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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I am wondering if we could get custom physgun colors and custom playermodel colors re added again cause honestly I feel like everyone having default shirt color and physgun color takes away from the creativity of the server cause I really like being able to have Green, Red, Beige clothes and Orange and Purple colors for the physgun. It might have been removed due to crashing but is there anyway it can be reimplemented

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I don't know that much about the server and how feasible this could be but:

Add a command that syncs your client to the server as in where a person is standing and looking. Sometimes you can be standingt still and still get hitmarkers but not damage people since on their screen they are somewhere else which rules out just normal lag.

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Why the heck do you have a bounty system if it is the most under utalized system ever. Why not make it so that if you bloody cuff somebody. in the fine menu. It does the damn math for you. I understand the point of Making things more entertaining but as of late cops have been getting the shaft. Rather strong shaft i must add.


Make it so that in the arrest menu there is a tab that allows a cop to autofine the bounty of a person. and if they pay or not it autowipes it.


that way we won't have this issue. plus as of late there is the huge issue of people killing cops for arresting people. instacuffs is nice but it does jack all when a guy and his mates will all gun you down for cuffing one of them for breaking the law. 


even jug can't handle that. it's annoying and ruins any sense of the word "" Roleplay " in this server.


you wonder why cops just cuff a single person and shoot everybody around them?! Impossible to do the job otherwise!


I agree it is underused. When it was first implemented, there was a whole lot more to it but it was stripped because no one really used it. I will take your suggestion and add in something that makes it easier for cops to use the bounty system.


I am wondering if we could get custom physgun colors and custom playermodel colors re added again cause honestly I feel like everyone having default shirt color and physgun color takes away from the creativity of the server cause I really like being able to have Green, Red, Beige clothes and Orange and Purple colors for the physgun. It might have been removed due to crashing but is there anyway it can be reimplemented


This was disabled in the past because it eats up people's FPS but I will try to develop and alternative to have colors back!

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On 1942RP there's an "economy" system I think this server should adapt it's own style of. It makes the Mayor actually useful and is a neat way of encorporating salaries. Basically it works like this;


Everyone has salaries, the salaries are pretty high and you frequently get money for it. To balance this, there's an economy system where the Mayor is randomly asked a question. The choice they make effects the economy, which is a percentage system where the % is how much of people's total salary they're getting. People can revolt for low economy; the Mayor can also set taxes on various job classes and pool money for the Vault (Another balance to the high salary, where the better the economy is doing the more taxes the Mayor can get away with). Once he reaches milestones of large sums he can buy things, ranging from giving all police a gun, grenade, giving himself jugg armor, start an event, give everyone a bonus, etc. etc.. Hopefully you get the idea. (Would love to see some silly things they can buy, given the nature of the server. Cereal spawning on everyone, a thomas spawning in the square, random bounties/hits on people. Would like to see other peoples ideas for things he can buy)


Would give a reason for people to play as Mayor and stay as them, would be a nice way of adding salaries, and just adds more to do as the Mayor which honestly is quite a stale job unless you're doing ridiculous things.


And also could we get a Police Supplier job? Can give out gun licences, sell small firearms to civilians, and most importantly stock the police with gear.

(Also make Firearms Trainer a cop and give him something unique, can't even remember the last time I saw one.)

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