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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I think you should add in prone(laying down,of course) 

I think it would be really cool for hitmans and such to be more hidden.

Also cool in general.

Make raid's cooler too.

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I think you should add in prone(laying down,of course) 

I think it would be really cool for hitmans and such to be more hidden.

Also cool in general.

Make raid's cooler too.

I don't get what you mean by make raids cooler? How is he supposed to do that? Or do you mean prone would make raids cooler? One S makes the difference

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I have had the prone addon and i never experience lag or FPS drops and i have seen server's have it and never lag.Not sure why it would lag.

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I mean it would make raids LOOK cooler.


Massive fps drops look cool to you? The addon is just several more think hooks and a complicated animation.


The same thing was said when we were thinking about adding in CW 2.0, guess what, it didn't reduce FPS for anybody.


Not only would the prone addon look cool, but it would make it so that these effortless dumbass crouch bases are a bit easier to raid.

I say an addon that makes you ''Downed'' Before death would be cool, a mate helping you up on a party raid would be awesome, it would have to be limited to only 1 revive though.

*1 revive per life.

Like, turn the mechanics into some sort of Rainbow Six Siege, where you get killed by 1 single headshot, doesnt matter the weapon, and the body shots kill you in 2-3 shots. If anything armor should be fully removed in my honest opinion, I'd love some sort of realistic combat in DarkRP.



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I mean it would make raids LOOK cooler.


Massive fps drops look cool to you? The addon is just several more think hooks and a complicated animation.


The same thing was said when we were thinking about adding in CW 2.0, guess what, it didn't reduce FPS for anybody.


Not only would the prone addon look cool, but it would make it so that these effortless dumbass crouch bases are a bit easier to raid.

I say an addon that makes you ''Downed'' Before death would be cool, a mate helping you up on a party raid would be awesome, it would have to be limited to only 1 revive though.

*1 revive per life.

Like, turn the mechanics into some sort of Rainbow Six Siege, where you get killed by 1 single headshot, doesnt matter the weapon, and the body shots kill you in 2-3 shots. If anything armor should be fully removed in my honest opinion, I'd love some sort of realistic combat in DarkRP.



See,fragtrap's got it!

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Unboxing NEEDS improvements and fixing

#1. Its Really Really Really slow for some reason. (to test it try unboxing)

#2. its still complete shit. Its still not worth unboxing cause even if I get a pink, its still trash.


Soo here is what I think unboxing should have per tier


Blue: Regular weapons like Ak47's and shotguns, common tier upgraded weapons.

Pinks: Powerful Weapons; Awp assimov, m4a4 howl, stealth camo, $25k-$50k, uncommon tier upgraded weps.

Purples: Event Token, 100k-250k, Blowtorch, epic tier weapons, ect (idk that much, just make it op stuff)

Gold: 500k-1mil, Cannon, 10 event tokens, (idk if you still have this but,) Free 10$ game, legendary tier weapons.


You can Make your own rates and make the cost to unbox 1 crate like, 7.5k or something around there.

Basically just make it about the same as when you first added the system. No more of this 50%hp crap, or baby thrower.

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