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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Add a rule stating that any form of raiding / assist / pd raid / warn, in an advert must be separate. I've seen people have "warn 1/2/3/ pd raid / false / ". I don't know what they are doing and it's unfair.


Clarify in the spirt caller / blood extractor that damaging players will allow them to kill you.


Add a short warning before a player revolts to all PD, that way people who revolt don't instakill all the CP.

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Make it so staff can't take their own sits. I feel like when staff take their own sits there is a lot of bias and (And first of all we need to stop the moderator/admin circle jerk.) a lot of bad bans. If the moderators had more unbiased sits then we can stop a lot more false/bad bans.

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I agree with Buckell.


I see staff that do nothing unless it involves themselves personally. I also see staff that do nothing unless it involves a friend or a gang member. 


Both of those are going to be biased. Staff member can say "I'm never biased!". When it's personal and it involves you, it will be. That's just being a human, nothing around it.


If there are no other staff on and it isn't a major issue, then I would suggest putting it on the forums as a report.




Make staff only handle situations that does not directly involve them in anyway. If it does and it's major - then that's the exception.

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I agree with Buckell.


I see staff that do nothing unless it involves themselves personally. I also see staff that do nothing unless it involves a friend or a gang member. 


Both of those are going to be biased. Staff member can say "I'm never biased!". When it's personal and it involves you, it will be. That's just being a human, nothing around it.


If there are no other staff on and it isn't a major issue, then I would suggest putting it on the forums as a report.




Make staff only handle situations that does not directly involve them in anyway. If it does and it's major - then that's the exception.


You also have to take in note that sometimes a situation can be twisted in a way from perspective, someone can report rdm when they dont realize the situation they were in. So if something like a Terrorist Attack and someone is reporting it and saying hey this person is rdming and they bring them after the sit and say, No i was doing a terrorist attack they think that they are just doing something to abuse the fact they have power, but something like a failed mug *where the UI says your mugging them and goes on CD but it never informs them* and they get killed they may freak out that they never got mugged and they take the sit. However It is 100% perfectly acceptable to accept your own sits if its to explain what happened, however if the person in the sit is wanting someone else you have to oblige that request. 


You also have to take note that now that gangs are a thing people are abit more unified in areas so other staff will be abit more biased twords people in their gang (not saying everyone)


TL;DR People are going to be biased no matter who takes the sit.

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A Fisherman job that can fish faster and spawns with a pole. Maybe he gets more xp for fishing.

Maybe he could make a fishing stand and sell fish.


To go along with that, make variations of fishing poles that do different things, like some could have a higher catchrate but have a way lower chance at getting rare fish, or some vice versa.

The Fisherman could sell the poles.

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Spirit Caller:

Allow Self Spirit Cutting *but at a cooldown such as blood extraction* so you dont have to play a guessing game weather someone has 500+ experience or not. // Minus the EXP Cost and just have it be more of a major health cost, also disallow healing from medkits and you have to use health injectors. **if possible** //

If this isnt enough have a spirit gage that the caller can see who has enough exp on them to cut their spirits. 


Gundealers/shelf selling:


Allow the gun dealers to sell items off shelfs for EXP (1 minute cool down per person so its to not be exploited by a group of 2 people selling objects for 0 dollars and recycling it back and forth for EXP. 

*give the supplier the gun sales shelf*


CP/Revolt/Bank Heist:


Make a PD cooldown for those who enter the PD as a revolter,heister, or CP. making it more difficult to have cops break NLR and kill the still existing revolt/heisters.

Once a CP dies in the PD they cant come back until the heisters die are wiped out/ the revolt leader dies/ or the mayor parishes(more for revolts)



- If possible make a semi-guide on exp earnings or make a list of all the things people can do to earn EXP at that time with a sort of menu listing how much exp they earned from one thing and the same from another (so people can have abit more control on how much they do and know how much they can do left.) 

