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Wiz Khalifa

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Only few good staff members are GhostlyG, Hops, SirStache and others.


Ohhh nooo, you shouldn't have  :blush:


BUT; On a serious note, pleease, fucking preach.


Every time I get on I'm basically the only person doing anything, like you said, the other staff only go if they're involved.


I'm going to start recording demos called, "help" every time I get on, just so people realize literally nobody ever does anything.

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Please don't....


I mean I been trying my hardest to get on the server, but I don't hardly have a chance


If staff are abusing there powers by not doing sits and noclipping around, just send a proper formated staff report.

Then a head admin or sugar will talk about this report with the moderator.  It should be a simple as that, not some stupid witch hunt...


P.S. I would look great on report videos

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I have to pay for the 30 kids I adopted in Africa. Pay me sugar for playing

Also Cullen many of us understand staff not being on a lot. We are just talking about the staff that are on regularly that aren't doing shit

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