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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I believe the current map is too small and I think you should keep downtown so maybe find a bigger downtown?

Perks, you removed them and the perks were good perks i think you should add those back.

Also add more perks, like faster reload speed/auto reload or faster crouch speed etc.

Also more money printers/ better upgrades for them. Its so hard to make money.

I also believe you debuffed the processors, all i get is csgo knifes.

More Guns, explosives dealer, explosives/grenades like flash(blinds you) stun (walk slower) emp(disables fading doors, scopes, etc.) a short radius though, and very expensive like 20 million for one due to the fact they'd be super OP for raids.

Ill post more later :3 but think about these please!

Add a ChopShop to illegal cars! It will give a reason to Carjack cars,trucks and buses!Then it will give you from 10k - 500k based on how much the cars values.



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I believe the current map is too small and I think you should keep downtown so maybe find a bigger downtown?

Perks, you removed them and the perks were good perks i think you should add those back.

Also add more perks, like faster reload speed/auto reload or faster crouch speed etc.

Also more money printers/ better upgrades for them. Its so hard to make money.

I also believe you debuffed the processors, all i get is csgo knifes.

More Guns, explosives dealer, explosives/grenades like flash(blinds you) stun (walk slower) emp(disables fading doors, scopes, etc.) a short radius though, and very expensive like 20 million for one due to the fact they'd be super OP for raids.

Ill post more later :3 but think about these please!

Add a ChopShop to illegal cars! It will give a reason to Carjack cars,trucks and buses!Then it will give you from 10k - 500k based on how much the cars values.




Most of the stuff that you said, was to make money more valuable before the map change.  Now he's update it, so there is no need to change how it is...



Making a bigger downtown map...

Sugar was going to make downtown have a sewer system and a kinda updated pd...

Idk whatever happened to that though...

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Vehicle Upgrades aka Nos,suspension,(color can cost money to change), turbo, engine, handling, hydraulics, etc.

Mechanic Job(you call the mechanic to fix your car.)

assassin and hitman have a swep to blend in (camoflauge or they can change there player model to someone else for a short period of time.)

Not saying they are the best ideas and could lead to mass rdm but it would be nice.

Drugs, cocaine gives you speed etc.

I think the mine idea was a good idea.

store money in a bank that gives interest over time played can upgrade interest for money as well.

just like a safe zone a war zone or arena.

a race track (place to race so less vdm)

truck/vehicle for raids so when u raid someone u can take there printers and put them in the truck.

A spy job, can use a drone to spy in bases(kos if caught using drone to make it fair.)(flying drone and ground drone.)(both small but visible)

Hobos build really big things in the street that make it hard for vehicles to pass, a rule for that.

Sewers/more secretive unknown places to goto.

bounty system/bounty hunter job(bountys must be 10k or more and can be added onto to make the bounty higher. Unlike hitman and assassin only being able to take one job a bounty hunter can do more for more money. also maybe a vip job. a bounty hunter should supply their own weapons therefore all they get is fist.)(supply there own weapons means going to a gun dealer and buying guns.)(people with bountys on them have the right to kill nearby bounty hunters.)

Hacker job(reg)Master Hacker(vip) keypad crackers. Master Hacker makes less noise and faster.

Hiring system(pay money for amount of time hired from wallet/pocket.) Good for mercenaries,Hackers,Medics etc.

Master Thief doesn't lock pick faster and should be made a little quieter and faster.

Better camera systems to keep better eye out on your base.

I believe the current map is too small and I think you should keep downtown so maybe find a bigger downtown?

Perks, you removed them and the perks were good perks i think you should add those back.

Also add more perks, like faster reload speed/auto reload or faster crouch speed etc.

Also more money printers/ better upgrades for them. Its so hard to make money.

I also believe you debuffed the processors, all i get is csgo knifes.

More Guns, explosives dealer, explosives/grenades like flash(blinds you) stun (walk slower) emp(disables fading doors, scopes, etc.) a short radius though, and very expensive like 20 million for one due to the fact they'd be super OP for raids.

Ill post more later :3 but think about these please!

Add a ChopShop to illegal cars! It will give a reason to Carjack cars,trucks and buses!Then it will give you from 10k - 500k based on how much the cars values.




