? this just turns bounty hunters into choosing their target and then getting hunted down by them. surely we would make this change for hitmen too as they are also hunting you....... imo this is no logic just dont rdm or just abuse the spawn trick where u run to spawn and wait for a bounty hunter to follow u, then shoot them, if it deals damage, then you can kill them and its not rdm since they are 100% ur bounty hunter, if they take no damage, just say sorry and give them armor pack

only have the dot appear when hes close so you dont hunt him and just know when hes after you, bozo


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