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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Does no one care about the hazmat class? To me it literally just seems like a class to go when you want to go rdm people, The ebola system in my opinion is really stupid and shouldn't even be on the server, And the hazmat class you legit just walk around scanning people and if they have ebola out right rdm them, Which isn't considered rdm because they have ebola so its fine, I would say about 90% people kill when they go the hazmat class don't even ask people if they want the antidote its just "have ebola kos" Idk just seems a little stupid to me that there are classes that are just rdm classes.

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Does no one care about the hazmat class? To me it literally just seems like a class to go when you want to go rdm people, The ebola system in my opinion is really stupid and shouldn't even be on the server, And the hazmat class you legit just walk around scanning people and if they have ebola out right rdm them, Which isn't considered rdm because they have ebola so its fine, I would say about 90% people kill when they go the hazmat class don't even ask people if they want the antidote its just "have ebola kos" Idk just seems a little stupid to me that there are classes that are just rdm classes.


Thanks for reminding me, I was going to make it so they could no longer RDM the person. It will also be made so there a drug you can take to make yourself immune to ebola for some time in the next update (either tomorrow morning or the next day, it's a fat update)

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Is it possible to make it so you can change job after you kidnapper dies/jailed? Because if I get kidnapped and the kidnapper gets killed or arrested I still can't change job and have to wait ages or tell someone to kill me to even change job :/

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I was thinking is possible if the cop gangs could get a small rework?


Mainly just how much exp you get for doing things.

Currently you get 1 exp if someone pays a fine and 1 exp for having a cop gang about every hour or so.


It takes forever to level them up!

I had a thief gang leveled up to 5 on the first day I made it but at this rate it is going to take days just for 1 level. 


I was hoping maybe increasing the amount of exp you get and maybe adding in more options.



Fine Paid - 5 exp

Fine not paid - 2 exp

Having a cop gang - 1 exp every 30min - 1 hour if someone in the gang is online

defusing c4? - 10 exp

destorying a printer - 5 exp


Just some ideas.

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May we have a little auction feature when it comes to selling items?


User must have item in their hand and do a certain command 


(e.g /startbid priceHere, !startbid priceHere)


The auction will begin and people can increase the bidding to win the item 


(Max Printer, Minigun, Shipments, or even Singles)


This will cause the market of Gun Dealers/Black Market Dealers to drop since some may sell it cheaper rather than using those little stands where people rarely look at unless you have a flashing sign that causes the server to have seizures but it's very similar to how the real world works (Buy/Sell/Trade)

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I am not happy with the new UI for the boombox. It is harder to find the music I enjoyed playing. It doesn't let pick the music I wanted to hear. Make the UI better. I prefer the older UI or UI with more music. Does the music come from Soundcloud or Youtube? Sugar make easier for me and others to find the music they want to play.


Neither, it comes from a German website called Pleer. You can upload your own music to it if you want to see it on the search bar. This is the only playback api that works very well and works in gmod. Youtube does not support audio streaming and the way it was done before was gutted and had a 30% chance of working. This one works 100% of the time except it doesn't have nearly as many options as youtube.


Soundcloud does work though and I can add support for that


Can you give me URL of the website. I want to upload a remix that found that seems great.

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Suggestion: If you deal damage to someone. You are unable to use master sword (mainly)/lightsaber for 10 seconds.


This is a terrible idea,i mean also what if your getting RDMed you cant run,also what if you fall and take damage,or what if you get crossfired. Terrible idea tbh

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Suggestion: If you deal damage to someone. You are unable to use master sword (mainly)/lightsaber for 10 seconds.


If you are a cop isn't that what the non lethal is for?

And 10 seconds is way to long maybe 2 seconds because chances are if you damage someone you are going to keep damaging someone.


But what would happen if you used your mastersword and took fall damage? or got crossfired?

or if you are using your mastersword/lightsaber to run away because you dont want to get murdered and you are going to call cops?


-1 Bad idea.

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