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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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The general buyers NEEDS a change. yesterday we had shitstorm over two people trying to sell things, one guy was trying to build there to make sure he sold safely, we had to stop him from doing that, the other guy came to sell shit as well and they started bickering none stop and it snowballed into this whole situation. The buyer needs to take most things direct out in inventory and give you the money directly. Too many times have I had or seen issues with this

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The general buyers NEEDS a change. yesterday we had shitstorm over two people trying to sell things, one guy was trying to build there to make sure he sold safely, we had to stop him from doing that, the other guy came to sell shit as well and they started bickering none stop and it snowballed into this whole situation. The buyer needs to take most things direct out in inventory and give you the money directly. Too many times have I had or seen issues with this


Definitely. It'd be great if there could be a trading dialogue menu. Trying to sell stuff at the general buyer is a pain in the butt always looking over your shoulder to make sure nobody's gonna swipe your cash.

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If mayor fires someone, make it so they can't switch for 5 minutes/until the mayor gets demoted


Yes, the cop just comes back to the job and does the same thing again its annoying




A new Chatbox?


Something with emojjies, different group chats, etc...


I haven't tampered with chatboxes because the past few ones we used had gnarly memory leaks. I don't even know how to go about making one but that is 100% of the fun. I will start working on one


The general buyers NEEDS a change. yesterday we had shitstorm over two people trying to sell things, one guy was trying to build there to make sure he sold safely, we had to stop him from doing that, the other guy came to sell shit as well and they started bickering none stop and it snowballed into this whole situation. The buyer needs to take most things direct out in inventory and give you the money directly. Too many times have I had or seen issues with this


Interacting with the current inventory is iffy. It has a lot of issues with it which I can't seem to identify (mainly it's due to how it's core is coded + how it interacts with the DB). I was thinking of making my own inventory so I can support things like this.

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