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As a big quester I feel like some new quests can be added. Also I feel that some quests are just fucking stupid and shouldn't be quests. here are some ideas I've had for quests from thinking for a few minutes. Some are interesting some are whatever but I feel like quests are a way to force people to play different jobs if they wanna get those juicy juicy quest tokens as quests is one way to create wealth in suga.


Reach Max reward streak as the Serial Killer.

Kidnap and Sacrifice x amount of people as the Cultist or Preacher

Kidnap and Sacrifice x amount of cops

Kidnap and Sacrifice the Mayor

Collect x amount of buried treasure as the shipwreck Diver

Have your firewall stop a hack x amount of times

Successful heist the bank vault

As pig become pissed x amount of times

As Crip kill x amount of Bloods

As Blood kill x amount of Crips

As Gandalf cast your spells on x amount of unique people

Get x amount of kills while in rampage as the Abomination 

As Terrorist kill x amount of people in one attack

As Terrorist kill x amount of cops in one attack

Collect x amount of money from other people's printers

Collect x amount of money from your own printers

Process x amount of shipments from a processor

Collect x amount of bitcoins from a bitcoin miner

Scrap x amount of other people's vehicles 

As police k9 sniff out and destroy x amount of drug plants

As hacker successfully demote the mayor by hacking his panel

As hacker make someone win a scratch off from your hack

As hacker successfully destroy x amount of firewalls

As the Undercover cop arrest x amount of unique people that is the same job that you are uncover as

As mugger successfully pickpocket x amount of unique people

As the SWAT Sniper successfully kill wanted people over x amount of units

As SWAT Medic successfully heal other cops x amount of health

As the PD Commander arrest the highest bounty criminal x amount of times

As the bounty hunter kill the highest bounty criminal x amount of times

Win a revolt as the Revolt Leader x amount of times

Win a revolt as the Mayor x times

Prevent x amount of kidnaps as Mr Bones

Get 10 votes on your poll as the poller x amount of times

Search through x amount of Dumpster of Goods as any hobo class

Harvest x amount of Dark Spirit Jars

Destroy x amount of Cop Props as Trisha

Kill your !sleep target as jigsaw x amount of times

Kill x Stalkers,Babies,Pickles, or Treasure Hunters as Chucky

Kill x amount of people as Michael Myers

Fish up x amount of weapons

Fish up x amount of Armor Packs

Fish up x amount of Loot Boxes

Sell x amount of grams of Meth

Sell x amount of items from your gun stand

As Hobo throw boots and x amount of unique people


Disregard wording issues you can reword them as you wish but I would like to see some new quests and some old quests removed for example.


Get unfuned as the mayor x amount of times - Tell me how many times you see a mayor get unfuned this never happens and something you have to get unfuned more than once.

Create an artifact weapon - lmao good luck this doesn't compare to the other difficult quests like complete 30 bounties or something

Stop bank raids by any means/Stop bank raids as master Chief(I don't know if this is still a quest but at this time the Defend the PD bank event doesn't work with this and makes it an extremely annoying quest to do)

Get a mini printer to lv x or higher x amount of times (This shit just isnt fucking possible lmao)

Destroy printers 2 hours old x amount of times (I do not think this is possible either because new printers)



And before yall say these quests can be abused with friends a lot of the quests rn can as well. If you have any other ideas for this list feel free to comment it below.




Also thinking about it getting an extra reward for completing all your quests would be nice 

Edited by Mori
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