- Make the Sewer Lord able to break open doors (give him a sludge hammer that he can use to break open doors in underground homes)

- Allow Hobos to buy homes in the underground (as living on the surface isnt allowed for them)

- Fix the CC color change for the classes as I kinda dislike looking at a wall of yellow tags (yellow isnt my favorite color)


The issue is that Spirit Talismans are pretty powerful. It allows you to have an effect that lasts until death which can be pretty unfair if EVERYONE had it. It took me a very long time to figure out how people would obtain them since getting a ton of them would be an issue. You can already self cut yourself to get a jar if you have the XP (it will tell you that you don't have enough xp pooled up if thats the case)


The issue with allowing the caller to see if they have enough XP pooled would be very intensive. As of right now, no one really knows how much XP you have except for you and the server. I think this also is better since the job would be too easy and allow you to just run around and cut everyone you saw that had above 600 XP (even now, you're not supposed to cut someone unless you're looking to die, I don't know why people think it's okay to rdm as the job, no one had this issue with the blood extractor on the weapon modifier)


Gun dealer thing is going to happen


The PD thing with NLR is something I might be able to do


I can make an XP guide maybe. I will make it so you will be able to see how much XP you have left in a certain category.


The sewer lord breaking open doors sounds pretty cool


The hobo thing seems like a Law for the mayor to make


CC colors are hard and it's weird to properly network them since every player would need to get that information. I can see if I can do something that isn't too crazy


Add rule:

For your base to be a public place, you must have a sign posted stating such. Violation of the public place rule while you have a posted sign is the same punishment as printers with a building sign.


I don't think that's necessary. If a public place is a public place then it's wide open and it has nothing in it. Being able to walk in and out of the place should confirm if it's a public place. A boombox in the place shouldn't consider the place raidable (I know some people raid a place for the sole reason because there is a boombox in there if the guy is just trying to have some fun)


Make staff only handle situations that does not directly involve them in anyway. If it does and it's major - then that's the exception.


TL;DR People are going to be biased no matter who takes the sit.


I agree with Vexxy. In a world where staff are extremely plentiful, this would be great because if you're in a conflict between a mod and yourself, obviously you both have different views. If you got another perspective it would be easier to solve. The issue is that this server has little staff to begin with (or little staff that actually do stuff). If this was made a requirement, it would heavily slow down every process for helping other users.


Also, moderators SHOULD know the rules. In this case, if you get into a conflict with them, YOU SHOULD be in the wrong. This isn't always the case and sometimes stuff happens but again, in a perfect world with staff members who are on point, a staff member should be able to resolve their own issue because they know the rules.


I always say that if you're looking for another opinion, post it on the forums to get some other views on it.


A Fisherman job that can fish faster and spawns with a pole. Maybe he gets more xp for fishing.

Maybe he could make a fishing stand and sell fish.


To go along with that, make variations of fishing poles that do different things, like some could have a higher catchrate but have a way lower chance at getting rare fish, or some vice versa.

The Fisherman could sell the poles.


I can add more fishing poles or add more bait that can either be craftable or found or something. I think a new job for it is kinda filler job. I want to start removing jobs that all don't have their unique purpose since it's pretty silly to see 90 different cops + 50% of the vip jobs don't have any kind of purpose. But that will be changing

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Reposting for Sugar. I'm not sure if you just look @ the latest page for suggestions or missed it - I made a lot of suggestions that would ultimately fix revolting / raiding the pd + removing the mlg cop jobs, while keeping them in the server.




Major overhaul to police jobs, raiding, heisting, etc. Some of these ideas are "repeated" ideas, this is just to keep everything in one spot.






- Make it so the leader has to be within x amount of distance of the PD - if he leaves distance then he gets auto demoted / killed. This prevents leaders from hiding across the map.


- Possibly change the revolters to the rebel class - as of right now, there aren't suppose to be "corrupt cp/mayors" which is fail RP.


 So the rebel class is essentially useless, but make it so either the rebels  can start/join the revolt or players are changed to rebel when they join. This helps the CP side a little more - so you don't have "Gay Devils" coming in with mini guns mowing everyone down.




- Add a !PDHeist as a function in order to heist/raid.


- Make the cooldown start when the last CP / heist/raider dies.


- Change the color/material of heisters / CP. When people raid, usually people join in later, it's hard to keep track of "Woops, looks like i'm raiding the PD again". 


