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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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This was mentioned before but I will not waste time by finding it in the suggestion pages.



Now that bank + inventory are merged, I'd like to propose an idea of having an ATM around the map.


  • Easily handle your money
  • Accessible money transfer (safest way just like /check) 
  • Similar to an irl bank systems
  • Withdraw/Deposit/Transfer 
  • Doesn't take a lot of resource


This is a great idea since we now also have taxes. And the only way to avoid them currently is to inventory your money.

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This was mentioned before but I will not waste time by finding it in the suggestion pages.



Now that bank + inventory are merged, I'd like to propose an idea of having an ATM around the map.


  • Easily handle your money
  • Accessible money transfer (safest way just like /check) 
  • Similar to an irl bank systems
  • Withdraw/Deposit/Transfer 
  • Doesn't take a lot of resource


This is a great idea since we now also have taxes. And the only way to avoid them currently is to inventory your money.

Similare to what i said:

"Buffs for the bank manger such as but is not limited to:

  • Increase investment limit
  • Decrease interest time
  • Give credit cards to people that players can use to directly give money to people that charges intrest for each transaction that goes directly to the bank vault.
  • buy atm machines that they can place around the town that allows people to withdraw and deposit money from."

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Add "Front door of the PD can be locked" to motd.

People FUCKING LOVE making up their own rules about this and telling me that the owner/superadmin personally told them that the front door must remain locked at all times or the entire server will implode on itself and cause all our computers to catch fire so I'm wrong and go die. TRIAL MODS TOO!

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I made with a few other staff these suggestion yesterday on discords, so I am putting these in the suggestion thread so people can see if they don't have discord.  There are also some ideas that weren't mentioned.


The topic was mainly about the new gang rework and ideas around this rework/update:


  • A gang bank (Kinda like a guild bank in mmos) using this new inventory system.  
    How it would work is that everyone in the same gang can purchase inventory space with ingame cash or gang level requirement.  Everyone in the same gang can interact with the same inventory by putting guns inside, depositing money, and/or taking out guns/money.   Obviously there would have to be a limit on how much you can deposit and how much you can withdrawal per daily/weekly.

  • Gang wars (Credit goes to Cynthia).
    Kinda like how the bloods vs. Crisp go to war.  The only problem with this is a big RDM fest.  You see this problem a lot with the bloods vs. crisp.  Maybe instead of going to a NPC to access the war menu, maybe write in chat a command, "!Gangwar" and that would access the command

  • A gang player model or tag in chat.  
    Basically a way to show off what gang you represent. So for instance, if it was Sugar tits was in the COONS clan, it would be: [COONS][Not Sugar] Sugar tits:…. 
    If it was the player model, everyone in the gang would put down ingame money and then you can buy special player model.  This player model could be the same as an outfit in the clothing vendor or a special piece of clothing that only can be achieved by being in that gang in that respected vendor. 

  • Gang Chat Room
    I think this is self-explanatory.  You can message people through chat, that are only in your gang with a special command like "/g What is with that Cat in Sugar's Picture?"

  • Gang Achievements
    A bunch of milestone that gangs can receive.  Maybe some rewards that come with completing these Achievements.Some examples:

  1. Reach 10 people in a gang
  2. Reach level 20 as a gang
  3. Win your first Gang War
  4. Get a Gang Inventory

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I made with a few other staff these suggestion yesterday on discords, so I am putting these in the suggestion thread so people can see if they don't have discord.  There are also some ideas that weren't mentioned.


The topic was mainly about the new gang rework and ideas around this rework/update:


  • A gang bank (Kinda like a guild bank in mmos) using this new inventory system.  
    How it would work is that everyone in the same gang can purchase inventory space with ingame cash or gang level requirement.  Everyone in the same gang can interact with the same inventory by putting guns inside, depositing money, and/or taking out guns/money.   Obviously there would have to be a limit on how much you can deposit and how much you can withdrawal per daily/weekly.

  • Gang wars (Credit goes to Cynthia).
    Kinda like how the bloods vs. Crisp go to war.  The only problem with this is a big RDM fest.  You see this problem a lot with the bloods vs. crisp.  Maybe instead of going to a NPC to access the war menu, maybe write in chat a command, "!Gangwar" and that would access the command

  • A gang player model or tag in chat.  
    Basically a way to show off what gang you represent. So for instance, if it was Sugar tits was in the COONS clan, it would be: [COONS][Not Sugar] Sugar tits:…. 
    If it was the player model, everyone in the gang would put down ingame money and then you can buy special player model.  This player model could be the same as an outfit in the clothing vendor or a special piece of clothing that only can be achieved by being in that gang in that respected vendor. 

  • Gang Chat Room
    I think this is self-explanatory.  You can message people through chat, that are only in your gang with a special command like "/g What is with that Cat in Sugar's Picture?"

  • Gang Achievements
    A bunch of milestone that gangs can receive.  Maybe some rewards that come with completing these Achievements.Some examples:

  1. Reach 10 people in a gang
  2. Reach level 20 as a gang
  3. Win your first Gang War
  4. Get a Gang Inventory


I really loved this suggestion. I own a gang myself(TheDD) and really think that the gang system could be a bit more in depth. Although about the gang chat, the old gang system already had it. You can do it by doing /gang message.

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Add "Front door of the PD can be locked" to motd.

People FUCKING LOVE making up their own rules about this and telling me that the owner/superadmin personally told them that the front door must remain locked at all times or the entire server will implode on itself and cause all our computers to catch fire so I'm wrong and go die. TRIAL MODS TOO!


Added it under Cop Rules.

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Add "Front door of the PD can be locked" to motd.

