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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Add WIRE!, it would change the server too much more different server,

limit some stuff to VIP such as expression 2, imagine how fun would be the game,

if VIPs could use expression 2, to programm what they wanna do, imagine the server in a technoligy warfare,

where you can make an automatic gunshop for all weapons and not just using the empty shelf, using a panel bit of scriptings and 4 buttons

what do you say about it?


The owner already said he wont add wire to the server becuase its performance  heavy and most people dont know  how to use it or use it in-general.


What performance it has? It does great.., I also said to limit stuff, and remove access to a part of them to not cause the server bug,

but still all the other tools will be greatly usfull, if people don't know how to use them we/internet can teach them, even by own they  can try to understand.

If they won't try, they'll never know, let the buy atleast experience here doesn't it?

Not that it requires scripting ALWAYS, it the same as can be said about fadding doors aswell exactly..

And what do you mean by 'heavy'? it is a file of functions.. that's it..

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I have optimized a few servers that use wire and it's one big cluster of things to really make more efficient. Wire is not for bigger severs, it's very expensive to run. Once you push past the 64 player limit, you have to make a lot of sacrifices to keep server performance high. In the very early days of the server we used to have wire. One day I removed it and it took 2 - 3 months for someone to notice. Cool tool but ithe would redline the sever at lower playercounts

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CPD Update? (you know you love us)



 • Raise paydays and CP paydays because they are ccurrently extremely useless. even first-time players have no real use for a $750 payment once in a blue moon. add a zero or something lol. Tax is fine tho.


 • Give CPs a better way to make money. CPs are a very important job but super underpaid. Currently we can fine people, which they rarely pay the fines, and when they do, it's split between the PD, which is fine, for a fine, but still useless. Maybe do like some servers do and give CPs $500 per arrest. That actually stacks up decently.


 • Add an actual CPD Supervisor job that can instantly demote a CP the same way a mayor can. that would be incredible. It definitely needs to one that will be voted for by the rest of the players.


 • Change the sound and color for the Nonlethal M4 so that it is SUPER easy for people to realize it is NONlethal. Probably 70% of the time people think the CPs are attempting RDM and gun them down when actually they were trying to detain an uncooperative person peacefully.


 • CP Radios. Please. PLEASE that's gotta be the main thing your CPs need and don't have.


 • Either add time to the jail time players are arrested for, EXCEPT for those arrested by autowant, that needs to stay how it is in case of Mass RDA minges joining; OR lower the amount of time someone can be kidnapped. My rational mind can't think of ANY reason why someone who is locked up for absolutely no reason should be forced to stay for longer than people who are actually causing harm or committing crimes.


That's all I got for now. Any of these, even on their own would be extremely awesome.


EDIT: CP cars? even just an airtug that's blue and says CPD on each side would be nice... I miss my CP car :'c RIP

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CPD Update? (you know you love us)



 • Raise paydays and CP paydays because they are ccurrently extremely useless. even first-time players have no real use for a $750 payment once in a blue moon. add a zero or something lol. Tax is fine tho.


 • Give CPs a better way to make money. CPs are a very important job but super underpaid. Currently we can fine people, which they rarely pay the fines, and when they do, it's split between the PD, which is fine, for a fine, but still useless. Maybe do like some servers do and give CPs $500 per arrest. That actually stacks up decently.


 • Add an actual CPD Supervisor job that can instantly demote a CP the same way a mayor can. that would be incredible. It definitely needs to one that will be voted for by the rest of the players.


 • Change the sound and color for the Nonlethal M4 so that it is SUPER easy for people to realize it is NONlethal. Probably 70% of the time people think the CPs are attempting RDM and gun them down when actually they were trying to detain an uncooperative person peacefully.


 • CP Radios. Please. PLEASE that's gotta be the main thing your CPs need and don't have.


 • Either add time to the jail time players are arrested for, EXCEPT for those arrested by autowant, that needs to stay how it is in case of Mass RDA minges joining; OR lower the amount of time someone can be kidnapped. My rational mind can't think of ANY reason why someone who is locked up for absolutely no reason should be forced to stay for longer than people who are actually causing harm or committing crimes.


That's all I got for now. Any of these, even on their own would be extremely awesome.


EDIT: CP cars? even just an airtug that's blue and says CPD on each side would be nice... I miss my CP car :'c RIP

Dima brings up a great point here.


