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Game board glitch unplayable


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When ever I play chess or checkers there will be some point where I cannot move my pieces and this makes the game boards unplayable at times

How to reproduce:

Just play the game and see if it works for me it happens every time I play
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This is a pretty old bug, its been here since it was added I believe and has multiple bug reports on it. This usually fixes itself if you switch between clicking onto your pieces and the opposite sides pieces.

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This is not a bug but a game mechanic which the developer of the chess / checkers script has added. I'm not an expert on either so I will just link any information I could find on it. 

[Chess] Movement restrictions during check. You cannot make a move if it leaves you in check, or puts you in check

[Draughts] If a player can capture a piece, they must <-- this is most likely your issue. If you can jump the opponent's piece you must do so before the game can progress, even if it puts your piece in a spot where it can be jumped. You should plan all moves a few steps ahead.
[Draughts] Multi-jump rules implemented <-- if you can jump multiple pieces you must, however it will not happen automatically nor will the game tell you that you have to. You must figure out the move on your own.

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