Most of the stuff that you said, was to make money more valuable before the map change.  Now he's update it, so there is no need to change how it is...



Making a bigger downtown map...

Sugar was going to make downtown have a sewer system and a kinda updated pd...

Idk whatever happened to that though...


xD i made a bigger post feel free to read also for banter another suggestion is make me a TMOD :D lol but don't get salty just a prank! i would like to be though.

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Vehicle Upgrades aka Nos,suspension,(color can cost money to change), turbo, engine, handling, hydraulics, etc.

Mechanic Job(you call the mechanic to fix your car.)

assassin and hitman have a swep to blend in (camoflauge or they can change there player model to someone else for a short period of time.)

Not saying they are the best ideas and could lead to mass rdm but it would be nice.

Drugs, cocaine gives you speed etc.

I think the mine idea was a good idea.

store money in a bank that gives interest over time played can upgrade interest for money as well.

just like a safe zone a war zone or arena.

a race track (place to race so less vdm)

truck/vehicle for raids so when u raid someone u can take there printers and put them in the truck.

A spy job, can use a drone to spy in bases(kos if caught using drone to make it fair.)(flying drone and ground drone.)(both small but visible)

Hobos build really big things in the street that make it hard for vehicles to pass, a rule for that.

Sewers/more secretive unknown places to goto.

bounty system/bounty hunter job(bountys must be 10k or more and can be added onto to make the bounty higher. Unlike hitman and assassin only being able to take one job a bounty hunter can do more for more money. also maybe a vip job. a bounty hunter should supply their own weapons therefore all they get is fist.)(supply there own weapons means going to a gun dealer and buying guns.)(people with bountys on them have the right to kill nearby bounty hunters.)

Hacker job(reg)Master Hacker(vip) keypad crackers. Master Hacker makes less noise and faster.

Hiring system(pay money for amount of time hired from wallet/pocket.) Good for mercenaries,Hackers,Medics etc.

Master Thief doesn't lock pick faster and should be made a little quieter and faster.

Better camera systems to keep better eye out on your base.


  • I don't know how this is possible. I don't know if I can edit vehicle scripts in real time but if I can then I can do temporary "tuneups"
  • VCMod was disabled which means vehicles no longer have health, which means they can't be blown up. I don't know if I want to add a hook to allow vehicle damage but we will see
  • The infiltrator has this
  • In the works to be integrated with my weed zone system, eta Thursday or Friday
  • No point in having a mine on downtown
  • I made an ATM that could do this yet, there is no purpose to have one if people don't drop money on death. The only incentive is to put it in the bank to get more money which is silly imo
  • That would lead to an absolute poop fest, I can't allow it
  • I can't just modify the map to add this in
  • This isn't a bad idea
  • This is doable but I don't know when I would make something like this, maybe in a few weeks
  • Hobos can build where ever they want
  • I can't modify the map
  • That is actually a good idea
  • I can do this since it basically defeats the purpose of the jobs
  • I can do this
  • I can do this

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How about drones? Not for combat, but for espionage.


For example, a raider could see a base he likes, gets his drone and flies it in to see what loot they have.


Another example, a specialised PD job pilots special nano drones (almost silent and with a very small red light) to catch criminal activity. So say if a drug deal was taking place, the drone could fly over, identify the players, and then the PD could want them.


P.S: Take a look at my portal storm suggestion 1 or 2 pages back. That could be a good idea as well.

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How about drones? Not for combat, but for espionage.


For example, a raider could see a base he likes, gets his drone and flies it in to see what loot they have.


Another example, a specialised PD job pilots special nano drones (almost silent and with a very small red light) to catch criminal activity. So say if a drug deal was taking place, the drone could fly over, identify the players, and then the PD could want them.


P.S: Take a look at my portal storm suggestion 1 or 2 pages back. That could be a good idea as well.


Basically you are asking for cameras that you can move over people's bases.

I feel that drones will take a huge chunk of the server and make people lagg, but sugar knows more than me.

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Chatbox spams my phone with popups when I scroll or select a thread.


It's a function error, maybe there's an undefined func somewhere? Maybe there's a typo somewhere?

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Chatbox spams my phone with popups when I scroll or select a thread.


It's a function error, maybe there's an undefined func somewhere? Maybe there's a typo somewhere?


It's fixed

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