CP's are one of the most important jobs (if they don't abuse) on the Server. If the advantages from playing them (i.e. Payday) is too low, it may be unappealing to some players.


I think the Payday should be higher for CP's.


Do it for Dima...

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CPD Update? (you know you love us)



 • Raise paydays and CP paydays because they are ccurrently extremely useless. even first-time players have no real use for a $750 payment once in a blue moon. add a zero or something lol. Tax is fine tho.


 • Give CPs a better way to make money. CPs are a very important job but super underpaid. Currently we can fine people, which they rarely pay the fines, and when they do, it's split between the PD, which is fine, for a fine, but still useless. Maybe do like some servers do and give CPs $500 per arrest. That actually stacks up decently.


 • Add an actual CPD Supervisor job that can instantly demote a CP the same way a mayor can. that would be incredible. It definitely needs to one that will be voted for by the rest of the players.


 • Change the sound and color for the Nonlethal M4 so that it is SUPER easy for people to realize it is NONlethal. Probably 70% of the time people think the CPs are attempting RDM and gun them down when actually they were trying to detain an uncooperative person peacefully.


 • CP Radios. Please. PLEASE that's gotta be the main thing your CPs need and don't have.


 • Either add time to the jail time players are arrested for, EXCEPT for those arrested by autowant, that needs to stay how it is in case of Mass RDA minges joining; OR lower the amount of time someone can be kidnapped. My rational mind can't think of ANY reason why someone who is locked up for absolutely no reason should be forced to stay for longer than people who are actually causing harm or committing crimes.


That's all I got for now. Any of these, even on their own would be extremely awesome.


EDIT: CP cars? even just an airtug that's blue and says CPD on each side would be nice... I miss my CP car :'c RIP


EDIT 2: CPs or at least certain CPs, like my proposed CPD Supervisor job need to be able to build in PD.


I understand that it was changed so that only the mayor can spawn props inside PD probably because of people abusing and propblocking PD, however this is not MY intention.


Yesterday when there was no mayor for several hours I had built a single keypad door onto the second PD door to keep intruders out, because when it is just a regular door, people can simply lock pick it or leave it open and then half the town is trespassing in the PD, and I can't exactly shoot, arrest, or report ALL of them. Well, basically I was then reported for having the door and ended up in a sit for almost an hour trying to explain how I checked the rules and found NOTHING informing me of being unable to add a door to the PD as a CP. The mods quoted a couple rules that do not actually clarify or prove their claim that what I did is against the rules.


"You may NOT own any Buildings or bases as a Job in this ruleset; however, the Mayor CAN place props inside the PD."


However, I argued that this does not say that ONLY mayor may have props inside PD, NOR does it say that CPs CANNOT. It also does not say this anywhere else in the MOTD. They agreed.


So then they repeatedly told me I need to "use common sense" and told me to check the first rule in the MOTD. Okay. So I did.


"DO use Common Sense. If you find a rule to be unclear or if you find yourself being enforced a rule that is not on this page, please contact a staff member. Please use your head and don't do things that obviously are unjust to other players, the server or yourself"


But I did not find a rule to be unclear. It seems clear to me that there is an absense of a rule and 2 of the 3 active staff members were trying to enforce the nonexistent rule for around 45 minutes when they could have been dealing with real situations. I did use my head and I came to the conclusion that I did not break any rules, and it is obviously NOT something that is unjust to other players or the server and it IS beneficial to myself and other CPs.


Yet, I was still told to remove the door anyway with threats of demotion and other enforcement of the nonexistent rule if I were to disobey their commands. Also, one of the staff left while we were in the sit, so that's ALL of the active staff dealing with me and my non - issue rather than dealing with actual minges and rulebreakers.


One of the two staff was very disrespectful to me after a while and WILL eventually be reported with full video evidence. (I started recording because their threats made me nervous that I would get falsely banned so I wanted evidence of their actions and mine.) They said they would change the rule in the MOTD and that it can still be enforced until then. That seems wrong to me. Is a bill a law before it is signed? Some of your staff can be rather tyrannical and corrupt at times. And this is not the first time they've done something like this.


Now that I explained what provoked all this, I will get down into the nitty gritty details of why it is EXTREMELY unfair to not allow CPs to build.


 • CPs cannot own any doors, or build props in any buildings, but literally ANY other player can.

 • Essentially the PD is the CP's base, and ONLY base, as it is all we are allowed. Why should we not be allowed to defend it unless there is a mayor?