People FUCKING LOVE making up their own rules about this and telling me that the owner/superadmin personally told them that the front door must remain locked at all times or the entire server will implode on itself and cause all our computers to catch fire so I'm wrong and go die. TRIAL MODS TOO!


Added it under Cop Rules.



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When the gang system was first implemented it did have your tag in chat. It was like that for a few days until it just felt really cluttered. Just think that everything you say would be connected to your tag + your rank tag + if you're in a party + if you're talking in ooc so you would have things like


[COONS][Not Sugar](OOC) Sugar Tits: Lol I like long messages!

[POOPSNIFF][Admins](OOC) Cullen: Lol me 2!


This makes messages way too long and it would look like a rainbow IMO


The new gang system may or may not have a gang inventory. It most likely will but it depends how it works out. Instead of having 4 - 5 different factions as planned, I was going to merge them together so you wouldn't feel like you're missing out on anything. Achievements are a long term goal and will not be in for the gang system

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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


PD In-Game Plugins

Whats the suggestion?

So basically what im suggesting is so, the PD or anything affiliated with PD will have a working radio instead of having to type or team chat, Also including radio static sound when pressing the radio button. Also to see if a coder or some sort of plug in manager to create a "Code book" so lets say if a suspect is an assault with a deadly weapon lets say it would be "6:3" and maybe adding a compass of some sort if a suspect is escaping from arrest to use the PD radio to call in "6:3 Assault with a deadly weapon running (Direction) bound.


Why would it help/ be more efficient?

I believe PD radio/ with compass would increase the realism of PD players and experience while using real radio and direction hud with codes to go by. I also think it would help it being more efficient for players to call a run away player resisting arrest and make it overall more fun for PD players. In stead of using "u" for team chat and having to stop and type where hes going it would be faster and way easier to call in using the radio.


I appreciate you looking over this and taking this suggestion into consideration, and will hopefully bring more realism to PD/Police force.



                                                                                                             Thank you, and have a great day.



I like the radio part but disagrees with the code one. This server is mostly casual, and most of the time PD isn't played that much. Adding another layer of complicacy/learning curve would just make it harder and probably will be entirely ignored. Also like Gnome say, again Titsrp is not serious rp.


I disagree. I take my role as a CP serious and pretty much always play as CP, especially on this server, which is the main server Iplay on. the CP may not be the focus of the server, but Tits has the most CP functionality in any darkrp server (exluding santosrp I'm sure) that currently exists. And saying it's not a "serious" rp just because it's a bit silly doesn't really do it justice. I love this server. it feels like a real community instead of just another competitive game, which is the feeling I get from most other servers on gmod. if anything it might be the most serious rolePLAY, as it truly gives people a sort of freedom you don't see on most multiplayer games.


+1 for CP radios

- for codebook (just Google the penal code)


also the MOTD has a good reference for fining criminals as a CP, but my suggestion would be a fine guideline with actual crime names, description, and a range for how much each crime is finable. this is sort of like your code book idea but more practical for both players and administration.


Expanding on this idea from yesterday, I have drafted an example of what my idea for a better and more accessible fine guideline could look like. This could act as an item in-game or maybe something you can reference in the console with a command, the same way you can view !laws that the mayor has created. There is practicality in this because the current Fine Guideline is extremely broad and can seem opinionated and biased at times, especially when it causes a situation that requires administration (e.g. someone calls an admin because a CP overfined). Even if a CP knows to use the MOTD, the current guideline gives no example of which crimes are to be taken more serious than others.


correction: the guidelines have been updated since I last saw them and give 2-3 examples for each, which, to my surprise, matched what I had come up myself with quite well (not perfectly).


the draft reads:







 • Spamming

 • Public Nuisance

 • Disorderly Conduct

 • Public Building

 • Obstruction

 • Vandalism

 • Stalking

 • Harrassment

 • Threatening

 • False Report



MILD OFFENCE $50-$2500


 • Possession of Contraband

 • Distribution of Contraband

 • Extortion

 • Bribery

 • Vehicle Theft

 • Loitering

 • Trespassing

 • Breaking & Entering

 • Theft / Raiding

 • Brandishing w/o License

 • Unreasonable Discharge

 • Threatening w/ Weapon

 • Assault

 • Battery

 • Aggravated Assault



SEVERE OFFENCE $2500-$5000


 • Production of Contraband

 • Hoarding of Contraband

 • Possession of Arsenal

 • Possession of WMD

 • Reckless Driving

 • Attempted Murder

 • Kidnap

 • Rape

 • Pedophilia

 • Murder



EXTREME OFFENCE $5000-$10,000


 • Resisting Arrest

 • Escaping Custody

 • Evasion of CP

 • Impersonation of CP

 • Obstruction of CP

 • Assault on CP

 • Kidnap of CP

 • Gang Intimidation

 • Assassination

 • Serial Murder



TERRORIST OFFENCE $10,000-$20,000


 • Terrorist Threatening

 • Conspiracy

 • Revolt / Treason

 • Raiding CPD

 • Murder of CP

 • Kidnap of Mayor

 • Assassination of Mayor

 • Mass Shooting

 • Mass Murder

 • Use of WMD / Bombing



UNIVERSAL OFFENCE (Administration Required)


 • FRP (Fail Role-Play)

 • FDA (Fading Door Abuse / other building abuse)

 • UPC (Unauthorized Prop-Climb)

 • UPB (Unauthorized Prop-Block)

 • NLR (New Life Revenge)

 • RDA (Random Arrest)

 • RDM (Random Death-Match)

 • RRDM (Revenge Random Death-Match)

 • LTAP (Leaving To Avoid Punishment)

Oh yeah and before I forget, it would be nice to see the Most Wanted / Active Bounties with a command as well.

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