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Government Jobs (and Bank Update)


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So just some recent ideas that have come to mind after learning of the removal of the Mayor Jobs (Firearm Trainer/Landlord) and since my gang and myself have been doing a lot of Bank Manager+Guards recently and providing a dupe that has constantly been up to decorate the lobby and have basic defenses. So I think I'd give myself a shot at making some suggestions on this topic.


Government Jobs

A new job category with jobs related to the government but are not cops. These jobs would be required to follow all laws and follow under the Mayor's laws as they still work for him but do not work at the police station. As with CP jobs you are not allowed to commit crimes or assist criminals.


Bank Manager

  • Now a Government Job following that ruleset
  • Add a Bank Manager Menu (such as the Mayor Menu or King's Menu) with options such as:
    • Fire Bank Guard (Simply lets the Manager manage his guards)
    • Sound the Bank Alarm (Alerts the cops as if a 911 call but originates from the vault, and it would be the alarm that goes off when a c4 is used on it or a hacker makes the alarm go off)
    • Lockdown the Bank (Similar to PD lockdown but closes and locks the doors with some sort of cooldown, I'm guessing it would require a map update for shutters to come down in the front windows though)
    • Place Bank Screen (Have the ability to place an additional bank screen that would be moveable similar to the law board)
    • Siphon Money (Similar to Mayor's tax but instead from the Vault's money splitting the amount siphoned between you and the bank's employees. This would be the primary way of earning money and the job being contested and more valued)
  • Possibly if the bank is successfully raided the Bank Manager gets demoted for failing to defend the bank. This would definitely have to be a thing if the Siphon Money is a thing or at least some other way to force demote the manager.
  • Some way to grant temporary loans that would have to be paid back before the due date or interest would rise/it automatically deducts the amount from your money.


Bank Guard

  • Now a Government Job following that ruleset
  • Increased job slots by 1 or 2


Unnamed Extra Bank Employee

  • New Government Job
  • This is just here as a suggestion to instead of just having more Bank Guards you could also have like the Bank Shareholder or some sort of stronger guard like Bank Juggernaut
  • Not really necessary just really filling up space and making ideas for more government jobs


Firearm Trainer

  • Reimplemented from Mayor Job to Government Job
  • Earn EXP/Money for giving people Firearms licenses and or from people using the dummy placer SWEP they had I think
  • Maybe control which firearms are considered legal
  • Have a way for people to test out firearms you own
  • Have a way similar to gun stands to distribute firearms or just make them use gun stands



  • Reimplemented from Mayor Job to Government Job
  • Earn EXP for people owning doors you taxed
  • Somehow have a way to supply Door Shields/House Alarms to people
  • Something along the line of being able to do inspections and put like a certified thing on peoples door or mark them negatively for not passing inspection



  • New Government Job
  • Uses the Rebel Medic models that are currently unused
  • Similar to Medic in which they get the Medic Bag SWEP (Or something similar I just love that SWEP)
  • Can give people health insurance
  • When someone goes to low HP and has health insurance you get a ping on their location and a speed boost to go heal them
  • Gains EXP when healing someone who was low and or had health insurance and was injured
  • Or just use this idea and implement it into Medic, or rework Medic into this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



  • New Government Job
  • Uses one of the Hostage models that the Pianist isn't
  • Apparently this was a thing at some point
  • People can use this with Judge Gabe to do court cases
  • Able to make cases with lawsuit amounts, if two people agree on a case lets say the lawsuit is 50k, each of them would pay 25k and then after the case is settled the victor would receive the money. Victor could be decided by anyone in the court room acting as a jury or by the lawyer themself.



  • Possibly changed from Civilian Job to Government Job but not really necessary



Yeah that's basically everything I thought of, none of it is really necessary but it might be fun for people to be part of the government but not a cop is the short end of it. Also I'd like the Bank Manager to be able to fire guards out of everything is what I would want but the rest could wash out into the ocean, I just have fun writing up this sort of thing.

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11 minutes ago, SCP 343 said:

I like a lot of these ideas, especially the Bank Manager one. Currently, I don't see the use for the job, so it would be cool to see the Bank Manager be able to do stuff. +1

It's only real use is to protect the vault so its money rises, and then you hit it with the big c4 to maximize profit. So its only use is to job abuse, lmao.

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Please add a lawyer job I try to use judge gaben as a way to let people who didn’t do anything free but it would be cooler if there was a lawyer there and prosecutor 

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6 hours ago, HIDDEN said:

There used to be a lawyer job except it didn't really do anything other than spawn with a unarrest baton, I've seen some unique roleplays done with gabe and the lawyer but other than that the job was pretty useless. Sugar said he'd like to add it back if he can think of a way to make court in darkrp but still have it be fun and worth your time to do so

Redesign the court room so that if Gabe is on instead of spawning in cell you spawn in the court room in a cage. You can either represent yourself or pay like 5k to a lawyer to defend you. If no lawyer it’s just Gabe choosing your guilt. Big brain time 

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