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2 hours ago, frank fontaine said:

i dunno why people make excuses for the staff, they really just accept anyone and so the staff team is full of toxic and racist 14 year old kids who come home from school mad after tyrone shoves them in a locker for the 50th time and they have to log into garrys mod and abuse their powers and call people the N word just loud enough that they can't hear their father beating their pregnant mother to death in the next room.. any idiot can see the issue here. you accept just a small handful of shitters into the staff team and they will make sure all of their shitter friends become staff in short order too. its a simple problem really...

The first half of what you said seems like a joke, but just incase its not, I dont think home life effects many people on the server, it might for some but I feel like its not many. I had a crappy home life when I first started on the server and still was a pretty decent staff member. I think there are much more pressing issues then just toxic players becoming staff and getting their toxic friends to be staff. For example, its way too easy to become staff, staff abuse is not really taken seriously, a lot of staff dont have an understanding of the MOTD except for basic rules, and a lack of maturity and ability to admit when they are wrong. These are some of the biggest issues ive seen firsthand. 

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25 minutes ago, Quas said:

The first half of what you said seems like a joke, but just incase its not, I dont think home life effects many people on the server, it might for some but I feel like its not many. I had a crappy home life when I first started on the server and still was a pretty decent staff member. I think there are much more pressing issues then just toxic players becoming staff and getting their toxic friends to be staff. For example, its way too easy to become staff, staff abuse is not really taken seriously, a lot of staff dont have an understanding of the MOTD except for basic rules, and a lack of maturity and ability to admit when they are wrong. These are some of the biggest issues ive seen firsthand. 

its easy to become staff because the staff team (ie who picks the new staff members) is full of morons and toxic people lol. i dunno what happened to the days of staff  on gmod just being respected people in the community but these days it feels like people just want a chat tag next to their name because its the next logical step after doing everything there is to do on the server. shouldnt be rewarding ppl for that imo. can't really say many of the people on the staff team really command any respect in the community because it's pretty hard to tell them apart from the minges and assholes that theyre supposed to be keeping off the server.

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1 hour ago, frank fontaine said:

its easy to become staff because the staff team (ie who picks the new staff members) is full of morons and toxic people lol. i dunno what happened to the days of staff  on gmod just being respected people in the community but these days it feels like people just want a chat tag next to their name because its the next logical step after doing everything there is to do on the server. shouldnt be rewarding ppl for that imo. can't really say many of the people on the staff team really command any respect in the community because it's pretty hard to tell them apart from the minges and assholes that theyre supposed to be keeping off the server.

Again I am trying to return to my position as a moderator if I can get unbanned.

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This is a very well thought out and well written post, and highlights many of the issues I've felt with the server. For months now it's felt as if the quality of staff has been decreasing greatly, not all staff, just some of the people that came along didn't put as much effort in as they could.

Regarding your points:

1. I wholeheartedly agree, a "talking to" does next to nothing to most staff members, and rarely are punishments ever given to staff outside of a talking to. Upper staff needs to be more liberal with their punishments for the lower ranked staff members.

2. Yes, the MOTD is kinda a mess, and needs to be completely reworked, with feedback from the Super Admins.

3. I'd even argue that 16 is too young as well, it should be 17 or 18, it will greatly decrease the number of potential applicants, but will also weed out many individuals who simply aren't mature enough to run. I remember a staff member that was straight up 13, which baffles me.

4. I agree with this point quite a bit, but it could be potentially abused by angry players and the lot, sit doesn't go the way they want, they give a 1 star or whatever. This happened a lot when I was staff, however, I think implementing it is a good idea. Now that the community manager position is open again, it should be filled by a far more active player, and this should be one of their main jobs, is looking over evaluations and discussing them with the involved staff members.