• There is rarely ever a mayor, and when there is, they almost never last long enough to make the PD any kind of defendable. Yet, there are almost always CPs.

 • EVERYONE goes to the PD, and it is raided more than ANY other building.

 • PD has the most valuable raid, and it is currently WAY too easy to raid because it has NOTHING to defend it other than a single door (sometimes two, if the first door is closed and locked).

 • ANYONE else who has a team can all build in their base, meaning multiple people having props, so when CPs are raiding THEM, they often have to warrant / want multiple players, sometimes multiple times. However, when PD is raided only a single person has props, and that is almost never. So it is still too easy. A singe person can raid PD like it is nothing but the entire CP force can struggle to take down someone else's base. There's like no point even trying to do a CP raid.

 • The above all makes it WAY too easy for people to make a shit ton of money in almost no time at all, taking seemingly all effort out of the server. It has taken me almost 4 months to become a millionaire as a CP, probably half of which is donations for being good at it. Yet people who raid PD over and over because it is SUPER easy, can actually make like 10 million overnight. Literally. And then they just buy EVERYTHING. HOW is that fun? HOW is that a challenge?


It's starting to feel like you're making it impossible to be a CP, as we are being nerfed faster than a dart chain gun at this rate.


I honestly don't know if I'm gonna want to keep playing if this is how it's gonna be for me. CPs are supposed to have the advantages over the criminals, NOT the other way around. At least make it fair, please. Or I may have to find a new place to go, which would be disappointing, to say the least, because I love this server, the community it hosts, the functionality for different kinds of players and users, the odd jobs and whacky antics that just CAN'T be found in a lot of places, and many other things that are so great.




If it continues on this road to being a chaotic, anarchic, wasteland that harbors cop-haters, minges, and corrupt staff, I will cease to exist here.


Thanks for reading.


I love you guys.


-Dima Kirnov

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i dont know if u did this yet because i was banned for over a month or something but add a donation box for the hobos i like them or likded them never played in so long but every day i was wondering hen i was going to get unbanned i really like the server pleez unban me

u should also add auto freeze for the people who do not have a mouse to freeze props  auto freeze makes props as soon as u spawn them to freeze and when u move them they also freeze

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If I am not mistaken it's not that you're told that "you should not build in PD because it's against the rules" there is legit barrier that prevents you from building in the PD. If you notice that you cannot build in PD and then figure out that you can spawn a prop away from the barrier and then move it in so it would stick there, I feel as that falls under the common sense rule where "I know I can't build here but I can force myself to build here by doing this". I think I will just allow CP's to base though and prevent them from buying entities because that is the reason why they couldn't base in the first place.


CP Radios are too expensive, the only way to say if a player can hear another player is by using a very expensive function that is called hundreds of times a second with a full server (it still holds being the #1 most expensive function on the server). One solution to that is making a radio system that is easy to use. I forget which games have this, I think it's like CSGO or Overwatch. If you want something like that then that's 100% possible. I can show locations to CP calling for certain things + it can be broadcasted to all CPs


Increased jail time was experimented with but people hated it. Back with the EvoCity update that tried make this server as serious as possible, jail times were as high as 20 minutes. Then when the update was reverted it was kept at around 10 minutes and people still complained that it was still too long so I decided that 4 minutes is fine. Lowering the jail time with the auto-want is fine.


Changing how the non-lethal looks is fine and I can do that


A PD Supervisor sounds pretty neat


CP's have the easiest way of making money. Any purchases from the PD screen is split among everyone, fines are split among everyone, you get an increased payday and you get the regular payday, you get extra money for arresting someone with a bounty. I may include some extra ways for them to earn cash though


If it continues on this road to being a chaotic, anarchic, wasteland that harbors cop-haters, minges, and corrupt staff, I will cease to exist here.


DarkRP is beyond the most chaotic gamemode known to man, I have tried making it less about killing and more about RP in the past but that's not what people want. People just like killing each other, the amount of RP in any DarkRP server is very minimal. Except I still try to include updates where RP is a factor, I still hold by my words that any DarkRP experience is a lot better when you're doing something random with someone. Smaller DarkRP servers usually have a larger amount of RP because not everyone is blood thirsty. Then you have CC's which make all the matters worse which remain as the #1 mistake of this server but at this point, cannot be removed.


If staff are being corrupt, please report them. Anyone who says "it's not worth the time" just contributes to the issue themselves

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