- Possibly change heist/raiders to the Bank Heister. Make the vault in the bank / pd only be opened by the bank heister leader. CP / Mayor cannot unlock / lock the vault.


- After the heist/raid is over - vault automatically locks after 30 seconds so people don't get trapped in there, and if they do - it kills/teleports them.





- Make it so you have to be within a certain distance of the PD to revolt and heist/raid. Usually the entire server joins in, and it isn't fair for the CP. This also requires more communication on the people wanting to do this.


- Has to have a certain amount of CP on to revolt and heist/raid.


- When a revolt and heist/raid start - the PD automatically locks down.


- When a player dies from revolt and heist/raid - they are "ghosted" upon returning to the PD. Once the revolt and heist/raid is over, they can enter the PD. 


"Ghosted" would be something like where they can't be interacted with by other players or other "ghosted" players. Alternatively - make a "barrier" around the PD so they cannot enter the PD but can still interact with other things / play normally in the area.




Talent Change:



Recall - When the PD locks down, you are given a notification to teleport to the PD. Same cooldown.


Changes to instant backup when playing mayor (or completely new talent)


- When a revolt and heist/raid start, the mayor has access to the "Call for backup" talent (new or changed). When X amount of CP's die or x amount of time has passed, the mayor can call for x additional units. Units spawn near the PD and not inside. Revolters and Heist/Raiders are notified of the backup call. Units called back will be the "elite task force" job set.  


Otherwise - when call for backup is activated, a random CP unit will be asked if they want to back up the mayor. Player that clicks "Yes" to backing up the mayor, gets teleported somewhere near the mayor as secret service.




Call for backup normal CP talent:


Ask a random CP if they want to backup that unit, if they say yes - their job is changed to a random swat class (Swat, Swat Medic, Swat Enforcer, Swat Sniper)



CP Job Changes -


Disable these jobs from being selected:


Secret Service


Soldier 76


Combine Team Six

All of Swat (including sniper)



Remove these jobs completely:

Civil Protection Specialist

Swat Chief / Commando / 


Add this job:


Civil Protection Supplier (one slot)

- Sells specific guns to CP only. 

- Spawns in with default CP kit.


Civil Protection Medic (one slot)

- Spawns in with default CP kit + a med kit


Job Changes:




- None


CP Lead:


- Spawns with AR15 / M16




- A way to detect printers if they have the "Minimal Sound" upgrade.

- A way to detect processors.


Secret Service:


- Disabled

- Spawns near the mayor when the mayor calls for backup, when there is no revolt / raid.




Disabled normally.

Change it so that when a revolt and raid/heist starts, VIP only players that are a current CP class are asked if they want to become the juggernaut.




- Spawns in with the M16 with acog.

- Is one of the "random backup" units.

- Disabled


Swat Enforcer:


- Random Backup Units

- Disabled


Swat Medic:


- Random Backup Unit

- Disabled


Swat Sniper:


- Random Backup Unit

- Disabled

- Only an option if player is VIP, otherwise it picks from the other three.


Soldier 76:


- Elite Job

- Disabled

- Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist.




- Elite Job

- Disabled

- Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist.




- Elite Job

- Disabled

- Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist.


Combine Team Six:


- Elite Job

- Disabled

- Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist.



Mayor's Assassin:


- Give them fake handcuffs / arrest, etc. Give them all the tools a normal CP has, but non functioning. Mayors assassin is virtually useless when all you have to do is "Show cuffs". 

- Give appropriate job / model change. I've seen people with their job as "K9" but have a swat/gaben model.



There's a lot of stuff here, I will probably go back through and clean it up later.


The changes will nerf CP and raiders. CP won't have access to "super cop" classes immediately. Raiders won't be able to mow down CP with their instakill weapon perms.


Also - raiding cp won't be as rampant as it is, because people ignore the 15 minute rule. Even moderators ignore it. No one enforces it because there aren't many "For CP" mods/admins. 


There won't be NLR abuse either, which the CP side seems to do more often than the revolters.


I'm still open for not having class changes for raiding though, just a thought.

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