5. This is good too, it's even more meaningful when it comes from upper staff like Admins and the like.


Furthermore, I'd like to add that there should be more interaction and involvement for higher staff positions, and they should be more strict in time given, for example, more slack should be provided for auto-demote times for Moderators, but more strict for S-Mods and higher, I get that people have lives, but these positions are not as common as the others, and are supposed to represent experience and overall good work, so why are they a rare sight on the server (or at least was when I was playing often) These positions should be taken only by people who are experienced enough to be considered, but also because they want to take the job to help more, not because of a rank change and "clout" or whatever, and they should be prepared for the more strict schedule the promotion provides. Overall, you've raised a fantastic point here, good work.


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11 minutes ago, Doge Skeletor said:

I agree with this point quite a bit, but it could be potentially abused by angry players and the lot, sit doesn't go the way they want, they give a 1 star or whatever. This happened a lot when I was staff, however, I think implementing it is a good idea. Now that the community manager position is open again, it should be filled by a far more active player, and this should be one of their main jobs, is looking over evaluations and discussing them with the involved staff members.

The way I was thinking of to filter out angry people is to simply only take well written reviews of the staff member in question with actually viable points as to why this staff member might be doing any sort of misconduct. When it comes to community manager position, I dont know if any of the current staff members are truly ready for that, they are either not a good staff member or inactive for the most part. There are some exceptions.

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I'd say more than 50% of the current Smods have less than 10 sits taken in the past 2 months, because lololol Smods don't need to take sits. An age requirement for staff apps is dumb because so many good mods were below 16. I do have to say the staff team is a lot more lenient then before, because if it was stricter who would want to be staff.

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From Sugar in 2016



If you consider me inactive then so be it. I live and breath this server and have been every single day of my life for the past 2 years. While I don't play in game and occasionally take sits when I am not AFK doing something else I am always around via other ways of communication. The past 4 days I have worked for over 14 hours a day on the clothing vendor rework (8AM - 1 AM) which is why I have been relatively quite and not sleeping.


This is a rant on the staff, it has been a month so it's okay that we have a new thread on this, we always seem to hit the mark. Jokes aside, let me explain some things.


We have proper punishments here https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2055

We have Moderation guidelines here https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=131


Staff are volunteers and staff are usually kids (not ranting on people of younger age but it has proven time and time again that they really aren't the best people to be giving orders). This staff team is very laid back and it's how I prefer it. You don't have to be active 100% of the time, you don't have to overwork yourself and ect. At the end of the day, every staff member is a player of the server with powers to kick people out of the game if they are breaking the rules.


Listen, I know it can be difficult and believe me that I think it's difficult. Every day is a new issue and every new issue is something to work on. The reason why the staff issue comes up so frequently is because we don't get 100% competent people to apply for moderator. If that was the case, I could carefully pick and chose who becomes mod.


Now adays, that is not the case. I pick mods based off community activity, playtime and general knowledge. I am a lot more lenient because we need moderators and staff members. In a perfect world, we would not need staff to run this server. Everyone would just play the game and have a blast without any issue. Having one incompetent mod that has the power to easily identify who is a mass RDMer or not is better than having 0 staff members letting the whole server go wild.


I tell my staff to ban people on what they think is reasonable because so many variations can come into play which effects ban time. For example, this is how I usually ban / kick / warn


User that mass rdms and just goes for it: 7 Days

User that rdms because the guy he killed smelt bad: 3 days

User that kills another user because of an accident and he apologizes: Just a verbal saying of "Oh he understands, guywhogotrdmed take some cash"

User that kills another user because he dislikes him and tells us that he just doesn't like him: 1 - 3 days depending on whats going on


Staff don't take sits that are hard to decipher. As much as I don't want to say because it will anger some people, if your sit seems like a real drag then it most likely is. We want everyone to play by the rules but if you can get by without calling a sit every single time Jimmy calls you mr stinky head and you understand that people are ignorant and break minor rules from time to time and you don't want to bother a staff member then we will like you. If you ever have a sit and it doesn't result in a ban / warn / kick then the sit wasn't worth having.


