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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people.


I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors.


Kind of a random suggestion but i thought it was a good idea.

thanks so much for your time,


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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


I think that we should make it so the movie theatre can actually be used for youtube videos and such, with a job called the cinema owner that plays stuff for people.


I understand that the cinema is a very popular base to have for people. However i think if this was implemented we would have a lot more activity in there. (of course we would need to make it so weapons arnt allowed inside) and you can do that on the server side. like actually take guns away from people temporarily when they walk into the cinema doors.


Kind of a random suggestion but i thought it was a good idea.

thanks so much for your time,



Sugar has said when the update comes we will have a real theatre.

However I would like for said theater to be able to play more than just youtube, best believe given the opportunity id roleplay as theater manager just to play episodes of adult swim shows nonstop

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Breaking items from processors gets a little tedious.. especially when you have a lot of processors. 






- An inventory option to convert shipments into weapon stacks or item stacks for easier selling.


- Blowing up one processor doesn't blow up all of them. (If they aren't frozen)


- Rocket launchers to blow up props from a distance, just enhances raiding and makes it more interesting. Probably would want to make the rocket less powerful than c4 - so you could like shoot a rocket, run up and throw down a c4. Rocket launchers could be really rare from !unbox (Like as rare as winning the 500k or 1mil, whatever those odds are, to give unboxing more use - and be a little money sink for players. Or a way to make money by selling launchers. I think making the launcher rare would be better than the rockets. So you could add rocket ammo to the ammo tab for like 50k per rocket. Also a cooldown of like 3 minutes to shoot another rocket would be needed so you can't just shoot through bases. Again it needs to be really hard to obtain the rocket launcher.




* Also I want to revisit and really sell the pros of allowing raiders to pocket processors, even if in a limited amount (like say... 3, 4 or 5 processors at a time)


*ORIGINAL SUGGESTION* My suggestion to combat this pointless raiding, would be to make it so you can pickup other peoples processors and put them into like... !recover or something, And you could look at a processor and type !claimprocessor and then it would disappear and go into your 'recover' inventory and if you wanted to spawn it in you could type !recoverall and it would spawn in all the processors you had collected.. or !recover to only spawn in one at a time. Then this gives the investment of a raid, be it a c4 or risking a blowtorch purpose. Obviously !recover wipes with the server reboot. Let me know what you think, but I guarentee that this would make more people raid/base (And this would also increase the server population because people get invested into their bases and wont log off.) Cheers.


- Creates a way to get back at your raiders where you can go get your stuff back.


- Creates much needed rivalry's - for example now if someone raids me, and they blow up my stuff - it' seen as a dick move because THERE IS NO GAIN, so I will put them on my shit list and blow up their processors - so no one raids because then they make enemies who will blow up their processors. So I have to be truced with everyone on the server - because there is nothing to gain - and if I blow up peoples stuff I am an asshole - and they'll then try to blow up my stuff, to no gain at all... Literally based for like 12 hours yesterday and had 5 raid attempts - and that's a high amount. (Also raiding is really hard w/o c4 - but any base is now POSSIBLE to raid since you increased the c4 from like 10 second prop knockout to 2 mins <3 - But c4 is rarely used because ^)


- A reason to raid. ^


- Sitting in your base is boring pocketing entities = more raiders = more fun.


- Less truces - right now there are huge groups of people who don't raid each other because we're all pals and again - it's a dick move to blow up entities.


- Again, a reason to actually use c4 1-3 = ($150,000-$450,000) for a raid. 


- Make Tact and everyone else happy.


I really think this is the best thing you could possibly add. 


And I don't think this is said enough - but I appreciate all the work in keeping up with nerfs and suggestions Sugar. Keep it up! ^>^

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Sugar said new tools for both raiders and defenders were coming in the new update so keep an eye out in the upcoming months!


Pocket should definitely be added for entities like printers, processors, etc and you drop them if you die so the defenders/police can recover them. You could even just name it something like "Printer Pocket." Add a small note for police or batman like "bulging pockets" if you're carrying something illegal and they can try to search you and arrest you.

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I'd like to see a camera man job, where you are given a camera, which broadcasts what the camera sees to TVs. I believe there is a workshop mod for this already. forget what it's called though. You could buy tvs through the f4 shop. The job would be in the other or normal category.

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