What I mean is that if you call a sit that is so specific over a minor issue, you shouldn't be calling a sit. For example, lets take Billcats NLR example. Someone raided his base and after he died, he went back to the general area after dying and then got killed, he then went back to the base to ask them why they killed him and after they killed him again, he called for an admin because he got angry that the raiders kept killing him.


Why would you call an admin over that issue? You are not supposed to go back to the general area of your house after a raid, you going back, dying and then claiming to get an admin is 100% wrong and only wastes our time. If  your raiders kill you because you went back to the general area then...DONT go back there. Yes, I know it sucks to die but in a gamemode that is supposed to be super casual, you make all these issues that shouldn't be present.


We really don't want to talk to you and understand your issue if it will NOT result in a kick or a ban. It VERY hard to come to a conclusion if the evidence isn't there. If you call for an admin that Jimmy RDAed you because you were attempting to assault someone, are you really going to have a 4 minute sit trying to figure out if he was actually trying to attack someone? Go and talk to the officers about RDA, not staff. If the issue is minor to the point where you can talk it over with the people who are "breaking the rules" then DO that. If you call for a sit and or someone gets called to a sit and the final result is "Oh I didn't know that was in the rules, usually it's not like that on other servers" then you're ignorant and should really be punished for not reading the rules and wasting time but at the same time, if you learned, we want you to enjoy your time on the server. To make everyone happy is impossible so you have to do the best you can do.


If you are not specific about your issue and or we think your issue is a waste of time then we won't take it. Calling an admin for "Admin 2 me I have a question pls" is ignored. Calling an admin for "Admin 2 me, Jimmy said I was stinky so then I shot him and then he killed me which is RDM" will be ignored. Calling an admin for "admin 2 me I got arrested for having a gun out" is ignored. Calling an admin for "admin 2 me I got rdaed" and he was a pedophile then it's ignored. It seems that every single death in DarkRP is rdm. If you're not on the winning side then you think it's RDM. People cannot stand dying it's crazy.


If you want your minor issues to be sorted and you want ignorant staff demoted, record, record, record. Reporting people on the forums with enough proof gets them banned, reporting mods on the forums with proof get them banned. But if you have no proof then words are just words.


I went ahead and demoted all staff members that were inactive but at the same time, does it matter that much? Does it matter if we have inactive staff members? I don't really see the issue but I guess it keeps things clean?


Everyone comes to me because I seem to be the only one that provides real support + answers. I have the power to do anything because I am the owner. Having staff take charge and step up is pretty nice and it happens very rarely. I don't except much out of my staff but as I said above, its better to have some staff than no staff at all.


Let me know what grey areas there are in the rules and I can clear them up for you, it's not that big of a deal. Suggest rules that should be explained more and it will be done.


Me not physically not playing doesn't really influence if other staff members are going to moderate. I am always around but I just don't physically play because I am always doing something else.


Of course if we had like 16 staff members constantly on like before rather than the 2 - 4 that we now have, it would be a lot easier and all of this wouldn't be an issue.



We can't pick god like staff because god like people don't apply. You have to deal with what you get

You shouldn't be calling admins for minor issues that can be resolved by a quick conversation with the opposite party

Record if you want minor issues to be solved and staff to be demoted

I demoted all inactive staff because apparently having inactive staff that were good people triggers some people

Suggest grey areas to clear up

In a perfect world we would need no staff but because people are human beings and make mistakes on accident or on purpose but we need your help to resolve some issues too.


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35 minutes ago, WantedNearby said:

I'd say more than 50% of the current Smods have less than 10 sits taken in the past 2 months, because lololol Smods don't need to take sits. An age requirement for staff apps is dumb because so many good mods were below 16. I do have to say the staff team is a lot more lenient then before, because if it was stricter who would want to be staff.

Age requirement isnt dumb at all, on average older people are more mature, which is better being in a place of power. Players will always want to be staff and try their best to be staff, no matter how strict it is. Why? Because some players actually want to better the community and enforce rules.

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